
Sun, 04 Oct 2015 16:45:30 +0300

Teemu Piippo <>
Sun, 04 Oct 2015 16:45:30 +0300
changeset 1008
parent 998
child 1010

Fixed circle, rectangle and line path modes not working anymore. Add blip coordinates to curve and line path modes. Circle mode for now only can show the coordinates of the initial blip

 *  LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD
 *  Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Teemu Piippo
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QAction>
#include <QListWidget>
#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QTreeWidget>
#include <QMetaMethod>
#include "ldObject.h"
#include "colors.h"
#include "configurationvaluebag.h"
#include "doublemap.h"

class MessageManager;
class MainWindow;
class QToolButton;
class QDialogButtonBox;
class GLRenderer;
class QComboBox;
class QProgressBar;
struct Primitive;
class Toolset;

class LDQuickColor
	PROPERTY (public,	LDColor,		color,		setColor,		STOCK_WRITE)
	PROPERTY (public,	QToolButton*,	toolButton,	setToolButton,	STOCK_WRITE)

	LDQuickColor (LDColor color, QToolButton* toolButton);
	bool isSeparator() const;

	static LDQuickColor getSeparator();

// Object list class for MainWindow
class ObjectList : public QListWidget

	void contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent* ev);

// LDForge's main GUI class.
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow

	explicit MainWindow (QWidget* parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0);

	void addMessage (QString msg);
	void applyToActions (std::function<void(QAction*)> function);
	void buildObjectList();
	void changeDocument (LDDocument* f);
	void closeInitialDocument();
	ConfigurationValueBag* configBag() { return &m_configOptions; }
	void createBlankDocument();
	LDDocument* currentDocument();
	void currentDocumentClosed();
	QKeySequence defaultShortcut (QAction* act);
	void deleteByColor (LDColor color);
	int deleteSelection();
	DocumentManager* documents() { return m_documents; }
	void doFullRefresh();
	void endAction();
	class ExtProgramToolset* externalPrograms();
	QVariant getConfigValue (QString name);
	QTreeWidget* getPrimitivesTree() const;
	class QSettings* getSettings() { return m_settings; }
	LDColor getUniformSelectedColor();
	class GuiUtilities* guiUtilities();
	void loadShortcuts();
	class QSettings* makeSettings (QObject* parent = nullptr);
	LDDocument* newDocument (bool cache = false);
	GLRenderer* renderer();
	void refresh();
	void refreshObjectList();
	bool ringToolHiRes() const;
	int ringToolSegments() const;
	bool save (LDDocument* doc, bool saveAs);
	void saveShortcuts();
	void scrollToSelection();
	const LDObjectList& selectedObjects();
	void setQuickColors (const QList<LDQuickColor>& colors);
	void spawnContextMenu (const QPoint pos);
	int suggestInsertPoint();
	void syncSettings();
	Q_SLOT void updateActions();
	void updateColorToolbar();
	void updateDocumentList();
	void updateDocumentListItem (LDDocument* doc);
	void updateEditModeActions();
	void updateGridToolBar();
	void updateRecentFilesMenu();
	void updateSelection();
	void updateTitle();

public slots:
	void actionTriggered();
	void circleToolSegmentsChanged();
	void closeTab (int tabindex);
	void historyTraversed();
	void ringToolHiResClicked (bool clicked);
	void tabSelected();
	void updatePrimitives();

	void closeEvent (QCloseEvent* ev);

	struct ToolInfo { QMetaMethod method; Toolset* object; };

	ConfigurationValueBag m_configOptions;
	class GuiUtilities* m_guiUtilities;
	GLRenderer* m_renderer;
	LDObjectList m_sel;
	QList<LDQuickColor>	m_quickColors;
	QList<QToolButton*>	m_colorButtons;
	QList<QAction*> m_recentFiles;
	class Ui_MainWindow& ui;
	QTabBar* m_tabs;
	bool m_updatingTabs;
	QVector<Toolset*> m_toolsets;
	QMap<QAction*, ToolInfo> m_toolmap;
	class ExtProgramToolset* m_externalPrograms;
	class QSettings* m_settings;
	DocumentManager* m_documents;
	LDDocument* m_currentDocument;
	DoubleMap<LDObject*, QListWidgetItem*> m_objectsInList;
	bool m_isSelectionLocked;
	QMap<QAction*, QKeySequence> m_defaultShortcuts;

private slots:
	void selectionChanged();
	void recentFileClicked();
	void quickColorClicked();
	void doLastSecondCleanup();
	void objectListDoubleClicked (QListWidgetItem* listitem);

// Pointer to the instance of MainWindow.
// TODO: it's going out, slowly but surely.
extern MainWindow* g_win;

// Get an icon by name from the resources directory.
QPixmap GetIcon (QString iconName);

// Returns a list of quick colors based on the configuration entry.
QList<LDQuickColor> LoadQuickColorList();

// Asks the user a yes/no question with the given message and the given window title.
// Returns true if the user answered yes, false if no.
bool Confirm (const QString& title, const QString& message); // Generic confirm prompt

// An overload of confirm(), this asks the user a yes/no question with the given message.
// Returns true if the user answered yes, false if no.
bool Confirm (const QString& message);

// Displays an error prompt with the given message
void Critical (const QString& message);

// Takes in pairs of radio buttons and respective values and finds the first selected one.
// Returns returns the value of the first found radio button that was checked by the user.
template<class T>
T RadioSwitch (const T& defval, QList<Pair<QRadioButton*, T>> haystack)
	for (Pair<QRadioButton*, const T&> i : haystack)
		if (i.first->isChecked())
			return i.second;

	return defval;

// Takes in pairs of radio buttons and respective values and checks the first found radio button whose respsective value
// matches expr have the given value.
template<class T>
void RadioDefault (const T& expr, QList<Pair<QRadioButton*, T>> haystack)
	for (Pair<QRadioButton*, const T&> i : haystack)
		if (i.second == expr)
			i.first->setChecked (true);

// =============================================================================
class SubfileListItem : public QTreeWidgetItem
	PROPERTY (public, Primitive*,	primitive, setPrimitive, STOCK_WRITE)

	SubfileListItem (QTreeWidgetItem* parent, Primitive* info) :
		QTreeWidgetItem (parent),
		m_primitive (info) {}

	SubfileListItem (QTreeWidget* parent, Primitive* info) :
		QTreeWidgetItem (parent),
		m_primitive (info) {}

void PopulatePrimitives (QTreeWidget* tw, const QString& selectByDefault = QString());
