Sun, 04 Oct 2015 16:45:30 +0300
Fixed circle, rectangle and line path modes not working anymore. Add blip coordinates to curve and line path modes. Circle mode for now only can show the coordinates of the initial blip
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Teemu Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QMouseEvent> #include "magicWandMode.h" #include "../ldDocument.h" #include "../mainwindow.h" #include "../glRenderer.h" MagicWandMode::MagicWandMode (GLRenderer* renderer) : Super (renderer) { // Get vertex<->object data for (LDObject* obj : currentDocument()->objects()) { // Note: this deliberately only takes vertex-objects into account. // The magic wand does not process subparts. for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i) m_vertices[obj->vertex (i)] << obj; } } EditModeType MagicWandMode::type() const { return EditModeType::MagicWand; } void MagicWandMode::fillBoundaries (LDObject* obj, QVector<BoundaryType>& boundaries, QVector<LDObject*>& candidates) { // All boundaries obviously share vertices with the object, therefore they're all in the list // of candidates. for (LDObject* candidate : candidates) { if (not isOneOf (candidate->type(), OBJ_Line, OBJ_CondLine) or candidate->vertex (0) == candidate->vertex (1)) continue; int matches = 0; for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i) { if (not isOneOf (obj->vertex (i), candidate->vertex (0), candidate->vertex (1))) continue; if (++matches == 2) { // Boundary found. If it's an edgeline, add it to the boundaries list, if a // conditional line, select it. if (candidate->type() == OBJ_CondLine) m_selection << candidate; else boundaries.append (std::make_tuple (candidate->vertex (0), candidate->vertex (1))); break; } } } } void MagicWandMode::doMagic (LDObject* obj, MagicWandMode::MagicType type) { if (obj == nullptr) { if (type == Set) { currentDocument()->clearSelection(); m_window->buildObjectList(); } return; } int matchesneeded = 0; QVector<BoundaryType> boundaries; LDObjectType objtype = obj->type(); if (type != InternalRecursion) { m_selection.clear(); m_selection.append (obj); } switch (obj->type()) { case OBJ_Line: case OBJ_CondLine: matchesneeded = 1; break; case OBJ_Triangle: case OBJ_Quad: matchesneeded = 2; break; default: return; } QVector<LDObject*> candidates; // Get the list of objects that touch this object, i.e. share a vertex // with this. for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i) candidates += m_vertices[obj->vertex (i)]; removeDuplicates (candidates); // If we're dealing with surfaces, get a list of boundaries. if (matchesneeded > 1) fillBoundaries (obj, boundaries, candidates); for (LDObject* candidate : candidates) { try { // If we're doing this on lines, we need exact type match. Surface types (quads and // triangles) can be mixed. Also don't consider self a candidate, and don't consider // objects we have already processed. if ((candidate == obj) or (candidate->color() != obj->color()) or (m_selection.contains (candidate)) or (matchesneeded == 1 and (candidate->type() != objtype)) or ((candidate->numVertices() > 2) ^ (matchesneeded == 2))) { throw 0; } // Now ensure the two objects share enough vertices. QVector<Vertex> matches; for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < candidate->numVertices(); ++j) { if (obj->vertex(i) == candidate->vertex(j)) { matches << obj->vertex(i); break; } } } if (matches.size() < matchesneeded) throw 0; // Not enough matches. // Check if a boundary gets in between the objects. for (auto boundary : boundaries) { if (isOneOf (matches[0], std::get<0> (boundary), std::get<1> (boundary)) and isOneOf (matches[1], std::get<0> (boundary), std::get<1> (boundary))) { throw 0; } } m_selection.append (candidate); doMagic (candidate, InternalRecursion); } catch (int&) { continue; } } switch (type) { case Set: currentDocument()->clearSelection(); case Additive: for (LDObject* obj : m_selection) obj->select(); break; case Subtractive: for (LDObject* obj : m_selection) obj->deselect(); break; case InternalRecursion: break; } if (type != InternalRecursion) m_window->buildObjectList(); } bool MagicWandMode::mouseReleased (MouseEventData const& data) { if (Super::mouseReleased (data)) return true; if (data.releasedButtons & Qt::LeftButton and not data.mouseMoved) { MagicType wandtype = MagicWandMode::Set; if (data.keymods & Qt::ShiftModifier) wandtype = MagicWandMode::Additive; else if (data.keymods & Qt::ControlModifier) wandtype = MagicWandMode::Subtractive; doMagic (renderer()->pickOneObject (data.ev->x(), data.ev->y()), wandtype); return true; } return false; }