
Sun, 13 Jul 2014 20:28:52 +0300

Teemu Piippo <>
Sun, 13 Jul 2014 20:28:52 +0300
changeset 839
parent 836
child 840

- part downloader: update the input widget with the corrected part name when guesswork is done

 *  LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD
 *  Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Santeri Piippo
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QDir>
#include <QTime>
#include <QApplication>

#include "main.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "ldDocument.h"
#include "miscallenous.h"
#include "mainWindow.h"
#include "editHistory.h"
#include "dialogs.h"
#include "glRenderer.h"
#include "glCompiler.h"

CFGENTRY (String,			ldrawPath, "")
CFGENTRY (List,				recentFiles, {})
EXTERN_CFGENTRY (String,	downloadFilePath)
EXTERN_CFGENTRY (Bool,		useLogoStuds)

static bool g_loadingMainFile = false;
static const int g_maxRecentFiles = 10;
static bool g_aborted = false;
static LDDocumentPtr g_logoedStud;
static LDDocumentPtr g_logoedStud2;
static QList<LDDocumentWeakPtr> g_allDocuments;
static QList<LDDocumentPtr> g_explicitDocuments;
static LDDocumentPtr g_currentDocument;

const QStringList g_specialSubdirectories ({ "s", "48", "8" });

// =============================================================================
namespace LDPaths
	static QString pathError;

		QString LDConfigPath;
		QString partsPath, primsPath;
	} pathInfo;

	void initPaths()
		if (not tryConfigure (cfg::ldrawPath))
			LDrawPathDialog dlg (false);

			if (not dlg.exec())
				exit (0);

			cfg::ldrawPath = dlg.filename();

	bool tryConfigure (QString path)
		QDir dir;

		if (not (path))
			pathError = "Directory does not exist.";
			return false;

		QStringList mustHave = { "LDConfig.ldr", "parts", "p" };
		QStringList contents = dir.entryList (mustHave);

		if (contents.size() != mustHave.size())
			pathError = "Not an LDraw directory! Must<br />have LDConfig.ldr, parts/ and p/.";
			return false;

		pathInfo.partsPath = format ("%1" DIRSLASH "parts", path);
		pathInfo.LDConfigPath = format ("%1" DIRSLASH "LDConfig.ldr", path);
		pathInfo.primsPath = format ("%1" DIRSLASH "p", path);

		return true;

	// Accessors
	QString getError()
		return pathError;

	QString ldconfig()
		return pathInfo.LDConfigPath;

	QString prims()
		return pathInfo.primsPath;

	QString parts()
		return pathInfo.partsPath;

// =============================================================================
LDDocument::LDDocument (LDDocumentPtr* selfptr) :
	m_isImplicit (true),
	m_flags (0),
	_verticesOutdated (true),
	_needVertexMerge (true),
	m_gldata (new LDGLData)
	*selfptr = LDDocumentPtr (this);
	setSelf (*selfptr);
	setSavePosition (-1);
	setTabIndex (-1);
	setHistory (new History);
	history()->setDocument (*selfptr);
	m_needsReCache = true;
	g_allDocuments << *selfptr;

// =============================================================================
LDDocumentPtr LDDocument::createNew()
	LDDocumentPtr ptr;
	new LDDocument (&ptr);
	return ptr;

// =============================================================================
	print ("Deleted %1", getDisplayName());
	g_allDocuments.removeOne (self());
	m_flags |= DOCF_IsBeingDestroyed;
	delete m_history;
	delete m_gldata;

// =============================================================================
extern QMap<long, LDObjectWeakPtr>	g_allObjects;
void LDDocument::setImplicit (bool const& a)
	if (m_isImplicit != a)
		m_isImplicit = a;

		if (a == false)
			g_explicitDocuments << self().toStrongRef();
			print ("Opened %1", name());

			// Implicit files are not compiled by the GL renderer. Now that this
			// part is no longer implicit, it needs to be compiled.
			if (g_win != null)
				g_win->R()->compiler()->compileDocument (self());
			g_explicitDocuments.removeOne (self().toStrongRef());
			print ("Closed %1", name());
			int count = 0;

			for (LDObjectWeakPtr obj : g_allObjects)
				if (obj == null)

				LDSubfilePtr ref = obj.toStrongRef().dynamicCast<LDSubfile>();

				if (ref != null && ref->fileInfo() == self())

		if (g_win != null)

		// If the current document just became implicit (e.g. it was 'closed'),
		// we need to get a new current document.
		if (current() == self() && isImplicit())
			if (explicitDocuments().isEmpty())
				setCurrent (explicitDocuments().first());

// =============================================================================
QList<LDDocumentPtr> const& LDDocument::explicitDocuments()
	return g_explicitDocuments;

// =============================================================================
LDDocumentPtr findDocument (QString name)
	for (LDDocumentWeakPtr file : g_allDocuments)
		if (file != null && file.toStrongRef()->name() == name)
			return file.toStrongRef();

	return LDDocumentPtr();

// =============================================================================
QString dirname (QString path)
	long lastpos = path.lastIndexOf (DIRSLASH);

	if (lastpos > 0)
		return path.left (lastpos);

#ifndef _WIN32
	if (path[0] == DIRSLASH_CHAR)
		return DIRSLASH;
#endif // _WIN32

	return "";

// =============================================================================
QString basename (QString path)
	long lastpos = path.lastIndexOf (DIRSLASH);

	if (lastpos != -1)
		return path.mid (lastpos + 1);

	return path;

// =============================================================================
static QString findLDrawFilePath (QString relpath, bool subdirs)
	QString fullPath;

	// LDraw models use Windows-style path separators. If we're not on Windows,
	// replace the path separator now before opening any files. Qt expects
	// forward-slashes as directory separators.
#ifndef WIN32
	relpath.replace ("\\", "/");
#endif // WIN32

	// Try find it relative to other currently open documents. We want a file
	// in the immediate vicinity of a current model to override stock LDraw stuff.
	QString reltop = basename (dirname (relpath));

	for (LDDocumentWeakPtr doc : g_allDocuments)
		if (doc == null)

		QString partpath = format ("%1/%2", dirname (doc.toStrongRef()->fullPath()), relpath);
		QFile f (partpath);

		if (f.exists())
			// ensure we don't mix subfiles and 48-primitives with non-subfiles and non-48
			QString proptop = basename (dirname (partpath));

			bool bogus = false;

			for (QString s : g_specialSubdirectories)
				if ((proptop == s && reltop != s) || (reltop == s && proptop != s))
					bogus = true;

			if (not bogus)
				return partpath;

	if (QFile::exists (relpath))
		return relpath;

	// Try with just the LDraw path first
	fullPath = format ("%1" DIRSLASH "%2", cfg::ldrawPath, relpath);

	if (QFile::exists (fullPath))
		return fullPath;

	if (subdirs)
		// Look in sub-directories: parts and p. Also look in net_downloadpath, since that's
		// where we download parts from the PT to.
		for (const QString& topdir : QList<QString> ({ cfg::ldrawPath, cfg::downloadFilePath }))
			for (const QString& subdir : QList<QString> ({ "parts", "p" }))
				fullPath = format ("%1" DIRSLASH "%2" DIRSLASH "%3", topdir, subdir, relpath);

				if (QFile::exists (fullPath))
					return fullPath;

	// Did not find the file.
	return "";

// =============================================================================
QFile* openLDrawFile (QString relpath, bool subdirs, QString* pathpointer)
	print ("Opening %1...\n", relpath);
	QString path = findLDrawFilePath (relpath, subdirs);

	if (pathpointer != null)
		*pathpointer = path;

	if (path.isEmpty())
		return null;

	QFile* fp = new QFile (path);

	if (fp->open (QIODevice::ReadOnly))
		return fp;

	return null;

// =============================================================================
void LDFileLoader::start()
	setDone (false);
	setProgress (0);
	setAborted (false);

	if (isOnForeground())
		g_aborted = false;

		// Show a progress dialog if we're loading the main so we can
		// show progress updates and keep the WM posted that we're still here.
		// Of course we cannot exec() the dialog because then the dialog would
		// block.
		dlg = new OpenProgressDialog (g_win);
		dlg->setNumLines (lines().size());
		dlg->setModal (true);

		// Connect the loader in so we can show updates
		connect (this, SIGNAL (workDone()), dlg, SLOT (accept()));
		connect (dlg, SIGNAL (rejected()), this, SLOT (abort()));
		dlg = null;

	// Begin working
	work (0);

// =============================================================================
void LDFileLoader::work (int i)
	// User wishes to abort, so stop here now.
	if (isAborted())
		for (LDObjectPtr obj : m_objects)

		setDone (true);

	// Parse up to 300 lines per iteration
	int max = i + 300;

	for (; i < max && i < (int) lines().size(); ++i)
		QString line = lines()[i];

		// Trim the trailing newline
		QChar c;

		while (line.endsWith ("\n") || line.endsWith ("\r"))
			line.chop (1);

		LDObjectPtr obj = parseLine (line);

		// Check for parse errors and warn about tthem
		if (obj->type() == OBJ_Error)
			print ("Couldn't parse line #%1: %2", progress() + 1, obj.staticCast<LDError>()->reason());

			if (warnings() != null)

		m_objects << obj;
		setProgress (i);

		// If we have a dialog pointer, update the progress now
		if (isOnForeground())
			dlg->updateProgress (i);

	// If we're done now, tell the environment we're done and stop.
	if (i >= ((int) lines().size()) - 1)
		emit workDone();
		setDone (true);

	// Otherwise, continue, by recursing back.
	if (not isDone())
		// If we have a dialog to show progress output to, we cannot just call
		// work() again immediately as the dialog needs some processor cycles as
		// well. Thus, take a detour through the event loop by using the
		// meta-object system.
		// This terminates the loop here and control goes back to the function
		// which called the file loader. It will keep processing the event loop
		// until we're ready (see loadFileContents), thus the event loop will
		// eventually catch the invokation we throw here and send us back. Though
		// it's not technically recursion anymore, more like a for loop. :P
		if (isOnForeground())
			QMetaObject::invokeMethod (this, "work", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG (int, i));
			work (i);

// =============================================================================
void LDFileLoader::abort()
	setAborted (true);

	if (isOnForeground())
		g_aborted = true;

// =============================================================================
LDObjectList loadFileContents (QFile* fp, int* numWarnings, bool* ok)
	QStringList lines;
	LDObjectList objs;

	if (numWarnings)
		*numWarnings = 0;

	// Read in the lines
	while (not fp->atEnd())
		lines << QString::fromUtf8 (fp->readLine());

	LDFileLoader* loader = new LDFileLoader;
	loader->setWarnings (numWarnings);
	loader->setLines (lines);
	loader->setOnForeground (g_loadingMainFile);

	// After start() returns, if the loader isn't done yet, it's delaying
	// its next iteration through the event loop. We need to catch this here
	// by telling the event loop to tick, which will tick the file loader again.
	// We keep doing this until the file loader is ready.
	while (not loader->isDone())

	// If we wanted the success value, supply that now
	if (ok)
		*ok = not loader->isAborted();

	objs = loader->objects();
	delete loader;
	return objs;

// =============================================================================
LDDocumentPtr openDocument (QString path, bool search, bool implicit, LDDocumentPtr fileToOverride)
	// Convert the file name to lowercase since some parts contain uppercase
	// file names. I'll assume here that the library will always use lowercase
	// file names for the actual parts..
	QFile* fp;
	QString fullpath;

	if (search)
		fp = openLDrawFile (path.toLower(), true, &fullpath);
		fp = new QFile (path);
		fullpath = path;

		if (not fp->open (QIODevice::ReadOnly))
			delete fp;
			return LDDocumentPtr();

	if (not fp)
		return LDDocumentPtr();

	LDDocumentPtr load = (fileToOverride != null ? fileToOverride : LDDocument::createNew());
	load->setImplicit (implicit);
	load->setFullPath (fullpath);
	load->setName (LDDocument::shortenName (load->fullPath()));

	// Loading the file shouldn't count as actual edits to the document.
	load->history()->setIgnoring (true);

	int numWarnings;
	bool ok;
	LDObjectList objs = loadFileContents (fp, &numWarnings, &ok);

	if (not ok)
		return LDDocumentPtr();

	load->addObjects (objs);

	if (g_loadingMainFile)
		LDDocument::setCurrent (load);
		g_win->R()->setDocument (load);
		print (QObject::tr ("File %1 parsed successfully (%2 errors)."), path, numWarnings);

	load->history()->setIgnoring (false);
	return load;

// =============================================================================
bool LDDocument::isSafeToClose()
	typedef QMessageBox msgbox;
	setlocale (LC_ALL, "C");

	// If we have unsaved changes, warn and give the option of saving.
	if (hasUnsavedChanges())
		QString message = format (tr ("There are unsaved changes to %1. Should it be saved?"), getDisplayName());

		int button = msgbox::question (g_win, tr ("Unsaved Changes"), message,
			(msgbox::Yes | msgbox::No | msgbox::Cancel), msgbox::Cancel);

		switch (button)
			case msgbox::Yes:
				// If we don't have a file path yet, we have to ask the user for one.
				if (name().length() == 0)
					QString newpath = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName (g_win, tr ("Save As"),
						getCurrentDocument()->name(), tr ("LDraw files (*.dat *.ldr)"));

					if (newpath.length() == 0)
						return false;

					setName (newpath);

				if (not save())
					message = format (tr ("Failed to save %1 (%2)\nDo you still want to close?"),
						name(), strerror (errno));

					if (msgbox::critical (g_win, tr ("Save Failure"), message,
						(msgbox::Yes | msgbox::No), msgbox::No) == msgbox::No)
						return false;

			case msgbox::Cancel:
				return false;


	return true;

// =============================================================================
void closeAll()
	for (LDDocumentPtr file : g_explicitDocuments)

// =============================================================================
void newFile()
	// Create a new anonymous file and set it to our current
	LDDocumentPtr f = LDDocument::createNew();
	f->setName ("");
	f->setImplicit (false);
	LDDocument::setCurrent (f);
	g_win->R()->setDocument (f);

// =============================================================================
void addRecentFile (QString path)
	auto& rfiles = cfg::recentFiles;
	int idx = rfiles.indexOf (path);

	// If this file already is in the list, pop it out.
	if (idx != -1)
		if (idx == rfiles.size() - 1)
			return; // first recent file - abort and do nothing

		rfiles.removeAt (idx);

	// If there's too many recent files, drop one out.
	while (rfiles.size() > (g_maxRecentFiles - 1))
		rfiles.removeAt (0);

	// Add the file
	rfiles << path;


// =============================================================================
// Open an LDraw file and set it as the main model
// =============================================================================
void openMainFile (QString path)
	// If there's already a file with the same name, this file must replace it.
	LDDocumentPtr documentToReplace;
	LDDocumentPtr file;
	QString shortName = LDDocument::shortenName (path);

	for (LDDocumentWeakPtr doc : g_allDocuments)
		if (doc.toStrongRef()->name() == shortName)
			documentToReplace = doc;

	// We cannot open this file if the document this would replace is not
	// safe to close.
	if (documentToReplace != null && not documentToReplace->isSafeToClose())

	g_loadingMainFile = true;

	// If we're replacing an existing document, clear the document and
	// make it ready for being loaded to.
	if (documentToReplace != null)
		file = documentToReplace;

	file = openDocument (path, false, false, file);

	if (file == null)
		if (not g_aborted)
			// Tell the user loading failed.
			setlocale (LC_ALL, "C");
			critical (format (QObject::tr ("Failed to open %1: %2"), path, strerror (errno)));

		g_loadingMainFile = false;

	file->setImplicit (false);

	// If we have an anonymous, unchanged file open as the only open file
	// (aside of the one we just opened), close it now.

	// Rebuild the object tree view now.
	LDDocument::setCurrent (file);

	// Add it to the recent files list.
	addRecentFile (path);
	g_loadingMainFile = false;

// =============================================================================
bool LDDocument::save (QString path, int64* sizeptr)
	if (isImplicit())
		return false;

	if (not path.length())
		path = fullPath();

	// If the second object in the list holds the file name, update that now.
	LDObjectPtr nameObject = getObject (1);

	if (nameObject != null && nameObject->type() == OBJ_Comment)
		LDCommentPtr nameComment = nameObject.staticCast<LDComment>();

		if (nameComment->text().left (6) == "Name: ")
			QString newname = shortenName (path);
			nameComment->setText (format ("Name: %1", newname));

	QByteArray data;

	if (sizeptr != null)
		*sizeptr = 0;

	// File is open, now save the model to it. Note that LDraw requires files to
	// have DOS line endings, so we terminate the lines with \r\n.
	for (LDObjectPtr obj : objects())
		QByteArray subdata ((obj->asText() + "\r\n").toUtf8());
		data.append (subdata);

		if (sizeptr != null)
			*sizeptr += subdata.size();

	QFile f (path);

	if (not (QIODevice::WriteOnly))
		return false;

	f.write (data);

	// We have successfully saved, update the save position now.
	setSavePosition (history()->position());
	setFullPath (path);
	setName (shortenName (path));

	g_win->updateDocumentListItem (self().toStrongRef());
	return true;

// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::clear()
	for (LDObjectPtr obj : objects())
		forgetObject (obj);

// =============================================================================
static void checkTokenCount (const QStringList& tokens, int num)
	if (tokens.size() != num)
		throw QString (format ("Bad amount of tokens, expected %1, got %2", num, tokens.size()));

// =============================================================================
static void checkTokenNumbers (const QStringList& tokens, int min, int max)
	bool ok;

	QRegExp scient ("\\-?[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+e\\-[0-9]+");

	for (int i = min; i <= max; ++i)
		// Check hex
		if (tokens[i].startsWith ("0x"))
			tokens[i].mid (2).toInt (&ok, 16);

			if (not ok)
				// Check for floating point
				tokens[i].toDouble (&ok);

				// Also check scientific notation, e.g. 7.99361e-15
				if (not ok && not scient.exactMatch (tokens[i]))
					throw QString (format ("Token #%1 was `%2`, expected a number (matched length: %3)",
						(i + 1), tokens[i], scient.matchedLength()));

// =============================================================================
static Vertex parseVertex (QStringList& s, const int n)
	Vertex v;
	v.apply ([&] (Axis ax, double& a) { a = s[n + ax].toDouble(); });
	return v;

static int32 stringToNumber (QString a)
	int base = 10;

	if (a.startsWith ("0x"))
		a.remove (0, 2);
		base = 16;

	return a.toLong (null, base);

// =============================================================================
// This is the LDraw code parser function. It takes in a string containing LDraw
// code and returns the object parsed from it. parseLine never returns null,
// the object will be LDError if it could not be parsed properly.
// =============================================================================
LDObjectPtr parseLine (QString line)
		QStringList tokens = line.split (" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);

		if (tokens.size() <= 0)
			// Line was empty, or only consisted of whitespace
			return spawn<LDEmpty>();

		if (tokens[0].length() != 1 || not tokens[0][0].isDigit())
			throw QString ("Illogical line code");

		int num = tokens[0][0].digitValue();

		switch (num)
			case 0:
				// Comment
				QString commentText (line.mid (line.indexOf ("0") + 2));
				QString commentTextSimplified (commentText.simplified());

				// Handle BFC statements
				if (tokens.size() > 2 && tokens[1] == "BFC")
					for (int i = 0; i < LDBFC::NumStatements; ++i)
						if (commentTextSimplified == format ("BFC %1", LDBFC::k_statementStrings [i]))
							return spawn<LDBFC> ((LDBFC::Statement) i);

					// MLCAD is notorious for stuffing these statements in parts it
					// creates. The above block only handles valid statements, so we
					// need to handle MLCAD-style invertnext, clip and noclip separately.
					if (commentTextSimplified == "BFC CERTIFY INVERTNEXT")
						return spawn<LDBFC> (LDBFC::InvertNext);
					elif (commentTextSimplified == "BFC CERTIFY CLIP")
						return spawn<LDBFC> (LDBFC::Clip);
					elif (commentTextSimplified == "BFC CERTIFY NOCLIP")
						return spawn<LDBFC> (LDBFC::NoClip);

				if (tokens.size() > 2 && tokens[1] == "!LDFORGE")
					// Handle LDForge-specific types, they're embedded into comments too
					if (tokens[2] == "VERTEX")
						// Vertex (0 !LDFORGE VERTEX)
						checkTokenCount (tokens, 7);
						checkTokenNumbers (tokens, 3, 6);

						LDVertexPtr obj = spawn<LDVertex>();
						obj->setColor (LDColor::fromIndex (stringToNumber (tokens[3])));
						obj->pos.apply ([&](Axis ax, double& value) { value = tokens[4 + ax].toDouble(); });
						return obj;
					elif (tokens[2] == "OVERLAY")
						checkTokenCount (tokens, 9);
						checkTokenNumbers (tokens, 5, 8);

						LDOverlayPtr obj = spawn<LDOverlay>();
						obj->setFileName (tokens[3]);
						obj->setCamera (tokens[4].toLong());
						obj->setX (tokens[5].toLong());
						obj->setY (tokens[6].toLong());
						obj->setWidth (tokens[7].toLong());
						obj->setHeight (tokens[8].toLong());
						return obj;

				// Just a regular comment:
				LDCommentPtr obj = spawn<LDComment>();
				obj->setText (commentText);
				return obj;

			case 1:
				// Subfile
				checkTokenCount (tokens, 15);
				checkTokenNumbers (tokens, 1, 13);

				// Try open the file. Disable g_loadingMainFile temporarily since we're
				// not loading the main file now, but the subfile in question.
				bool tmp = g_loadingMainFile;
				g_loadingMainFile = false;
				LDDocumentPtr load = getDocument (tokens[14]);
				g_loadingMainFile = tmp;

				// If we cannot open the file, mark it an error. Note we cannot use LDParseError
				// here because the error object needs the document reference.
				if (not load)
					LDErrorPtr obj = spawn<LDError> (line, format ("Could not open %1", tokens[14]));
					obj->setFileReferenced (tokens[14]);
					return obj;

				LDSubfilePtr obj = spawn<LDSubfile>();
				obj->setColor (LDColor::fromIndex (stringToNumber (tokens[1])));
				obj->setPosition (parseVertex (tokens, 2));  // 2 - 4

				Matrix transform;

				for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
					transform[i] = tokens[i + 5].toDouble(); // 5 - 13

				obj->setTransform (transform);
				obj->setFileInfo (load);
				return obj;

			case 2:
				checkTokenCount (tokens, 8);
				checkTokenNumbers (tokens, 1, 7);

				// Line
				LDLinePtr obj (spawn<LDLine>());
				obj->setColor (LDColor::fromIndex (stringToNumber (tokens[1])));

				for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
					obj->setVertex (i, parseVertex (tokens, 2 + (i * 3)));   // 2 - 7

				return obj;

			case 3:
				checkTokenCount (tokens, 11);
				checkTokenNumbers (tokens, 1, 10);

				// Triangle
				LDTrianglePtr obj (spawn<LDTriangle>());
				obj->setColor (LDColor::fromIndex (stringToNumber (tokens[1])));

				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
					obj->setVertex (i, parseVertex (tokens, 2 + (i * 3)));   // 2 - 10

				return obj;

			case 4:
			case 5:
				checkTokenCount (tokens, 14);
				checkTokenNumbers (tokens, 1, 13);

				// Quadrilateral / Conditional line
				LDObjectPtr obj;

				if (num == 4)
					obj = spawn<LDQuad>();
					obj = spawn<LDCondLine>();

				obj->setColor (LDColor::fromIndex (stringToNumber (tokens[1])));

				for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
					obj->setVertex (i, parseVertex (tokens, 2 + (i * 3)));   // 2 - 13

				return obj;

				throw QString ("Unknown line code number");
	catch (QString& e)
		// Strange line we couldn't parse
		return spawn<LDError> (line, e);

// =============================================================================
LDDocumentPtr getDocument (QString filename)
	// Try find the file in the list of loaded files
	LDDocumentPtr doc = findDocument (filename);

	// If it's not loaded, try open it
	if (not doc)
		doc = openDocument (filename, true, true);

	return doc;

// =============================================================================
void reloadAllSubfiles()
	if (not getCurrentDocument())

	// Go through all objects in the current file and reload the subfiles
	for (LDObjectPtr obj : getCurrentDocument()->objects())
		if (obj->type() == OBJ_Subfile)
			LDSubfilePtr ref = obj.staticCast<LDSubfile>();
			LDDocumentPtr fileInfo = getDocument (ref->fileInfo()->name());

			if (fileInfo)
				ref->setFileInfo (fileInfo);
				ref->replace (spawn<LDError> (ref->asText(), format ("Could not open %1", ref->fileInfo()->name())));

		// Reparse gibberish files. It could be that they are invalid because
		// of loading errors. Circumstances may be different now.
		if (obj->type() == OBJ_Error)
			obj->replace (parseLine (obj.staticCast<LDError>()->contents()));

// =============================================================================
int LDDocument::addObject (LDObjectPtr obj)
	history()->add (new AddHistory (objects().size(), obj));
	m_objects << obj;
	addKnownVertices (obj);

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (not isImplicit())
		dprint ("Added object #%1 (%2)\n", obj->id(), obj->typeName());

	obj->setDocument (this);
	g_win->R()->compileObject (obj);
	return getObjectCount() - 1;

// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::addObjects (const LDObjectList& objs)
	for (LDObjectPtr obj : objs)
		if (obj != null)
			addObject (obj);

// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::insertObj (int pos, LDObjectPtr obj)
	history()->add (new AddHistory (pos, obj));
	m_objects.insert (pos, obj);
	obj->setDocument (this);
	g_win->R()->compileObject (obj);

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (not isImplicit())
		dprint ("Inserted object #%1 (%2) at %3\n", obj->id(), obj->typeName(), pos);

// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::addKnownVertices (LDObjectPtr obj)
	auto it = _objectVertices.find (obj);

	if (it == _objectVertices.end())
		it = _objectVertices.insert (obj, QVector<Vertex>());

	obj->getVertices (*it);

// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::forgetObject (LDObjectPtr obj)
	int idx = obj->lineNumber();
	assert (m_objects[idx] == obj);

	if (not isImplicit() && not (flags() & DOCF_IsBeingDestroyed))
		history()->add (new DelHistory (idx, obj));
		_objectVertices.remove (obj);

	m_objects.removeAt (idx);
	obj->setDocument (LDDocumentPtr());

// =============================================================================
bool safeToCloseAll()
	for (LDDocumentPtr f : LDDocument::explicitDocuments())
		if (not f->isSafeToClose())
			return false;

	return true;

// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::setObject (int idx, LDObjectPtr obj)
	assert (idx >= 0 && idx < m_objects.size());

	// Mark this change to history
	if (not m_history->isIgnoring())
		QString oldcode = getObject (idx)->asText();
		QString newcode = obj->asText();
		*m_history << new EditHistory (idx, oldcode, newcode);

	_objectVertices.remove (m_objects[idx]);
	m_objects[idx]->setDocument (LDDocumentPtr());
	obj->setDocument (this);
	addKnownVertices (obj);
	g_win->R()->compileObject (obj);
	m_objects[idx] = obj;

// =============================================================================
LDObjectPtr LDDocument::getObject (int pos) const
	if (m_objects.size() <= pos)
		return LDObjectPtr();

	return m_objects[pos];

// =============================================================================
int LDDocument::getObjectCount() const
	return objects().size();

// =============================================================================
bool LDDocument::hasUnsavedChanges() const
	return not isImplicit() && history()->position() != savePosition();

// =============================================================================
QString LDDocument::getDisplayName()
	if (not name().isEmpty())
		return name();

	if (not defaultName().isEmpty())
		return "[" + defaultName() + "]";

	return tr ("untitled");

// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::initializeCachedData()
	if (m_needsReCache)

		for (LDObjectPtr obj : inlineContents (true, true))
			assert (obj->type() != OBJ_Subfile);
			LDPolygon* data = obj->getPolygon();

			if (data != null)
				m_polygonData << *data;
				delete data;

		m_needsReCache = false;

	if (_verticesOutdated)

		for (LDObjectPtr obj : inlineContents (true, false))
			addKnownVertices (obj);

		_verticesOutdated = false;

	if (_needVertexMerge)

// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::mergeVertices()

	for (QVector<Vertex> const& verts : _objectVertices)
		_vertices << verts;

	removeDuplicates (_vertices);
	_needVertexMerge = false;

// =============================================================================
QList<LDPolygon> LDDocument::inlinePolygons()
	return polygonData();

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDObjectList LDDocument::inlineContents (bool deep, bool renderinline)
	// Possibly substitute with logoed studs:
	// stud.dat -> stud-logo.dat
	// stud2.dat -> stud-logo2.dat
	if (cfg::useLogoStuds && renderinline)
		// Ensure logoed studs are loaded first

		if (name() == "stud.dat" && g_logoedStud != null)
			return g_logoedStud->inlineContents (deep, renderinline);
		elif (name() == "stud2.dat" && g_logoedStud2 != null)
			return g_logoedStud2->inlineContents (deep, renderinline);

	LDObjectList objs, objcache;

	for (LDObjectPtr obj : objects())
		// Skip those without scemantic meaning
		if (not obj->isScemantic())

		// Got another sub-file reference, inline it if we're deep-inlining. If not,
		// just add it into the objects normally. Yay, recursion!
		if (deep == true && obj->type() == OBJ_Subfile)
			for (LDObjectPtr otherobj : obj.staticCast<LDSubfile>()->inlineContents (deep, renderinline))
				objs << otherobj;
			objs << obj->createCopy();

	return objs;

// =============================================================================
LDDocumentPtr LDDocument::current()
	return g_currentDocument;

// =============================================================================
// Sets the given file as the current one on display. At some point in time this
// was an operation completely unheard of. ;)
// TODO: f can be temporarily null. This probably should not be the case.
// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::setCurrent (LDDocumentPtr f)
	// Implicit files were loaded for caching purposes and must never be set
	// current.
	if (f != null && f->isImplicit())

	g_currentDocument = f;

	if (g_win && f)
		// A ton of stuff needs to be updated
		g_win->updateDocumentListItem (f);
		g_win->R()->setDocument (f);
		print ("Changed file to %1", f->getDisplayName());

// =============================================================================
int LDDocument::countExplicitFiles()
	return g_explicitDocuments.size();

// =============================================================================
// This little beauty closes the initial file that was open at first when opening
// a new file over it.
// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::closeInitialFile()
	if (g_explicitDocuments.size() == 2 &&
		g_explicitDocuments[0]->name().isEmpty() &&
		not g_explicitDocuments[1]->name().isEmpty() &&
		not g_explicitDocuments[0]->hasUnsavedChanges())

// =============================================================================
void loadLogoedStuds()
	if (g_logoedStud && g_logoedStud2)

	g_logoedStud = openDocument ("stud-logo.dat", true, true);
	g_logoedStud2 = openDocument ("stud2-logo.dat", true, true);

	print (LDDocument::tr ("Logoed studs loaded.\n"));

// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::addToSelection (LDObjectPtr obj) // [protected]
	if (obj->isSelected())

	assert (obj->document() == self());
	m_sel << obj;
	g_win->R()->compileObject (obj);
	obj->setSelected (true);

// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::removeFromSelection (LDObjectPtr obj) // [protected]
	if (not obj->isSelected())

	assert (obj->document() == self());
	m_sel.removeOne (obj);
	g_win->R()->compileObject (obj);
	obj->setSelected (false);

// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::clearSelection()
	for (LDObjectPtr obj : m_sel)
		removeFromSelection (obj);

	assert (m_sel.isEmpty());

// =============================================================================
const LDObjectList& LDDocument::getSelection() const
	return m_sel;

// =============================================================================
void LDDocument::swapObjects (LDObjectPtr one, LDObjectPtr other)
	int a = m_objects.indexOf (one);
	int b = m_objects.indexOf (other);
	assert (a != b && a != -1 && b != -1);
	m_objects[b] = one;
	m_objects[a] = other;
	addToHistory (new SwapHistory (one->id(), other->id()));

// =============================================================================
QString LDDocument::shortenName (QString a) // [static]
	QString shortname = basename (a);
	QString topdirname = basename (dirname (a));

	if (g_specialSubdirectories.contains (topdirname))
		shortname.prepend (topdirname + "\\");

	return shortname;

// =============================================================================
QVector<Vertex> const& LDDocument::inlineVertices()
	return _vertices;

void LDDocument::redoVertices()
	_verticesOutdated = true;

void LDDocument::needVertexMerge()
	_needVertexMerge = true;
