Thu, 15 Feb 2018 12:19:10 +0200
made lighting more subtle
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2017 Teemu Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QMouseEvent> #include "magicWandMode.h" #include "../lddocument.h" #include "../mainwindow.h" #include "../canvas.h" MagicWandMode::MagicWandMode (Canvas* canvas) : Super (canvas) { // Get vertex<->object data for (LDObject* obj : currentDocument()->objects()) { // Note: this deliberately only takes vertex-objects into account. // The magic wand does not process subparts. for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i) m_vertices[obj->vertex (i)] << obj; } } EditModeType MagicWandMode::type() const { return EditModeType::MagicWand; } void MagicWandMode::fillBoundaries (LDObject* obj, QVector<BoundaryType>& boundaries, QSet<LDObject*>& candidates) { // All boundaries obviously share vertices with the object, therefore they're all in the list // of candidates. for (LDObject* candidate : candidates) { if (not isOneOf(candidate->type(), LDObjectType::EdgeLine, LDObjectType::ConditionalEdge) or candidate->vertex (0) == candidate->vertex (1)) { continue; } int matches = 0; for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i) { if (not isOneOf (obj->vertex (i), candidate->vertex (0), candidate->vertex (1))) continue; if (++matches == 2) { // Boundary found. If it's an edgeline, add it to the boundaries list, if a // conditional line, select it. if (candidate->type() == LDObjectType::ConditionalEdge) m_selection << candidate; else boundaries.append (std::make_tuple (candidate->vertex (0), candidate->vertex (1))); break; } } } } void MagicWandMode::doMagic (LDObject* obj, MagicWandMode::MagicType type) { if (obj == nullptr) { if (type == Set) currentDocument()->clearSelection(); return; } int matchesneeded = 0; QVector<BoundaryType> boundaries; LDObjectType objtype = obj->type(); if (type != InternalRecursion) { m_selection.clear(); m_selection.append (obj); } switch (obj->type()) { case LDObjectType::EdgeLine: case LDObjectType::ConditionalEdge: matchesneeded = 1; break; case LDObjectType::Triangle: case LDObjectType::Quadrilateral: matchesneeded = 2; break; default: return; } QSet<LDObject*> candidates; // Get the list of objects that touch this object, i.e. share a vertex // with this. for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i) candidates += m_vertices[obj->vertex (i)]; // If we're dealing with surfaces, get a list of boundaries. if (matchesneeded > 1) fillBoundaries (obj, boundaries, candidates); for (LDObject* candidate : candidates) { try { // If we're doing this on lines, we need exact type match. Surface types (quads and // triangles) can be mixed. Also don't consider self a candidate, and don't consider // objects we have already processed. if ((candidate == obj) or (candidate->color() != obj->color()) or (m_selection.contains (candidate)) or (matchesneeded == 1 and (candidate->type() != objtype)) or ((candidate->numVertices() > 2) ^ (matchesneeded == 2))) { throw 0; } // Now ensure the two objects share enough vertices. QVector<Vertex> matches; for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < candidate->numVertices(); ++j) { if (obj->vertex(i) == candidate->vertex(j)) { matches << obj->vertex(i); break; } } } if (countof(matches) < matchesneeded) throw 0; // Not enough matches. // Check if a boundary gets in between the objects. for (auto boundary : boundaries) { if (isOneOf (matches[0], std::get<0> (boundary), std::get<1> (boundary)) and isOneOf (matches[1], std::get<0> (boundary), std::get<1> (boundary))) { throw 0; } } m_selection.append (candidate); doMagic (candidate, InternalRecursion); } catch (int&) { continue; } } switch (type) { case Set: currentDocument()->clearSelection(); case Additive: for (LDObject* obj : m_selection) currentDocument()->addToSelection(obj); break; case Subtractive: for (LDObject* obj : m_selection) currentDocument()->removeFromSelection(obj); break; case InternalRecursion: break; } } bool MagicWandMode::mouseReleased (MouseEventData const& data) { if (Super::mouseReleased (data)) return true; if (data.releasedButtons & Qt::LeftButton and not data.mouseMoved) { MagicType wandtype = MagicWandMode::Set; if (data.keymods & Qt::ShiftModifier) wandtype = MagicWandMode::Additive; else if (data.keymods & Qt::ControlModifier) wandtype = MagicWandMode::Subtractive; doMagic (renderer()->pick (data.ev->x(), data.ev->y()), wandtype); return true; } return false; }