Sun, 06 Sep 2015 15:14:27 +0300
Add ${LDFORGE_HEADERS} into the add_executable call so that header files without corresponding source files show up in Qt Creator's project listing
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Teemu Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QFileDialog> #include <QMessageBox> #include "../dialogs.h" #include "../glRenderer.h" #include "../ldDocument.h" #include "../mainwindow.h" #include "../partDownloader.h" #include "../primitives.h" #include "../dialogs/configdialog.h" #include "../dialogs/ldrawpathdialog.h" #include "../dialogs/newpartdialog.h" #include "filetoolset.h" #include "ui_makeprim.h" FileToolset::FileToolset (MainWindow* parent) : Toolset (parent) {} void FileToolset::newPart() { NewPartDialog* dlg = new NewPartDialog (m_window); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { m_window->createBlankDocument(); dlg->fillHeader (currentDocument()); m_window->doFullRefresh(); } } void FileToolset::newFile() { m_window->createBlankDocument(); } void FileToolset::open() { QString name = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName (m_window, "Open File", "", "LDraw files (*.dat *.ldr)"); if (name.isEmpty()) return; OpenMainModel (name); } void FileToolset::save() { m_window->save (currentDocument(), false); } void FileToolset::saveAs() { m_window->save (currentDocument(), true); } void FileToolset::saveAll() { for (LDDocument* file : m_window->allDocuments()) m_window->save (file, false); } void FileToolset::close() { if (not currentDocument()->isSafeToClose()) return; currentDocument()->close(); } void FileToolset::closeAll() { if (not IsSafeToCloseAll()) return; CloseAllDocuments(); } void FileToolset::settings() { (new ConfigDialog (m_window))->exec(); } void FileToolset::setLDrawPath() { LDrawPathDialog* dialog = new LDrawPathDialog (m_config->lDrawPath(), true); if (dialog->exec()) m_config->setLDrawPath (dialog->path()); } void FileToolset::exit() { ::exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } void FileToolset::insertFrom() { QString fname = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(); int idx = m_window->suggestInsertPoint(); if (not fname.length()) return; QFile f (fname); if (not (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { Critical (format ("Couldn't open %1 (%2)", fname, f.errorString())); return; } LDObjectList objs = LoadFileContents (&f, nullptr); currentDocument()->clearSelection(); for (LDObject* obj : objs) { currentDocument()->insertObj (idx, obj); obj->select(); m_window->renderer()->compileObject (obj); idx++; } m_window->refresh(); m_window->scrollToSelection(); } void FileToolset::exportTo() { if (selectedObjects().isEmpty()) return; QString fname = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(); if (fname.length() == 0) return; QFile file (fname); if (not (QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { Critical (format ("Unable to open %1 for writing (%2)", fname, file.errorString())); return; } for (LDObject* obj : selectedObjects()) { QString contents = obj->asText(); QByteArray data = contents.toUtf8(); file.write (data, data.size()); file.write ("\r\n", 2); } } void FileToolset::scanPrimitives() { PrimitiveScanner::start(); } void FileToolset::openSubfiles() { for (LDObject* obj : selectedObjects()) { LDSubfile* ref = dynamic_cast<LDSubfile*> (obj); if (ref and ref->fileInfo()->isCache()) ref->fileInfo()->openForEditing(); } } void FileToolset::downloadFrom() { PartDownloader::staticBegin(); } void FileToolset::makePrimitive() { PrimitivePrompt* dlg = new PrimitivePrompt (g_win); if (not dlg->exec()) return; int segs = dlg->ui->sb_segs->value(); int divs = dlg->ui->cb_hires->isChecked() ? HighResolution : LowResolution; int num = dlg->ui->sb_ringnum->value(); PrimitiveType type = dlg->ui->rb_circle->isChecked() ? Circle : dlg->ui->rb_cylinder->isChecked() ? Cylinder : dlg->ui->rb_disc->isChecked() ? Disc : dlg->ui->rb_ndisc->isChecked() ? DiscNeg : dlg->ui->rb_ring->isChecked() ? Ring : Cone; LDDocument* f = GeneratePrimitive (type, segs, divs, num); f->openForEditing(); m_window->save (f, false); } // These are not exactly file tools but I don't want to make another toolset just for 3 very small actions void FileToolset::help() { // Not yet implemented } void FileToolset::about() { AboutDialog().exec(); } void FileToolset::aboutQt() { QMessageBox::aboutQt (m_window); }