Mon, 06 May 2013 03:32:00 +0300
add missing license headers from new files
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 Santeri Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <assert.h> // #include <initializer_list> #include "str.h" #include "common.h" #include "misc.h" #define ITERATE_STRING(u) \ for (unsigned int u = 0; u < strlen (text); u++) // ============================================================================ // vdynformat: Try to write to a formatted string with size bytes first, if // that fails, double the size and keep recursing until it works. char* vdynformat (const char* csFormat, va_list vArgs, long lSize) { char* buffer = new char[lSize]; int r = vsnprintf (buffer, lSize - 1, csFormat, vArgs); if (r > (signed)(lSize - 1) || r < 0) { delete[] buffer; buffer = vdynformat (csFormat, vArgs, lSize * 2); } return buffer; } // ============================================================================ str::str () { text = new char[1]; clear(); alloclen = strlen (text); } str::str (const char* c) { text = new char[1]; text[0] = '\0'; curs = alloclen = 0; append (c); } str::str (char c) { text = new char[1]; text[0] = '\0'; curs = alloclen = 0; append (c); } str::str (QString c) { text = new char[1]; text[0] = '\0'; curs = alloclen = 0; append (c); } str::~str () { // delete[] text; } // ============================================================================ void str::clear () { delete[] text; text = new char[1]; text[0] = '\0'; curs = 0; alloclen = 0; } // ============================================================================ void str::resize (unsigned int len) { unsigned int oldlen = strlen (text); char* oldtext = new char[oldlen]; strncpy (oldtext, text, oldlen); delete[] text; text = new char[len+1]; for (unsigned int u = 0; u < len+1; u++) text[u] = 0; strncpy (text, oldtext, len); delete[] oldtext; alloclen = len; } // ============================================================================ void str::dump () { for (unsigned int u = 0; u <= alloclen; u++) printf ("\t%u. %u (%c)\n", u, text[u], text[u]); } // ============================================================================ // Adds a new character at the end of the string. void str::append (const char c) { // Out of space, thus resize if (curs == alloclen) resize (alloclen + 1); text[curs] = c; curs++; } void str::append (const char* c) { resize (alloclen + strlen (c)); for (unsigned int u = 0; u < strlen (c); u++) { if (c[u] != 0) append (c[u]); } } void str::append (str c) { append (c.chars()); } void str::append (QString c) { append (c.toUtf8 ().constData ()); } // ============================================================================ void str::appendformat (const char* c, ...) { va_list v; va_start (v, c); char* buf = vdynformat (c, v, 256); va_end (v); append (buf); delete[] buf; } void str::format (const char* fmt, ...) { clear (); va_list v; va_start (v, fmt); char* buf = vdynformat (fmt, v, 256); va_end (v); append (buf); delete[] buf; } // ============================================================================ char* str::chars () { return text; } // ============================================================================ int str::first (const char* c, unsigned int a) { unsigned int r = 0; unsigned int index = 0; for (; a < alloclen; a++) { if (text[a] == c[r]) { if (r == 0) index = a; r++; if (r == strlen (c)) return index; } else { if (r != 0) { // If the string sequence broke at this point, we need to // check this character again, for a new sequence just // might start right here. a--; } r = 0; } } return -1; } // ============================================================================ int str::last (const char* c, int a) { if (a == -1) a = len(); int max = strlen (c)-1; int r = max; for (; a >= 0; a--) { if (text[a] == c[r]) { r--; if (r == -1) return a; } else { if (r != max) a++; r = max; } } return -1; } // ============================================================================ str str::substr (unsigned int a, unsigned int b) { if (a > len()) a = len(); if (b > len()) b = len(); if (b == a) return ""; if (b < a) { printf ("str::substring:: indices %u and %u given, should be the other way around, swapping..\n", a, b); // Swap the variables unsigned int c = a; a = b; b = c; } char* s = new char[b - a + 1]; strncpy (s, text + a, b - a); s[b - a] = '\0'; str other = s; delete[] s; return other; } // ============================================================================ void str::remove (unsigned int idx, unsigned int dellen) { str s1 = substr (0, idx); str s2 = substr (idx + dellen, -1); clear(); append (s1); append (s2); } // ============================================================================ str str::trim (int dellen) { if (dellen > 0) return substr (0, len() - dellen); return substr (-dellen, len()); } // ============================================================================ void str::replace (const char* o, const char* n, unsigned int a) { for (int idx; (idx = first (o, a)) != -1;) { str s1 = substr (0, idx); str s2 = substr (idx + strlen (o), len()); clear(); append (s1); append (n); append (s2); } } // ============================================================================ str str::strip (char c) { return strip ({c}); } str str::strip (std::initializer_list<char> unwanted) { str cache = text; uint oldlen = len(); char* buf = new char[oldlen]; char* bufptr = buf; for (uint i = 0; i < oldlen; i++) { bool valid = true; for (const char* j = unwanted.begin(); j < unwanted.end() && valid; j++) if (text[i] == *j) valid = false; if (valid) *bufptr++ = text[i]; } *bufptr = '\0'; assert (bufptr <= buf + oldlen); str zResult = buf; delete[] buf; return zResult; } void str::insert (char* c, unsigned int pos) { str s1 = substr (0, pos); str s2 = substr (pos, len()); clear(); append (s1); append (c); append (s2); } str str::reverse () { char* buf = new char[len() + 1]; for (uint i = 0; i < len(); i++) buf[i] = text[len() - i - 1]; buf[len()] = '\0'; str other = buf; delete[] buf; return other; } str str::repeat (int n) { assert (n >= 0); str other; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) other += text; return other; } // ============================================================================ bool str::isnumber () { ITERATE_STRING (u) { // Minus sign as the first character is allowed for negatives if (!u && text[u] == '-') continue; if (text[u] < '0' || text[u] > '9') return false; } return true; } // ============================================================================ bool str::isword () { ITERATE_STRING (u) { // lowercase letters if (text[u] >= 'a' || text[u] <= 'z') continue; // uppercase letters if (text[u] >= 'A' || text[u] <= 'Z') continue; return false; } return true; } int str::instanceof (const char* c, uint n) { unsigned int r = 0; unsigned int index = 0; unsigned int x = 0; for (uint a = 0; a < alloclen; a++) { if (text[a] == c[r]) { if (r == 0) index = a; r++; if (r == strlen (c)) { if (x++ == n) return index; r = 0; } } else { if (r != 0) a--; r = 0; } } return -1; } // ============================================================================ int str::compare (const char* c) { return strcmp (text, c); } int str::compare (str c) { return compare (c.chars()); } int str::icompare (const char* c) { return icompare (str ((char*)c)); } int str::icompare (str b) { return strcmp (tolower().chars(), b.tolower().chars()); } // ============================================================================ str str::tolower () { str n = text; for (uint u = 0; u < len(); u++) { if (n[u] >= 'A' && n[u] < 'Z') n.text[u] += ('a' - 'A'); } return n; } // ============================================================================ str str::toupper () { str n = text; for (uint u = 0; u < len(); u++) { if (n[u] >= 'a' && n[u] < 'z') n.text[u] -= ('a' - 'A'); } return n; } // ============================================================================ unsigned str::count (char c) { unsigned n = 0; ITERATE_STRING (u) if (text[u] == c) n++; return n; } unsigned str::count (char* c) { unsigned int r = 0; unsigned int tmp = 0; ITERATE_STRING (u) { if (text[u] == c[r]) { r++; if (r == strlen (c)) { r = 0; tmp++; } } else { if (r != 0) u--; r = 0; } } return tmp; } // ============================================================================ std::vector<str> str::split (str del, bool bNoBlanks) { std::vector<str> res; unsigned int a = 0; // Find all separators and store the text left to them. while (1) { int b = first (del, a); if (b == -1) break; if (!bNoBlanks || (b - a)) res.push_back (substr (a, b)); a = b + strlen (del); } // Add the string at the right of the last separator if (!bNoBlanks || (len () - a)) res.push_back (substr (a, len ())); return res; } std::vector<str> str::operator/ (str splitstring) {return split(splitstring);} std::vector<str> str::operator/ (char* splitstring) {return split(splitstring);} std::vector<str> str::operator/ (const char* splitstring) {return split(splitstring);} str& str::operator+= (vertex vrt) { appendformat ("%s", vrt.stringRep (false).chars()); return *this; } str fmt (const char* fmt, ...) { va_list va; char* buf; va_start (va, fmt); buf = vdynformat (fmt, va, 256); va_end (va); str val = buf; delete[] buf; return val; }