
Sun, 10 Jun 2018 23:25:08 +0300

Teemu Piippo <>
Sun, 10 Jun 2018 23:25:08 +0300
changeset 1402
parent 1400
child 1403

some rework in description

 *  LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD
 *  Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018 Teemu Piippo
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#include "../documentmanager.h"
#include "../linetypes/modelobject.h"
#include "../lddocument.h"
#include "../mainwindow.h"
#include "../editHistory.h"
#include "../canvas.h"
#include "../colors.h"
#include "../glcompiler.h"
#include "../algorithms/invert.h"
#include "edgeline.h"
#include "triangle.h"
#include "quadrilateral.h"
#include "conditionaledge.h"
#include "comment.h"
#include "empty.h"
#include "circularprimitive.h"

// List of all LDObjects
QMap<qint32, LDObject*> g_allObjects;

enum { MAX_LDOBJECT_IDS = (1 << 24) };

// =============================================================================
// LDObject constructors
LDObject::LDObject() :
	m_isHidden {false}
	m_randomColor = QColor::fromHsv (rand() % 360, rand() % 256, rand() % 96 + 128);

// =============================================================================
QString LDSubfileReference::asText() const
	QString val = format ("1 %1 %2 ", color(), position());
	val += transformationMatrix().toString();
	val += ' ';
	val += m_referenceName;
	return val;

QString LDBezierCurve::asText() const
	QString result = format ("0 !LDFORGE BEZIER_CURVE %1", color());

	// Add the coordinates
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		result += format (" %1", vertex (i));

	return result;

// =============================================================================
QString LDError::asText() const
	return contents();

int LDObject::triangleCount(DocumentManager*) const
	return 0;

int LDSubfileReference::triangleCount(DocumentManager* context) const
	LDDocument* file = fileInfo(context);
	if (file)
		return file->triangleCount();
		return 0;

int LDObject::numVertices() const
	return 0;

int LDObject::numPolygonVertices() const
	return this->numVertices();

// =============================================================================
LDBezierCurve::LDBezierCurve(const Vertex& v0, const Vertex& v1, const Vertex& v2, const Vertex& v3)
	setVertex(0, v0);
	setVertex(1, v1);
	setVertex(2, v2);
	setVertex(3, v3);

// =============================================================================
static void TransformObject (LDObject* obj, Matrix transform, Vertex pos, LDColor parentcolor)
	switch (obj->type())
	case LDObjectType::EdgeLine:
	case LDObjectType::ConditionalEdge:
	case LDObjectType::Triangle:
	case LDObjectType::Quadrilateral:
		for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i)
			Vertex v = obj->vertex (i);
			v.transform (transform, pos);
			obj->setVertex (i, v);

	case LDObjectType::SubfileReference:
			LDSubfileReference* ref = static_cast<LDSubfileReference*> (obj);
			Matrix newMatrix = transform * ref->transformationMatrix();
			Vertex newpos = ref->position();
			newpos.transform (transform, pos);
			ref->setPosition (newpos);
			ref->setTransformationMatrix (newMatrix);


	if (obj->color() == MainColor)
		obj->setColor (parentcolor);

 * Returns whether or not a compound object should be inverted.
bool LDMatrixObject::shouldInvert(Winding winding, DocumentManager* context)
	bool result = false;
	result ^= (isInverted());
	result ^= (transformationMatrix().determinant() < 0);
	result ^= (nativeWinding(context) != winding);
	return result;

 * The winding used by the object's geometry. By default it's CCW but some documents referenced by
 * a subfile reference may use CW geometry.
 * Since the native winding of a subfile reference depends on the actual document it references,
 * determining the winding requires the libraries for reference.
Winding LDObject::nativeWinding(DocumentManager* /*context*/) const
	return CounterClockwise;

 * Reimplementation of LDObject::nativeWinding for subfile references
Winding LDSubfileReference::nativeWinding(DocumentManager* context) const
	return fileInfo(context)->winding();

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDSubfileReference::rasterize(
	DocumentManager* context,
	Winding parentWinding,
	Model& model,
	bool deep,
	bool render
) {
	LDDocument* subfile = this->fileInfo(context);

	if (subfile != nullptr)
		Model inlined {context};
		subfile->inlineContents(inlined, deep, render);

		// Transform the objects
		for (LDObject* object : inlined)
			if (shouldInvert(parentWinding, context))
				::invert(object, context);

			TransformObject(object, transformationMatrix(), position(), color());


// =============================================================================
LDPolygon LDObject::getPolygon()
	LDObjectType ot = type();
	LDPolygon::Type polygonType;

	switch (ot)
	case LDObjectType::EdgeLine:
		polygonType = LDPolygon::Type::EdgeLine;

	case LDObjectType::Triangle:
		polygonType = LDPolygon::Type::Triangle;

	case LDObjectType::Quadrilateral:
		polygonType = LDPolygon::Type::Quadrilateral;

	case LDObjectType::ConditionalEdge:
		polygonType = LDPolygon::Type::ConditionalEdge;

		return {};

	LDPolygon data;
	data.type = polygonType;
	data.color = color();

	for (int i = 0; i < data.numVertices(); ++i)
		data.vertices[i] = vertex(i);

	return data;

LDColor LDObject::defaultColor() const
	return MainColor;

bool LDObject::isColored() const
	return true;

bool LDObject::isScemantic() const
	return true;

bool LDObject::hasMatrix() const
	return false;

// =============================================================================
QVector<LDPolygon> LDSubfileReference::rasterizePolygons(DocumentManager* context, Winding parentWinding)
	LDDocument* file = fileInfo(context);

	if (file)
		QVector<LDPolygon> data = fileInfo(context)->inlinePolygons();

		for (LDPolygon& entry : data)
			for (int i = 0; i < entry.numVertices(); ++i)
				entry.vertices[i].transform (transformationMatrix(), position());

			if (shouldInvert(parentWinding, context))

		return data;
		return {};

void LDSubfileReference::setReferenceName(const QString& newReferenceName)
	changeProperty(&this->m_referenceName, newReferenceName);

// =============================================================================
// Moves this object using the given vector
void LDObject::move (const QVector3D vector)
	if (hasMatrix())
		LDMatrixObject* mo = static_cast<LDMatrixObject*> (this);
		mo->setPosition (mo->position() + vector);
		for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(); ++i)
			setVertex (i, vertex (i) + vector);

bool LDObject::isHidden() const
	return m_isHidden;

void LDObject::setHidden (bool value)
	m_isHidden = value;

LDColor LDObject::color() const
	if (this->m_color.isValid())
		return this->m_color;
		return this->defaultColor();

QColor LDObject::randomColor() const
	return m_randomColor;

LDObject* LDObject::newFromType(LDObjectType type)
	switch (type)
	case LDObjectType::SubfileReference:
		return new LDSubfileReference {};

	case LDObjectType::Quadrilateral:
		return new LDQuadrilateral {};

	case LDObjectType::Triangle:
		return new LDTriangle {};

	case LDObjectType::EdgeLine:
		return new LDEdgeLine {};

	case LDObjectType::ConditionalEdge:
		return new LDConditionalEdge {};

	case LDObjectType::Comment:
		return new LDComment {};

	case LDObjectType::Error:
		return new LDError {};

	case LDObjectType::Empty:
		return new LDEmpty {};

	case LDObjectType::BezierCurve:
		return new LDBezierCurve {};

	case LDObjectType::CircularPrimitive:
		return new LDCircularPrimitive {};

	case LDObjectType::_End:

	return nullptr;

// =============================================================================
void LDObject::setColor (LDColor color)
	if (color == this->defaultColor())
		color = LDColor::nullColor;

	changeProperty(&m_color, color);

// =============================================================================
// Get a vertex by index
const Vertex& LDObject::vertex (int i) const
	return m_coords[i];

// =============================================================================
// Set a vertex to the given value
void LDObject::setVertex (int i, const Vertex& vert)
	changeProperty(&m_coords[i], vert);

LDMatrixObject::LDMatrixObject (const Matrix& transform, const Vertex& pos) :
	m_position (pos),
	m_transformationMatrix (transform) {}

void LDMatrixObject::setCoordinate (const Axis axis, double value)
	Vertex position = this->position();
	position.setCoordinate(axis, value);

const Vertex& LDMatrixObject::position() const
	return m_position;

// =============================================================================
void LDMatrixObject::setPosition (const Vertex& a)
	changeProperty(&m_position, a);

// =============================================================================
const Matrix& LDMatrixObject::transformationMatrix() const
	return m_transformationMatrix;

void LDMatrixObject::setTransformationMatrix (const Matrix& val)
	changeProperty(&m_transformationMatrix, val);

LDError::LDError (QString contents, QString reason) :
	m_contents (contents),
	m_reason (reason) {}

QString LDError::reason() const
	return m_reason;

QString LDError::contents() const
	return m_contents;

Vertex LDBezierCurve::pointAt (qreal t) const
	if (t >= 0.0 and t <= 1.0)
		Vertex result = pow(1.0 - t, 3) * vertex(0);
		result += (3 * pow(1.0 - t, 2) * t) * vertex(2).toVector();
		result += (3 * (1.0 - t) * pow(t, 2)) * vertex(3).toVector();
		result += pow(t, 3) * vertex(1).toVector();
		return result;
		return Vertex();

void LDBezierCurve::rasterize(Model& model, int segments)
	QVector<LDPolygon> polygons = rasterizePolygons(segments);

	for (LDPolygon& poly : polygons)
		LDEdgeLine* line = model.emplace<LDEdgeLine>(poly.vertices[0], poly.vertices[1]);
		line->setColor(LDColor {poly.color});

QVector<LDPolygon> LDBezierCurve::rasterizePolygons(int segments)
	QVector<LDPolygon> result;
	QVector<Vertex> parms;
	parms.append (pointAt (0.0));

	for (int i = 1; i < segments; ++i)
		parms.append (pointAt (double (i) / segments));

	parms.append (pointAt (1.0));
	LDPolygon poly;
	poly.color = color().index();
	poly.type = LDPolygon::Type::EdgeLine;

	for (int i = 0; i < segments; ++i)
		poly.vertices[0] = parms[i];
		poly.vertices[1] = parms[i + 1];
		result << poly;

	return result;

	QString referenceName,
	const Matrix& transformationMatrix,
	const Vertex& position
) :
	LDMatrixObject {transformationMatrix, position},
	m_referenceName {referenceName} {}

// =============================================================================
LDDocument* LDSubfileReference::fileInfo(DocumentManager* context) const
	return context->getDocumentByName(m_referenceName);

QString LDSubfileReference::referenceName() const
	return m_referenceName;

void LDObject::getVertices(DocumentManager*, QSet<Vertex>& verts) const
	for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(); ++i)

void LDSubfileReference::getVertices (DocumentManager* context, QSet<Vertex>& verts) const

QString LDObject::objectListText() const
	if (numVertices() > 0)
		QString result;

		for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(); ++i)
			if (i != 0)
				result += ", ";

			result += vertex(i).toString (true);

		return result;
		return iconName();

QVector<LDPolygon> LDObject::rasterizePolygons(DocumentManager*, Winding)
	return {};

QString LDError::objectListText() const
	return "ERROR: " + asText();

QString LDSubfileReference::objectListText() const
	QString result = format ("%1 %2, (", referenceName(), position().toString(true));

	for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
		result += format("%1%2", transformationMatrix().value(i), (i != 8) ? " " : "");

	result += ')';
	return result;

bool LDObject::isInverted() const
	return m_hasInvertNext;

void LDObject::setInverted(bool value)
	changeProperty(&m_hasInvertNext, value);

void LDObject::serialize(Serializer& serializer)
	serializer << m_hasInvertNext;
	serializer << m_isHidden;
	serializer << m_color;
	serializer << m_randomColor;
	serializer << m_coords[0];
	serializer << m_coords[1];
	serializer << m_coords[2];
	serializer << m_coords[3];

void LDMatrixObject::serialize(Serializer& serializer)
	serializer << m_position;
	serializer << m_transformationMatrix;

void LDError::serialize(Serializer& serializer)
	serializer << m_contents;
	serializer << m_reason;

void LDSubfileReference::serialize(Serializer& serializer)
	serializer << m_referenceName;
