Wed, 26 Dec 2018 16:38:38 +0200
Refactored the color toolbar editing into a new model/view system
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018 Teemu Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QApplication> #include <QMessageBox> #include "lddocument.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "primitives.h" #include "colors.h" #include "documentmanager.h" #include "editHistory.h" #include "algorithms/geometry.h" #include "generics/ring.h" #include "linetypes/comment.h" #include "linetypes/conditionaledge.h" #include "linetypes/edgeline.h" #include "linetypes/empty.h" #include "linetypes/quadrilateral.h" #include "linetypes/triangle.h" #include "linetypes/circularprimitive.h" PrimitiveManager::PrimitiveManager(QObject* parent) : QAbstractItemModel {parent}, HierarchyElement {parent}, m_activeScanner {nullptr}, m_unmatched {nullptr} {} PrimitiveScanner* PrimitiveManager::activeScanner() { return m_activeScanner; } QString PrimitiveManager::getPrimitivesCfgPath() const { return QDir {qApp->applicationDirPath()}.filePath("prims.cfg"); } void PrimitiveManager::loadPrimitives() { // Try to load prims.cfg QFile primitivesFile = {getPrimitivesCfgPath()}; if (not (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { // No prims.cfg, build it startScan(); } else { emit layoutAboutToBeChanged(); m_primitives.clear(); while (not primitivesFile.atEnd()) { QString line = primitivesFile.readLine().simplified(); int space = line.indexOf(" "); if (space != -1) { Primitive info; = line.left(space); info.title = line.mid(space + 1); m_primitives.append(info); } } populateCategories(); emit layoutChanged(); print(tr("%1 primitives loaded.") + "\n", countof(m_primitives)); } } void PrimitiveManager::startScan() { if (m_activeScanner == nullptr) { loadCategories(); m_activeScanner = new PrimitiveScanner {this}; m_activeScanner->work(); connect(m_activeScanner, &PrimitiveScanner::workDone, this, [&]() { if (m_activeScanner) { emit layoutAboutToBeChanged(); m_primitives = m_activeScanner->scannedPrimitives(); populateCategories(); emit layoutChanged(); print(tr("%1 primitives scanned"), countof(m_primitives)); delete m_activeScanner; m_activeScanner = nullptr; } }); } } void PrimitiveManager::clearCategories() { for (PrimitiveCategory* category : m_categories) delete category; m_categories.clear(); } void PrimitiveManager::populateCategories() { loadCategories(); for (PrimitiveCategory* category : m_categories) category->primitives.clear(); for (Primitive& primitive : m_primitives) { bool matched = false; primitive.category = nullptr; // Go over the categories and their regexes, if and when there's a match, // the primitive's category is set to the category the regex beloings to. for (PrimitiveCategory* category : m_categories) { for (PrimitiveCategory::RegexEntry& entry : category->patterns) { switch (entry.type) { case PrimitiveCategory::FilenamePattern: // f-regex, check against filename matched = entry.regex.exactMatch (; break; case PrimitiveCategory::TitlePattern: // t-regex, check against title matched = entry.regex.exactMatch (primitive.title); break; } if (matched) { primitive.category = category; break; } } // Drop off if a category was decided on. if (primitive.category) break; } // If there was a match, add the primitive to the category. // Otherwise, add it to the list of unmatched primitives. if (primitive.category) primitive.category->primitives << primitive; else m_unmatched->primitives << primitive; } // Sort the categories. Note that we only do this here because we needed the original order for pattern matching. ::sort(m_categories.begin(), m_categories.end(), [](PrimitiveCategory* const& one, PrimitiveCategory* const& other) -> bool { return one->name() < other->name(); }); } void PrimitiveManager::loadCategories() { clearCategories(); QString path = ":/data/primitive-categories.cfg"; QFile categoriesFile = {path}; if (not (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QString message = format(tr("Failed to open primitive categories: %1"), categoriesFile.errorString()); QMessageBox::critical(m_window, tr("Cannot open categories"), message); return; } PrimitiveCategory* category = nullptr; while (not categoriesFile.atEnd()) { QString line = QString::fromUtf8(categoriesFile.readLine()).trimmed(); if (line.isEmpty() or line[0] == '#') continue; int colon = line.indexOf (":"); if (colon == -1) { if (category and category->isValidToInclude()) { m_categories << category; } else if (category) { print (tr ("Warning: Category \"%1\" left without patterns"), category->name()); delete category; } category = new PrimitiveCategory (line); } else if (category) { QString typechar = line.left (colon); PrimitiveCategory::PatternType type = PrimitiveCategory::FilenamePattern; if (typechar == "f") { type = PrimitiveCategory::FilenamePattern; } else if (typechar == "t") { type = PrimitiveCategory::TitlePattern; } else { print(tr("Warning: unknown pattern type \"%1\" on line \"%2\""), typechar, line); continue; } QRegExp regex (line.mid (colon + 1)); PrimitiveCategory::RegexEntry entry = { regex, type }; category->patterns << entry; } else { print("Warning: Rules given before the first category name"); } } if (category->isValidToInclude()) m_categories << category; // Add a category for unmatched primitives. // Note: if this function is called the second time, m_unmatched has been // deleted at the beginning of the function and is dangling at this point. m_unmatched = new PrimitiveCategory {tr("Other")}; m_categories.append(m_unmatched); categoriesFile.close(); } // Length of a single LDraw edge circle segment. Ideally, it is sqrt(2 - 2 * cos(π / 8)), but // rounding errors come into play so it's a tiny bit larger than that. // This actual value is given by: hypot(0.0761, 0.3827) static const double chordLength = 0.3901929010117944; void PrimitiveModel::generateCylinder(Model& model, Winding winding) const { auto circle = makeCircle(this->segments, this->divisions, 1); bool useTangents = (this->segments != this->divisions); QPointF tangent_1; QPointF tangent_2; if (useTangents) { tangent_1 = {1.0, -chordLength}; double angle = double(segments) * 2 * pi / double(divisions) + (pi / 2); tangent_2 = { circle.last().p2().x() + chordLength * cos(angle), circle.last().p2().y() + chordLength * sin(angle), }; } for (int i = 0; i < this->segments; i += 1) { double x0 = circle[i].x1(); double x1 = circle[i].x2(); double z0 = circle[i].y1(); double z1 = circle[i].y2(); double y1 = (winding == CounterClockwise) ? 0.0 : 1.0; double y2 = (winding == CounterClockwise) ? 1.0 : 0.0; LDQuadrilateral* quad = model.emplace<LDQuadrilateral>( Vertex {x1, y1, z1}, Vertex {x0, y1, z0}, Vertex {x0, y2, z0}, Vertex {x1, y2, z1} ); quad->setColor(MainColor); } for (int i = 0; i < this->segments + 1; i += 1) { QPointF p0 = ::pointOnLDrawCircumference(i, divisions); QPointF p2 = ::pointOnLDrawCircumference(i - 1, divisions); QPointF p3 = ::pointOnLDrawCircumference(i + 1, divisions); if (useTangents and i == 0) p2 = tangent_1; else if (useTangents and i == this->segments) p3 = tangent_2; Vertex v0 = {p0.x(), 1.0, p0.y()}; Vertex v1 = {v0.x, 0.0, v0.z}; Vertex v2 = {p2.x(), 1.0, p2.y()}; Vertex v3 = {p3.x(), 1.0, p3.y()}; LDConditionalEdge* line = model.emplace<LDConditionalEdge>(); line->setColor(EdgeColor); line->setVertex(0, v0); line->setVertex(1, v1); line->setVertex(2, v2); line->setVertex(3, v3); } } /* * Builds a circle primitive. */ void PrimitiveModel::generateCircle(Model& model, const QMatrix4x4& matrix) const { QVector<QLineF> circle = makeCircle(segments, divisions, 1); for (int i = 0; i < segments; ++i) { double x0 = circle[i].x1(); double x1 = circle[i].x2(); double z0 = circle[i].y1(); double z1 = circle[i].y2(); LDEdgeLine* line = model.emplace<LDEdgeLine>(); line->setVertex(0, Vertex {x0, 0.0f, z0}.transformed(matrix)); line->setVertex(1, Vertex {x1, 0.0f, z1}.transformed(matrix)); line->setColor(EdgeColor); } } void PrimitiveModel::generateDisc(Model& model) const { QVector<QLineF> circle = makeCircle(segments, divisions, 1); for (int i = 0; i < segments; ++i) { LDTriangle* segment = model.emplace<LDTriangle>(); segment->setColor(MainColor); segment->setVertex(0, {circle[i].x1(), 0.0, circle[i].y1()}); segment->setVertex(1, {circle[i].x2(), 0.0, circle[i].y2()}); segment->setVertex(2, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}); } } void PrimitiveModel::generateDiscNegative(Model& model) const { QVector<QLineF> circle = makeCircle(segments, divisions, 1); for (int i = 0; i < segments; ++i) { LDTriangle* segment = model.emplace<LDTriangle>(); segment->setColor(MainColor); double angle = (i + 0.5) * 2.0 * pi / divisions; segment->setVertex(0, {double(sign(cos(angle))), 0.0, double(sign(sin(angle)))}); segment->setVertex(1, {circle[i].x2(), 0.0, circle[i].y2()}); segment->setVertex(2, {circle[i].x1(), 0.0, circle[i].y1()}); } } void PrimitiveModel::generateChord(Model& model) const { QVector<QLineF> circle = makeCircle(segments, divisions, 1); for (int i = 1; i < segments; ++i) { LDTriangle* segment = model.emplace<LDTriangle>(); segment->setColor(MainColor); segment->setVertex(0, {circle[0].x1(), 0.0, circle[0].y1()}); segment->setVertex(1, {circle[i].x1(), 0.0, circle[i].y1()}); segment->setVertex(2, {circle[i].x2(), 0.0, circle[i].y2()}); } } void PrimitiveModel::generateBody(Model& model, bool deep) const { switch (type) { case Cylinder: generateCylinder(model); return; case Circle: generateCircle(model); return; case Disc: generateDisc(model); return; case DiscNegative: generateDiscNegative(model); return; case CylinderClosed: if (deep) generateDisc(model); else model.emplace<LDCircularPrimitive>(Disc, segments, divisions, QMatrix4x4 {}); case CylinderOpen: { QMatrix4x4 endCircleMatrix; endCircleMatrix.translate(0, 1, 0); if (deep) { generateCylinder(model); generateCircle(model); generateCircle(model, endCircleMatrix); } else { model.emplace<LDCircularPrimitive>(Cylinder, segments, divisions, QMatrix4x4 {}); model.emplace<LDCircularPrimitive>(Circle, segments, divisions, QMatrix4x4 {}); model.emplace<LDCircularPrimitive>(Circle, segments, divisions, endCircleMatrix); } } return; case Chord: generateChord(model); return; default: break; } QVector<int> conditionalLineSegments; QVector<QLineF> circle = makeCircle(segments, divisions, 1); for (int i = 0; i < segments; ++i) { double x0 = circle[i].x1(); double x1 = circle[i].x2(); double z0 = circle[i].y1(); double z1 = circle[i].y2(); switch (type) { case Ring: case Cone: { double x2, x3, z2, z3; double y0, y1, y2, y3; x2 = x1 * (ringNumber + 1); x3 = x0 * (ringNumber + 1); z2 = z1 * (ringNumber + 1); z3 = z0 * (ringNumber + 1); x0 *= ringNumber; x1 *= ringNumber; z0 *= ringNumber; z1 *= ringNumber; if (type == Ring) { y0 = y1 = y2 = y3 = 0.0; } else { y0 = y1 = 1.0; y2 = y3 = 0.0; } Vertex v0 = {x0, y0, z0}; Vertex v1 = {x1, y1, z1}; Vertex v2 = {x2, y2, z2}; Vertex v3 = {x3, y3, z3}; qSwap(v1, v3); LDQuadrilateral* quad = model.emplace<LDQuadrilateral>(v0, v1, v2, v3); quad->setColor(MainColor); if (type == Cylinder or type == Cone) conditionalLineSegments.append(i); } break; case Chord: case Disc: case DiscNegative: case Circle: case Cylinder: case CylinderClosed: case CylinderOpen: break; } } // If this is not a full circle, we need a conditional line at the other // end, too. if (segments < divisions and not conditionalLineSegments.isEmpty()) conditionalLineSegments << segments; for (int i : conditionalLineSegments) { QPointF p0 = ::pointOnLDrawCircumference(i, divisions); QPointF p2 = ::pointOnLDrawCircumference(i - 1, divisions); QPointF p3 = ::pointOnLDrawCircumference(i + 1, divisions); Vertex v0 = {p0.x() * ringNumber, 1.0, p0.y() * ringNumber}; Vertex v1 = {v0.x * (ringNumber + 1), 0.0, v0.z * (ringNumber + 1)}; Vertex v2 = {p2.x(), 0.0, p2.y()}; Vertex v3 = {p3.x(), 0.0, p3.y()}; v2 *= ringNumber; v3 *= ringNumber; v2.y = v3.y = 1.0; LDConditionalEdge* line = model.emplace<LDConditionalEdge>(); line->setColor(EdgeColor); line->setVertex(0, v0); line->setVertex(1, v1); line->setVertex(2, v2); line->setVertex(3, v3); } } QString PrimitiveModel::typeName() const { return typeName(type); } QString PrimitiveModel::typeName(PrimitiveModel::Type type) { // Not translated as primitives are in English. const char* names[] = { "Circle", "Cylinder", "Disc", "Disc Negative", "Ring", "Cone", "Cylinder Closed", "Cylinder Open", "Chord" }; if (type >= 0 and type < countof(names)) return names[type]; else return "Unknown"; } QString PrimitiveModel::makeFileName(FilenameStyle style) const { int numerator = segments; int denominator = divisions; // Simplify the fractional part, but the denominator must be at least 4. simplify(numerator, denominator); if (denominator < 4) { int factor = 4 / denominator; numerator *= factor; denominator *= factor; } // Compose some general information: prefix, fraction, root, ring number QString prefix = (divisions == MediumResolution) ? "" : format ("%1\\", divisions); QString frac = format ("%1-%2", numerator, denominator); static const char* roots[] = {"edge", "cyli", "disc", "ndis", "ring", "con", "chrd"}; QString root = roots[type]; QString numberString = (type == Ring or type == Cone) ? format ("%1", ringNumber) : ""; // Truncate the root if necessary (7-16rin4.dat for instance). // However, always keep the root at least 2 characters. if (style == LegacyStyleName) { int extra = (countof(frac) + countof(numberString) + countof(root)) - 8; root.chop(qBound(0, extra, 2)); } // Stick them all together and return the result. return prefix + frac + root + numberString + ".dat"; } LDDocument* PrimitiveManager::generatePrimitive(const PrimitiveModel& spec) { // Make the description QString fraction = QString::number ((float) spec.segments / spec.divisions); QString fileName = spec.makeFileName(PrimitiveModel::NewStyleName); QString description; // Ensure that there's decimals, even if they're 0. if (fraction.indexOf(".") == -1) fraction += ".0"; if (spec.type == PrimitiveModel::Ring or spec.type == PrimitiveModel::Cone) { QString spacing = (spec.ringNumber < 10) ? " " : ""; description = format("%1 %2%3 x %4", PrimitiveModel::typeName(spec.type), spacing, spec.ringNumber, fraction); } else { description = format("%1 %2", PrimitiveModel::typeName(spec.type), fraction); } // Prepend "Hi-Res" or "Lo-Res" as appropriate. if (spec.divisions == HighResolution) description.insert (0, "Hi-Res "); else if (spec.divisions == LowResolution) description.insert (0, "Lo-Res "); LDDocument* document = m_documents->createNew(false); document->setDefaultName(fileName); if (not config::defaultName().isEmpty()) { document->header.license = LDHeader::defaultLicense(); document-> = format("%1 [%2]", config::defaultName(), config::defaultUser()); } else { document-> = APPNAME; } document->setFrozen(false); document-> = fileName; document->header.description = description; if (spec.divisions == HighResolution) document->header.type = LDHeader::Primitive_48; else if (spec.divisions == LowResolution) document->header.type = LDHeader::Primitive_8; else document->header.type = LDHeader::Primitive; if (config::useCaLicense()) document->header.license = LDHeader::CaLicense; else document->header.license =LDHeader::UnspecifiedLicense; document->setWinding(CounterClockwise); spec.generateBody(*document); document->history()->setIgnoring(false); return document; } /* * PrimitiveManager :: getPrimitive * * Gets a primitive by the given model. If the primitive cannot be found, it will be automatically generated. */ LDDocument* PrimitiveManager::getPrimitive(const PrimitiveModel& model) { // Try find with the new style name. QString name = model.makeFileName(PrimitiveModel::NewStyleName); LDDocument* document = m_window->documents()->getDocumentByName(name); if (not document) { // Not found, try the legacy name QString name = model.makeFileName(PrimitiveModel::LegacyStyleName); document = m_window->documents()->getDocumentByName(name); } if (not document) { // Not found either, generate it. document = generatePrimitive(model); m_window->openDocumentForEditing(document); } return document; } /* * Returns the amount of columns in the primitives tree (1) */ int PrimitiveManager::columnCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return 1; } /* * For an index that points to a primitive, returns the category that contains it */ static PrimitiveCategory* categoryForPrimitiveIndex(const QModelIndex& primitiveIndex) { return static_cast<PrimitiveCategory*>(primitiveIndex.internalPointer()); } /* * Returns data from the tree model. */ QVariant PrimitiveManager::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const { if (index.isValid()) { if (categoryForPrimitiveIndex(index) != nullptr) { // Index points to a primitive, return primitive information. Primitive& primitive = categoryForPrimitiveIndex(index)->primitives[index.row()]; switch(role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return format("%1 - %2",, primitive.title); case Qt::DecorationRole: return MainWindow::getIcon("subfilereference"); case PrimitiveNameRole: return; case PrimitiveDescriptionRole: return primitive.title; default: return {}; } } else { // Index points to a category, return category information. PrimitiveCategory* category = this->m_categories[index.row()]; switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return category->name(); case Qt::DecorationRole: return MainWindow::getIcon("folder"); default: return {}; } } } else { // Index is invalid. return {}; } } /* * For a row and parent index, returns a child index. */ QModelIndex PrimitiveManager::index(int row, int, const QModelIndex& parent) const { if (parent.isValid()) { if (categoryForPrimitiveIndex(parent)) { // Parent is a primitive index. Primitives cannot have children so return an // invalid index. return {}; } else { // Parent is a category, return an index to a primitive PrimitiveCategory* category = m_categories[parent.row()]; // Create an index inside the category if (row >= 0 and row < category->primitives.size()) return this->createIndex(row, 0, category); else return {}; } } else { // Create a top-level index pointing to a category if (row >= 0 and row < this->m_categories.size()) return this->createIndex(row, 0, nullptr); else return {}; } } /* * For a primitive index, find the category index that contains it. */ QModelIndex PrimitiveManager::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const { int row = this->m_categories.indexOf(categoryForPrimitiveIndex(index)); if (row != -1) return this->createIndex(row, 0, nullptr); else return {}; } /* * Returns the amount of rows contained inside the given index. */ int PrimitiveManager::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const { if (parent.isValid()) { if (categoryForPrimitiveIndex(parent)) { // Primitives don't have child nodes, so return 0. return 0; } else { // For categories, return the amount of primitives contained. return this->m_categories[parent.row()]->primitives.size(); } } else { // For top-level, return the amount of categories. return this->m_categories.size(); } } /* * Returns a static "Primitives" text for the header. */ QVariant PrimitiveManager::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation, int role) const { if (section == 0 and role == Qt::DisplayRole) return tr("Primitives"); else return {}; } // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PrimitiveCategory::PrimitiveCategory (QString name, QObject* parent) : QObject (parent), m_name (name) {} bool PrimitiveCategory::isValidToInclude() { return not patterns.isEmpty(); } QString PrimitiveCategory::name() const { return m_name; } /* * PrimitiveScanner :: PrimitiveScanner * * Constructs a primitive scanner. */ PrimitiveScanner::PrimitiveScanner(PrimitiveManager* parent) : QObject(parent), HierarchyElement(parent), m_manager(parent) { for (const Library& library : config::libraries()) { QDir dir {library.path}; if (dir.exists("p") and QFileInfo {dir.filePath("p")}.isDir()) { directories.push(dir.filePath("p")); if (dir.exists("p/48") and QFileInfo {dir.filePath("p/48")}.isDir()) directories.push(dir.filePath("p/48")); } } print("Scanning primitives..."); } PrimitiveScanner::~PrimitiveScanner() { delete this->currentIterator; } /* * PrimitiveScanner :: scannedPrimitives * * Returns a vector containing all the primitives found. */ const QVector<Primitive> &PrimitiveScanner::scannedPrimitives() const { return m_scannedPrimitives; } /* * PrimitiveScanner :: work * * Does one step of work, processes up to 100 primitives. * If the scanner does not finish work by this function call, it will ask the event loop to call this method again. */ void PrimitiveScanner::work() { while (this->currentIterator == nullptr or not this->currentIterator->hasNext()) { delete this->currentIterator; this->currentIterator = nullptr; if (this->directories.isEmpty()) { // If there are no more primitives to iterate, we're done. Now save this information into a cache file. std::sort( m_scannedPrimitives.begin(), m_scannedPrimitives.end(), [](const Primitive& one, const Primitive& other) -> bool { return one.title < other.title; } ); QString path = m_manager->getPrimitivesCfgPath(); QFile configFile = {path}; if ( | QIODevice::Text)) { for (Primitive& primitive : m_scannedPrimitives) fprint(configFile, "%1 %2\r\n",, primitive.title); configFile.close(); } else { QMessageBox::critical( m_window, tr("Error"), format( tr("Couldn't write primitive list %1: %2"), path, configFile.errorString() ) ); } emit workDone(); return; } else { this->currentIterator = new QDirIterator {this->directories.pop()}; this->m_basePathLength = this->currentIterator->path().length(); } } for (int i = 0; this->currentIterator->hasNext() and i < 100; ++i) { QString filename = this->currentIterator->next(); QFile file = {filename}; if ( (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { Primitive primitive; = LDDocument::shortenName(filename); primitive.category = nullptr; primitive.title = QString::fromUtf8(file.readLine().simplified()); if (primitive.title[0] == '0') { primitive.title.remove(0, 1); // remove 0 primitive.title = primitive.title.trimmed(); } m_scannedPrimitives << primitive; } } // Defer to event loop, pick up the work later. QMetaObject::invokeMethod (this, "work", Qt::QueuedConnection); }