Mon, 18 Mar 2013 18:29:02 +0200
Added LDraw path setting dialog
#include <QAbstractButton> #include <qboxlayout.h> #include "zz_setContentsDialog.h" #include "file.h" #include "gui.h" // ============================================================================= // Dialog_SetContents (LDObject*) [constructor] // // Initializes the Set Contents dialog for the given LDObject // ============================================================================= Dialog_SetContents::Dialog_SetContents (LDObject* obj, QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent) { setWindowTitle (APPNAME_DISPLAY ": Set Contents"); qContentsLabel = new QLabel ("Set contents:", parent); qContents = new QLineEdit (parent); qContents->setText (obj->getContents ().chars()); qContents->setWhatsThis ("The LDraw code of this object. The code written " "here is expected to be valid LDraw code, invalid code here results " "the object being turned into an error object. Please do refer to the " "<a href=\"\">official file format " "standard</a> for further information."); qContents->setMinimumWidth (384); qOKCancel = new QDialogButtonBox (QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, Qt::Horizontal, parent); connect (qOKCancel, SIGNAL (accepted ()), this, SLOT (accept ())); connect (qOKCancel, SIGNAL (rejected ()), this, SLOT (reject ())); /* connect (qOKCancel, SIGNAL (clicked (QAbstractButton*)), this, SLOT (slot_handleButtons (QAbstractButton*))); */ QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addWidget (qContentsLabel); layout->addWidget (qContents); layout->addWidget (qOKCancel); setLayout (layout); } // ============================================================================= // void slot_handleButtons (QAbstractButton*) // // Handles a button.. this is used to reset the input field // ============================================================================= void Dialog_SetContents::slot_handleButtons (QAbstractButton* qButton) { qButton = qButton; } // ============================================================================= // void staticDialog (LDObject*) [static method] // // Performs the Set Contents dialog on the given LDObject. Object's contents // are exposed to the user and is reinterpreted if the user accepts the new // contents. // ============================================================================= void Dialog_SetContents::staticDialog (LDObject* obj, ForgeWindow* parent) { if (!obj) return; Dialog_SetContents dlg (obj, parent); if (dlg.exec ()) { LDObject* oldobj = obj; // Reinterpret it from the text of the input field obj = parseLine (dlg.qContents->text ().toStdString ().c_str ()); oldobj->replace (obj); // Rebuild stuff after this parent->buildObjList (); parent->R->hardRefresh (); } }