Thu, 04 Jan 2018 20:21:36 +0200
simplified Matrix
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Teemu Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QApplication> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QFile> #include "documentmanager.h" #include "ldDocument.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "partdownloader.h" #include "documentloader.h" #include "glRenderer.h" ConfigOption(QStringList RecentFiles) ConfigOption(bool TryDownloadMissingFiles = false) enum { MaxRecentFiles = 10 }; DocumentManager::DocumentManager(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), HierarchyElement(parent), m_loadingMainFile(false), m_isLoadingLogoedStuds(false), m_logoedStud(nullptr), m_logoedStud2(nullptr) {} DocumentManager::~DocumentManager() { clear(); } void DocumentManager::clear() { for (LDDocument* document : m_documents) { document->close(); delete document; } m_documents.clear(); } LDDocument* DocumentManager::getDocumentByName(QString filename) { LDDocument* doc = findDocumentByName(filename); if (doc == nullptr) { bool tmp = m_loadingMainFile; m_loadingMainFile = false; doc = openDocument(filename, true, true); m_loadingMainFile = tmp; } return doc; } void DocumentManager::openMainModel(QString path) { // If there's already a file with the same name, this file must replace it. LDDocument* documentToReplace = nullptr; LDDocument* file = nullptr; QString shortName = LDDocument::shortenName(path); for (LDDocument* doc : m_documents) { if (doc->name() == shortName) { documentToReplace = doc; break; } } // We cannot open this file if the document this would replace is not // safe to close. if (documentToReplace and not documentToReplace->isSafeToClose()) return; m_loadingMainFile = true; // If we're replacing an existing document, clear the document and // make it ready for being loaded to. if (documentToReplace) { file = documentToReplace; file->clear(); } bool aborted; file = openDocument(path, false, false, file, &aborted); if (file == nullptr) { if (not aborted) { // Tell the user loading failed. setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); Critical(format(tr("Failed to open %1: %2"), path, strerror(errno))); } m_loadingMainFile = false; return; } file->openForEditing(); m_window->closeInitialDocument(); m_window->changeDocument(file); m_window->doFullRefresh(); addRecentFile(path); m_loadingMainFile = false; // If there were problems loading subfile references, try see if we can find these // files on the parts tracker. QStringList unknowns; for (LDObject* obj : file->objects()) { if (obj->type() != OBJ_Error or static_cast<LDError*>(obj)->fileReferenced().isEmpty()) continue; unknowns << static_cast<LDError*>(obj)->fileReferenced(); } if (config.tryDownloadMissingFiles() and not unknowns.isEmpty()) { PartDownloader dl(m_window); dl.setSourceType(PartDownloader::PartsTracker); dl.setPrimaryFile(file); for (QString const& unknown : unknowns) dl.downloadFromPartsTracker(unknown); dl.exec(); dl.checkIfFinished(); file->reloadAllSubfiles(); } } LDDocument* DocumentManager::findDocumentByName(QString name) { for (LDDocument* document : m_documents) { if (isOneOf(name, document->name(), document->defaultName())) return document; } return nullptr; } QString Dirname(QString path) { int lastpos = path.lastIndexOf(DIRSLASH); if (lastpos > 0) return path.left(lastpos); #ifndef _WIN32 if (path[0] == DIRSLASH_CHAR) return DIRSLASH; #endif // _WIN32 return ""; } QString Basename(QString path) { int lastpos = path.lastIndexOf(DIRSLASH); if (lastpos != -1) return path.mid(lastpos + 1); return path; } QString DocumentManager::findDocumentPath(QString relativePath, bool subdirs) { // LDraw models use backslashes as path separators. Replace those into forward slashes for Qt. relativePath.replace("\\", "/"); // Try find it relative to other currently open documents. We want a file in the immediate vicinity of a current // part model to override stock LDraw stuff. QString relativeTopDir = Basename(Dirname(relativePath)); for (LDDocument* document : m_documents) { QString partpath = format("%1/%2", Dirname(document->fullPath()), relativePath); QFileInfo fileinfo(partpath); if (fileinfo.exists()) { // Ensure we don't mix subfiles and 48-primitives with non-subfiles and non-48 QString partTopDir = Basename(Dirname(partpath)); for (QString subdir : g_specialSubdirectories) { if ((partTopDir == subdir) != (relativeTopDir == subdir)) goto skipthis; } return partpath; } skipthis: continue; } if (QFileInfo::exists(relativePath)) return relativePath; // Try with just the LDraw path first QString fullPath = format("%1" DIRSLASH "%2", config.lDrawPath(), relativePath); if (QFileInfo::exists(fullPath)) return fullPath; if (subdirs) { // Look in sub-directories: parts and p. Also look in the download path, since that's where we download parts // from the PT to. QStringList dirs = { config.lDrawPath(), config.downloadFilePath() }; for (const QString& topdir : dirs) { for (const QString& subdir : QStringList({ "parts", "p" })) { fullPath = format("%1" DIRSLASH "%2" DIRSLASH "%3", topdir, subdir, relativePath); if (QFile::exists(fullPath)) return fullPath; } } } // Did not find the file. return ""; } QFile* DocumentManager::openLDrawFile(QString relpath, bool subdirs, QString* pathpointer) { print("Opening %1...\n", relpath); QString path = findDocumentPath(relpath, subdirs); if (pathpointer) *pathpointer = path; if (path.isEmpty()) return nullptr; QFile* fp = new QFile(path); if (fp->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return fp; fp->deleteLater(); return nullptr; } LDObjectList DocumentManager::loadFileContents(QFile* fp, int* numWarnings, bool* ok) { LDObjectList objs; if (numWarnings) *numWarnings = 0; DocumentLoader* loader = new DocumentLoader(m_loadingMainFile); loader->read(fp); loader->start(); // After start() returns, if the loader isn't done yet, it's delaying // its next iteration through the event loop. We need to catch this here // by telling the event loop to tick, which will tick the file loader again. // We keep doing this until the file loader is ready. while (not loader->isDone()) qApp->processEvents(); // If we wanted the success value, supply that now if (ok) *ok = not loader->hasAborted(); objs = loader->objects(); delete loader; return objs; } LDDocument* DocumentManager::openDocument(QString path, bool search, bool implicit, LDDocument* fileToOverride, bool* aborted) { // Convert the file name to lowercase when searching because some parts contain subfile // subfile references with uppercase file names. I'll assume here that the library will always // use lowercase file names for the part files. QFile* fp; QString fullpath; if (search) { fp = openLDrawFile(path.toLower(), true, &fullpath); } else { fp = new QFile(path); fullpath = path; if (not fp->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { delete fp; return nullptr; } } if (not fp) return nullptr; LDDocument* load = (fileToOverride ? fileToOverride : m_window->newDocument(implicit)); load->setFullPath(fullpath); load->setName(LDDocument::shortenName(load->fullPath())); // Loading the file shouldn't count as actual edits to the document. load->history()->setIgnoring(true); int numWarnings; bool ok; LDObjectList objs = loadFileContents(fp, &numWarnings, &ok); fp->close(); fp->deleteLater(); if (aborted) *aborted = ok == false; if (not ok) { load->close(); return nullptr; } load->addObjects(objs); if (m_loadingMainFile) { m_window->changeDocument(load); m_window->renderer()->setDocument(load); print(tr("File %1 parsed successfully(%2 errors)."), path, numWarnings); } load->history()->setIgnoring(false); return load; } void DocumentManager::addRecentFile(QString path) { QStringList recentFiles = config.recentFiles(); int idx = recentFiles.indexOf(path); // If this file already is in the list, pop it out. if (idx != -1) { if (idx == recentFiles.size() - 1) return; // first recent file - abort and do nothing recentFiles.removeAt(idx); } // If there's too many recent files, drop one out. while (recentFiles.size() >(MaxRecentFiles - 1)) recentFiles.removeAt(0); // Add the file recentFiles << path; config.setRecentFiles(recentFiles); m_window->syncSettings(); m_window->updateRecentFilesMenu(); } bool DocumentManager::isSafeToCloseAll() { for (LDDocument* document : m_documents) { if (not document->isSafeToClose()) return false; } return true; } void DocumentManager::loadLogoedStuds() { if (m_isLoadingLogoedStuds or(m_logoedStud and m_logoedStud2)) return; m_isLoadingLogoedStuds = true; m_logoedStud = openDocument("stud-logo.dat", true, true); m_logoedStud2 = openDocument("stud2-logo.dat", true, true); m_isLoadingLogoedStuds = false; if (m_logoedStud and m_logoedStud2) print(tr("Logoed studs loaded.\n")); } bool DocumentManager::preInline(LDDocument* doc, LDObjectList& objs, bool deep, bool renderinline) { // Possibly substitute with logoed studs: // stud.dat -> stud-logo.dat // stud2.dat -> stud-logo2.dat if (config.useLogoStuds() and renderinline) { // Ensure logoed studs are loaded first loadLogoedStuds(); if (doc->name() == "stud.dat" and m_logoedStud) { objs = m_logoedStud->inlineContents(deep, renderinline); return true; } else if (doc->name() == "stud2.dat" and m_logoedStud2) { objs = m_logoedStud2->inlineContents(deep, renderinline); return true; } } return false; } LDDocument* DocumentManager::createNew() { LDDocument* document = new LDDocument(this); m_documents.insert(document); return document; }