
Tue, 14 May 2013 00:52:20 +0300

Santeri Piippo <>
Tue, 14 May 2013 00:52:20 +0300
changeset 195
parent 192
child 198

Added image overlays, these are offset and scaled photos drawn on top of the part model to help getting part data from pictures.

 *  LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD
 *  Copyright (C) 2013 Santeri Piippo
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#include <qprocess.h>
#include <qtemporaryfile.h>
#include <qeventloop.h>
#include <qdialog.h>
#include <qdialogbuttonbox.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "extprogs.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "radiobox.h"
#include "history.h"

// =============================================================================
cfg (str, prog_isecalc, "");
cfg (str, prog_intersector, "");
cfg (str, prog_coverer, "");
cfg (str, prog_ytruder, "");
cfg (str, prog_datheader, "");
cfg (str, prog_rectifier, "");

const char* g_extProgNames[] = {

// =============================================================================
static bool checkProgPath (str path, const extprog prog) {
	if (~path)
		return true;
	const char* name = g_extProgNames[prog];
	critical (fmt ("Couldn't run %s as no path has "
		"been defined for it. Use the configuration dialog's External Programs "
		"tab to define a path for %s.", name, name));
	return false;

// =============================================================================
static void processError (const extprog prog, QProcess& proc) {
	const char* name = g_extProgNames[prog];
	str errmsg;
	switch (proc.error ()) {
	case QProcess::FailedToStart:
		errmsg = fmt ("Failed to launch %s. Check that you have set the proper path "
			"to %s and that you have the proper permissions to launch it.", name, name);
	case QProcess::Crashed:
		errmsg = fmt ("%s crashed.", name);
	case QProcess::WriteError:
	case QProcess::ReadError:
		errmsg = fmt ("I/O error while interacting with %s.", name);
	case QProcess::UnknownError:
		errmsg = fmt ("Unknown error occurred while executing %s.", name);
	case QProcess::Timedout:
		errmsg = fmt ("%s timed out.", name);
	critical (errmsg);

// =============================================================================
static bool mkTempFile (QTemporaryFile& tmp, str& fname) {
	if (! ())
		return false;
	fname = tmp.fileName ();
	tmp.close ();
	return true;

// =============================================================================
void writeObjects (std::vector<LDObject*>& objects, str fname) {
	// Write the input file
	FILE* fp = fopen (fname, "w");
	if (!fp) {
		critical (fmt ("Couldn't open temporary file %s for writing.\n", fname.chars ()));
	for (LDObject* obj : objects) {
		str line = fmt ("%s\r\n", obj->getContents ().chars ());
		fwrite (line.chars(), 1, ~line, fp);
#ifndef RELEASE
	ushort idx = rand ();
	printf ("%s -> debug_%u\n", fname.chars (), idx);
	QFile::copy (fname.chars (), fmt ("debug_%u", idx));
#endif // RELEASE
	fclose (fp);

// =============================================================================
void writeSelection (str fname) {
	writeObjects (g_win->sel (), fname);

// =============================================================================
void writeColorGroup (const short colnum, str fname) {
	std::vector<LDObject*> objects;
	for (LDObject*& obj : g_curfile->m_objs) {
		if (obj->isColored () == false || obj->color != colnum)
		objects.push_back (obj);
	writeObjects (objects, fname);

// =============================================================================
void runUtilityProcess (extprog prog, str path, QString argvstr) {
	QTemporaryFile input, output;
	str inputname, outputname;
	QStringList argv = argvstr.split (" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
	printf ("cmdline: %s %s\n", path.chars (), qchars (argvstr));
	if (!mkTempFile (input, inputname) || !mkTempFile (output, outputname))
	QProcess proc;
	// Init stdin
	FILE* stdinfp = fopen (inputname, "w");
	// Begin!
	proc.setStandardInputFile (inputname);
	proc.start (path, argv);
	// Write an enter - one is expected
	char enter[2] = "\n";
	enter[1] = '\0';
	fwrite (enter, 1, sizeof enter, stdinfp);
	fflush (stdinfp);
	// Wait while it runs
	proc.waitForFinished ();
#ifndef RELEASE
	printf ("%s", qchars (QString (proc.readAllStandardOutput ())));
#endif // RELEASE
	if (proc.exitStatus () == QProcess::CrashExit) {
		processError (prog, proc);

// ========================================================================================================================================
static void insertOutput (str fname, bool replace, vector<short> colorsToReplace) {
#ifndef RELEASE
	QFile::copy (fname, "./debug_lastOutput");
#endif // RELEASE
	// Read the output file
	FILE* fp = fopen (fname, "r");
	if (!fp) {
		critical (fmt ("Couldn't open temporary file %s for reading.\n", fname.chars ()));
	ComboHistory* cmb = new ComboHistory ();
	std::vector<LDObject*> objs = loadFileContents (fp, null),
	std::vector<ulong> indices;
	// If we replace the objects, delete the selection now.
	if (replace)
		*cmb << g_win->deleteSelection ();
	for (const short colnum : colorsToReplace)
		*cmb << g_win->deleteByColor (colnum);
	// Insert the new objects
	g_win->sel ().clear ();
	for (LDObject* obj : objs) {
		if (!obj->isSchemantic ()) {
			delete obj;
		ulong idx = g_curfile->addObject (obj);
		indices.push_back (idx);
		copies.push_back (obj->clone ());
		g_win->sel ().push_back (obj);
	if (indices.size() > 0)
		*cmb << new AddHistory ({indices, copies});
	if (cmb->paEntries.size () > 0)
		History::addEntry (cmb);
		delete cmb;
	fclose (fp);
	g_win->fullRefresh ();

// =============================================================================
// Interface for Ytruder
void runYtruder () {
	setlocale (LC_ALL, "C");
	if (!checkProgPath (prog_ytruder, Ytruder))
	QDialog dlg;
	RadioBox* rb_mode = new RadioBox ("Extrusion mode", {"Distance", "Symmetry", "Projection", "Radial"}, 0, Qt::Horizontal);
	RadioBox* rb_axis = new RadioBox ("Axis", {"X", "Y", "Z"}, 0, Qt::Horizontal);
	LabeledWidget<QDoubleSpinBox>* dsb_depth = new LabeledWidget<QDoubleSpinBox> ("Plane depth"),
		*dsb_condAngle = new LabeledWidget<QDoubleSpinBox> ("Conditional line threshold");
	rb_axis->setValue (Y);
	dsb_depth->w ()->setMinimum (-10000.0);
	dsb_depth->w ()->setMaximum (10000.0);
	dsb_depth->w ()->setDecimals (3);
	dsb_condAngle->w ()->setValue (30.0f);
	QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout (&dlg);
	layout->addWidget (rb_mode);
	layout->addWidget (rb_axis);
	layout->addWidget (dsb_depth);
	layout->addWidget (dsb_condAngle);
	layout->addWidget (makeButtonBox (dlg));
	dlg.setWindowIcon (getIcon ("extrude"));
	if (!dlg.exec ())
	// Read the user's choices
	const enum modetype { Distance, Symmetry, Projection, Radial } mode = (modetype) rb_mode->value ();
	const Axis axis = (Axis) rb_axis->value ();
	const double depth = dsb_depth->w ()->value (),
		condAngle = dsb_condAngle->w ()->value ();
	QTemporaryFile indat, outdat;
	str inDATName, outDATName;
	// Make temp files for the input and output files
	if (!mkTempFile (indat, inDATName) || !mkTempFile (outdat, outDATName))
	// Compose the command-line arguments
	str argv = fmt ("%s %s %f -a %f %s %s",
		(axis == X) ? "-x" : (axis == Y) ? "-y" : "-z",
		(mode == Distance) ? "-d" : (mode == Symmetry) ? "-s" : (mode == Projection) ? "-p" : "-r",
		depth, condAngle, inDATName.chars (), outDATName.chars ());
	writeSelection (inDATName);
	runUtilityProcess (Ytruder, prog_ytruder, argv);
	insertOutput (outDATName, false, {});

// ========================================================================================================================================
// Rectifier interface
void runRectifier () {
	setlocale (LC_ALL, "C");
	if (!checkProgPath (prog_rectifier, Rectifier))
	QDialog dlg;
	QCheckBox* cb_condense = new QCheckBox ("Condense triangles to quads"),
		*cb_subst = new QCheckBox ("Substitute rect primitives"),
		*cb_condlineCheck = new QCheckBox ("Don't replace quads with adj. condlines"),
		*cb_colorize = new QCheckBox ("Colorize resulting objects");
	LabeledWidget<QDoubleSpinBox>* dsb_coplthres = new LabeledWidget<QDoubleSpinBox> ("Coplanarity threshold");
	dsb_coplthres->w ()->setMinimum (0.0f);
	dsb_coplthres->w ()->setMaximum (360.0f);
	dsb_coplthres->w ()->setDecimals (3);
	dsb_coplthres->w ()->setValue (0.95f);
	cb_condense->setChecked (true);
	cb_subst->setChecked (true);
	QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout (&dlg);
	layout->addWidget (cb_condense);
	layout->addWidget (cb_subst);
	layout->addWidget (cb_condlineCheck);
	layout->addWidget (cb_colorize);
	layout->addWidget (dsb_coplthres);
	layout->addWidget (makeButtonBox (dlg));
	if (!dlg.exec ())
	const bool condense = cb_condense->isChecked (),
		subst = cb_subst->isChecked (),
		condlineCheck = cb_condlineCheck->isChecked (),
		colorize = cb_colorize->isChecked ();
	const double coplthres = dsb_coplthres->w ()->value ();
	QTemporaryFile indat, outdat;
	str inDATName, outDATName;
	// Make temp files for the input and output files
	if (!mkTempFile (indat, inDATName) || !mkTempFile (outdat, outDATName))
	// Compose arguments
	str argv = fmt ("%s %s %s %s -t %f %s %s",
		(condense == false) ? "-q" : "",
		(subst == false) ? "-r" : "",
		(condlineCheck) ? "-a" : "",
		(colorize) ? "-c" : "",
		coplthres, inDATName.chars (), outDATName.chars ());
	writeSelection (inDATName);
	runUtilityProcess (Rectifier, prog_rectifier, argv);
	insertOutput (outDATName, true, {});

// =======================================================================================================================================
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// =======================================================================================================================================
// Intersector interface
void runIntersector () {
	setlocale (LC_ALL, "C");
	if (!checkProgPath (prog_intersector, Intersector))
	QDialog dlg;
	LabeledWidget<QComboBox>* cmb_incol = new LabeledWidget<QComboBox> ("Input", new QComboBox),
		*cmb_cutcol = new LabeledWidget<QComboBox> ("Cutter", new QComboBox);
	QCheckBox* cb_colorize = new QCheckBox ("Colorize output"),
		*cb_nocondense = new QCheckBox ("No condensing"),
		*cb_repeatInverse = new QCheckBox ("Repeat inverse"),
		*cb_edges = new QCheckBox ("Add edges");
	LabeledWidget<QDoubleSpinBox>* dsb_prescale = new LabeledWidget<QDoubleSpinBox> ("Prescaling factor");
	cb_repeatInverse->setWhatsThis ("If this is set, " APPNAME " runs Intersector a second time with inverse files to cut the "
		" cutter group with the input group. Both groups are cut by the intersection.");
	cb_edges->setWhatsThis ("Makes " APPNAME " try run Isecalc to create edgelines for the intersection.");
	makeColorSelector (cmb_incol->w ());
	makeColorSelector (cmb_cutcol->w ());
	dsb_prescale->w ()->setMinimum (0.0f);
	dsb_prescale->w ()->setMaximum (10000.0f);
	dsb_prescale->w ()->setSingleStep (0.01f);
	dsb_prescale->w ()->setValue (1.0f);
	QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout (&dlg);
	layout->addWidget (cmb_incol);
	layout->addWidget (cmb_cutcol);
	QHBoxLayout* cblayout = new QHBoxLayout;
	cblayout->addWidget (cb_colorize);
	cblayout->addWidget (cb_nocondense);
	QHBoxLayout* cb2layout = new QHBoxLayout;
	cb2layout->addWidget (cb_repeatInverse);
	cb2layout->addWidget (cb_edges);
	layout->addLayout (cblayout);
	layout->addLayout (cb2layout);
	layout->addWidget (dsb_prescale);
	layout->addWidget (makeButtonBox (dlg));
	if (!dlg.exec ())
	const short inCol = cmb_incol->w ()->itemData (cmb_incol->w ()->currentIndex ()).toInt (),
		cutCol =  cmb_cutcol->w ()->itemData (cmb_cutcol->w ()->currentIndex ()).toInt ();
	const bool repeatInverse = cb_repeatInverse->isChecked ();
	if (inCol == cutCol) {
		critical ("Cannot use the same color group for both input and cutter!");
		goto exec;
	// Five temporary files!
	// indat = input group file
	// cutdat = cutter group file
	// outdat = primary output
	// outdat2 = inverse output
	// edgesdat = edges output (isecalc)
	QTemporaryFile indat, cutdat, outdat, outdat2, edgesdat;
	str inDATName, cutDATName, outDATName, outDAT2Name, edgesDATName;
	if (!mkTempFile (indat, inDATName) || !mkTempFile (cutdat, cutDATName) ||
		!mkTempFile (outdat, outDATName) || !mkTempFile (outdat2, outDAT2Name) ||
		!mkTempFile (edgesdat, edgesDATName))
	str parms = fmt ("%s %s -s %f",
		(cb_colorize->isChecked ()) ? "-c" : "",
		(cb_nocondense->isChecked ()) ? "-t" : "",
		dsb_prescale->w ()->value ());
	str argv_normal = fmt ("%s %s %s %s", parms.chars (), inDATName.chars (), cutDATName.chars (), outDATName.chars ());
	str argv_inverse = fmt ("%s %s %s %s", parms.chars (), cutDATName.chars (), inDATName.chars (), outDAT2Name.chars ());
	writeColorGroup (inCol, inDATName);
	writeColorGroup (cutCol, cutDATName);
	runUtilityProcess (Intersector, prog_intersector, argv_normal);
	insertOutput (outDATName, false, {inCol});
	if (repeatInverse) {
		runUtilityProcess (Intersector, prog_intersector, argv_inverse);
		insertOutput (outDAT2Name, false, {cutCol});
	if (cb_edges->isChecked ()) {
		runUtilityProcess (Isecalc, prog_isecalc, fmt ("%s %s %s", inDATName.chars (), cutDATName.chars (), edgesDATName.chars ()));
		insertOutput (edgesDATName, false, {});
