Mon, 28 Apr 2014 17:56:51 +0300
- don't simplify (aka remove extra whitespace from) comment texts
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Santeri Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #pragma once #include <QGLWidget> #include "main.h" #include "macros.h" #include "ldObject.h" #include "ldDocument.h" #include "glShared.h" class GLCompiler; class MessageManager; class QDialogButtonBox; class RadioGroup; class QDoubleSpinBox; class QSpinBox; class QLineEdit; class QTimer; enum EditMode { ESelectMode, EDrawMode, ECircleMode, }; // Meta for overlays struct LDGLOverlay { Vertex v0, v1; int ox, oy; double lw, lh; String fname; QImage* img; bool invalid; }; struct LDFixedCameraInfo { const char glrotate[3]; const Axis axisX, axisY; const bool negX, negY, negatedDepth; // is greater depth value closer to camera? }; // ============================================================================= // Document-specific data // struct LDGLData { double rotX, rotY, rotZ, panX[7], panY[7], zoom[7]; double depthValues[6]; LDGLOverlay overlays[6]; bool init; bool needZoomToFit; LDGLData() : rotX (0.0), rotY (0.0), rotZ (0.0), init (false), needZoomToFit (true) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { if (i < 6) { overlays[i].img = null; overlays[i].invalid = false; depthValues[i] = 0.0f; } zoom[i] = 30.0; panX[i] = 0.0; panY[i] = 0.0; } } }; // ============================================================================= // The main renderer object, draws the brick on the screen, manages the camera // and selection picking. The instance of GLRenderer is accessible as // g_win->R() // class GLRenderer : public QGLWidget { public: enum EFixedCamera { ETopCamera, EFrontCamera, ELeftCamera, EBottomCamera, EBackCamera, ERightCamera, EFreeCamera }; enum ListType { NormalList, PickList, BFCFrontList, BFCBackList }; // CameraIcon::img is a heap-allocated QPixmap because otherwise it gets // initialized before program gets to main() and constructs a QApplication // and Qt doesn't like that. struct CameraIcon { QPixmap* img; QRect srcRect, destRect, selRect; EFixedCamera cam; }; Q_OBJECT PROPERTY (public, bool, isDrawOnly, setDrawOnly, STOCK_WRITE) PROPERTY (public, MessageManager*, messageLog, setMessageLog, STOCK_WRITE) PROPERTY (private, bool, isPicking, setPicking, STOCK_WRITE) PROPERTY (public, LDDocument*, document, setDocument, CUSTOM_WRITE) PROPERTY (public, EditMode, editMode, setEditMode, CUSTOM_WRITE) PROPERTY (private, GLCompiler*, compiler, setCompiler, STOCK_WRITE) public: GLRenderer (QWidget* parent = null); ~GLRenderer(); inline EFixedCamera camera() const { return m_camera; } void clearOverlay(); void compileObject (LDObject* obj); void drawGLScene(); void endDraw (bool accept); void forgetObject (LDObject* obj); Axis getCameraAxis (bool y, EFixedCamera camid = (EFixedCamera) - 1); const char* getCameraName() const; double getDepthValue() const; LDGLOverlay& getOverlay (int newcam); uchar* getScreencap (int& w, int& h); void hardRefresh(); void initGLData(); void initOverlaysFromObjects(); void needZoomToFit(); void refresh(); void resetAngles(); void resetAllAngles(); void setBackground(); void setCamera (const EFixedCamera cam); void setDepthValue (double depth); bool setupOverlay (EFixedCamera cam, String file, int x, int y, int w, int h); void updateOverlayObjects(); void zoomNotch (bool inward); static QColor getMainColor(); protected: void contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent* ev); void initializeGL(); void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent* ev); void keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent* ev); void leaveEvent (QEvent* ev); void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent* ev); void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent* ev); void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent* ev); void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent* ev); void paintEvent (QPaintEvent* ev); void resizeGL (int w, int h); void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent* ev); private: CameraIcon m_cameraIcons[7]; QTimer* m_toolTipTimer; Qt::MouseButtons m_lastButtons; Qt::KeyboardModifiers m_keymods; Vertex m_hoverpos; double m_virtWidth, m_virtHeight; bool m_darkbg, m_rangepick, m_addpick, m_drawToolTip, m_screencap, m_panning; QPoint m_pos, m_globalpos, m_rangeStart; QPen m_thickBorderPen, m_thinBorderPen; EFixedCamera m_camera, m_toolTipCamera; GLuint m_axeslist; int m_width, m_height, m_totalmove; QList<Vertex> m_drawedVerts; bool m_rectdraw; Vertex m_rectverts[4]; QColor m_bgcolor; void addDrawnVertex (Vertex m_hoverpos); LDOverlay* findOverlayObject (EFixedCamera cam); void updateRectVerts(); void getRelativeAxes (Axis& relX, Axis& relY) const; Axis getRelativeZ() const; Matrix getCircleDrawMatrix (double scale); void drawBlip (QPainter& paint, QPoint pos) const; // Compute geometry for camera icons void calcCameraIcons(); // How large is the circle we're drawing right now? double getCircleDrawDist (int pos) const; // Clamps an angle to [0, 360] void clampAngle (double& angle) const; // Convert a 2D point to a 3D point Vertex coordconv2_3 (const QPoint& pos2d, bool snap) const; // Draw a VBO array void drawVBOs (EVBOSurface surface, EVBOComplement colors, GLenum type); // Convert a 3D point to a 2D point QPoint coordconv3_2 (const Vertex& pos3d) const; // Perform object selection void pick (int mouseX, int mouseY); void zoomToFit(); void zoomAllToFit(); LDGLData& currentDocumentData() const { return *document()->getGLData(); } // Get a rotation value inline double& rot (Axis ax) { return (ax == X) ? currentDocumentData().rotX : (ax == Y) ? currentDocumentData().rotY : currentDocumentData().rotZ; } // Get a panning value inline double& pan (Axis ax) { return (ax == X) ? currentDocumentData().panX[camera()] : currentDocumentData().panY[camera()]; } // Same except const (can be used in const methods) inline const double& pan (Axis ax) const { return (ax == X) ? currentDocumentData().panX[camera()] : currentDocumentData().panY[camera()]; } // Get the zoom value inline double& zoom() { return currentDocumentData().zoom[camera()]; } template<typename... Args> inline String format (String fmtstr, Args... args) { return ::format (fmtstr, args...); } private slots: void slot_toolTipTimer(); void initializeAxes(); }; // Alias for short namespaces typedef GLRenderer GL; static const GLRenderer::ListType g_glListTypes[] = { GL::NormalList, GL::PickList, GL::BFCFrontList, GL::BFCBackList, }; extern const GL::EFixedCamera g_Cameras[7]; extern const char* g_CameraNames[7];