Tue, 16 Feb 2016 00:59:50 +0200
Transformed primitive management into a new class PrimitiveManager that is a member of MainWindow
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016 Teemu Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <QDir> #include <QRegExp> #include <QFileDialog> #include "ldDocument.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "primitives.h" #include "ui_makeprim.h" #include "miscallenous.h" #include "colors.h" #include "ldpaths.h" #include "documentmanager.h" QList<PrimitiveCategory*> m_categories; static const QStringList g_radialNameRoots = { "edge", "cyli", "disc", "ndis", "ring", "con" }; PrimitiveScanner* PrimitiveManager::activeScanner() { return m_activeScanner; } QString PrimitiveManager::getPrimitivesCfgPath() const { return qApp->applicationDirPath() + DIRSLASH "prims.cfg"; } // ============================================================================= // void PrimitiveManager::loadPrimitives() { // Try to load prims.cfg QFile conf (getPrimitivesCfgPath()); if (not conf.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { // No prims.cfg, build it startScan(); } else { while (not conf.atEnd()) { QString line = conf.readLine(); if (line.endsWith ("\n")) line.chop (1); if (line.endsWith ("\r")) line.chop (1); int space = line.indexOf (" "); if (space == -1) continue; Primitive info; info.name = line.left (space); info.title = line.mid (space + 1); m_primitives << info; } populateCategories(); print ("%1 primitives loaded.\n", m_primitives.size()); } } // ============================================================================= // // TODO: replace with QDirIterator // static void GetRecursiveFilenames (QDir dir, QList<QString>& fnames) __attribute__((deprecated)); static void GetRecursiveFilenames (QDir dir, QList<QString>& fnames) { QFileInfoList flist = dir.entryInfoList (QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); for (const QFileInfo& info : flist) { if (info.isDir()) GetRecursiveFilenames (QDir (info.absoluteFilePath()), fnames); else fnames << info.absoluteFilePath(); } } // ============================================================================= // PrimitiveScanner::PrimitiveScanner (PrimitiveManager* parent) : QObject(parent), HierarchyElement(parent), m_manager(parent), m_i(0) { QDir dir = LDPaths::primitivesDir(); m_baselen = dir.absolutePath().length(); GetRecursiveFilenames(dir, m_files); emit starting(m_files.size()); print("Scanning primitives..."); } const QList<Primitive>& PrimitiveScanner::scannedPrimitives() const { return m_prims; } // ============================================================================= // void PrimitiveScanner::work() { int max = qMin (m_i + 100, m_files.size()); for (; m_i < max; ++m_i) { QString filename = m_files[m_i]; QFile file (filename); if (not file.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) continue; Primitive info; info.name = filename.mid (m_baselen + 1); // make full path relative info.name.replace ('/', '\\'); // use DOS backslashes, they're expected info.category = nullptr; QByteArray titledata = file.readLine(); if (titledata != QByteArray()) info.title = QString::fromUtf8 (titledata); info.title = info.title.simplified(); if (info.title[0] == '0') { info.title.remove (0, 1); // remove 0 info.title = info.title.simplified(); } m_prims << info; } if (m_i == m_files.size()) { // Done with primitives, now save to a config file QString path = m_manager->getPrimitivesCfgPath(); QFile configFile (path); if (configFile.open (QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { for (Primitive& info : m_prims) fprint (configFile, "%1 %2\r\n", info.name, info.title); configFile.close(); } else { errorPrompt(m_window, format("Couldn't write primitive list %1: %2", path, configFile.errorString())); } emit workDone(); } else { // Defer to event loop, pick up the work later emit update (m_i); QMetaObject::invokeMethod (this, "work", Qt::QueuedConnection); } } // ============================================================================= // void PrimitiveManager::startScan() { if (m_activeScanner == nullptr) { loadCategories(); m_activeScanner = new PrimitiveScanner(this); m_activeScanner->work(); connect(m_activeScanner, &PrimitiveScanner::workDone, this, &PrimitiveManager::scanDone); } } void PrimitiveManager::scanDone() { if (m_activeScanner) { m_primitives = m_activeScanner->scannedPrimitives(); populateCategories(); print ("%1 primitives scanned", m_primitives.size()); delete m_activeScanner; m_activeScanner = nullptr; } } // ============================================================================= // PrimitiveCategory::PrimitiveCategory (QString name, QObject* parent) : QObject (parent), m_name (name) {} // ============================================================================= // void PrimitiveManager::clearCategories() { for (PrimitiveCategory* category : m_categories) delete category; m_categories.clear(); } // ============================================================================= // void PrimitiveManager::populateCategories() { loadCategories(); for (PrimitiveCategory* category : m_categories) category->primitives.clear(); for (Primitive& primitive : m_primitives) { bool matched = false; primitive.category = nullptr; // Go over the categories and their regexes, if and when there's a match, // the primitive's category is set to the category the regex beloings to. for (PrimitiveCategory* category : m_categories) { for (PrimitiveCategory::RegexEntry& entry : category->patterns) { switch (entry.type) { case PrimitiveCategory::FilenamePattern: // f-regex, check against filename matched = entry.regex.exactMatch (primitive.name); break; case PrimitiveCategory::TitlePattern: // t-regex, check against title matched = entry.regex.exactMatch (primitive.title); break; } if (matched) { primitive.category = category; break; } } // Drop off if a category was decided on. if (primitive.category) break; } // If there was a match, add the primitive to the category. // Otherwise, add it to the list of unmatched primitives. if (primitive.category) primitive.category->primitives << primitive; else m_unmatched->primitives << primitive; } // Sort the categories. Note that we do this here because we need the existing // order for regex matching. qSort (m_categories.begin(), m_categories.end(), [](PrimitiveCategory* const& a, PrimitiveCategory* const& b) -> bool { return a->name() < b->name(); }); } // ============================================================================= // void PrimitiveManager::loadCategories() { clearCategories(); QString path = ":/data/primitive-categories.cfg"; QFile f (path); if (not f.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { Critical (format (QObject::tr ("Failed to open primitive categories: %1"), f.errorString())); return; } PrimitiveCategory* category = nullptr; while (not f.atEnd()) { QString line = QString::fromUtf8(f.readLine()).trimmed(); if (line.length() == 0 or line[0] == '#') continue; int colon = line.indexOf (":"); if (colon == -1) { if (category and category->isValidToInclude()) { m_categories << category; } else if (category) { print (tr ("Warning: Category \"%1\" left without patterns"), category->name()); delete category; } category = new PrimitiveCategory (line); } else if (category) { QString typechar = line.left (colon); PrimitiveCategory::PatternType type = PrimitiveCategory::FilenamePattern; if (typechar == "f") { type = PrimitiveCategory::FilenamePattern; } else if (typechar == "t") { type = PrimitiveCategory::TitlePattern; } else { print (tr ("Warning: unknown pattern type \"%1\" on line \"%2\""), typechar, line); continue; } QRegExp regex (line.mid (colon + 1)); PrimitiveCategory::RegexEntry entry = { regex, type }; category->patterns << entry; } else { print ("Warning: Rules given before the first category name"); } } if (category->isValidToInclude()) m_categories << category; // Add a category for unmatched primitives. // Note: if this function is called the second time, g_unmatched has been // deleted at the beginning of the function and is dangling at this point. m_unmatched = new PrimitiveCategory (tr ("Other")); m_categories << m_unmatched; f.close(); } // ============================================================================= // bool PrimitiveCategory::isValidToInclude() { return not patterns.isEmpty(); } QString PrimitiveCategory::name() const { return m_name; } // ============================================================================= // static double getRadialPoint (int i, int divs, double (*func) (double)) { return (*func) ((i * 2 * Pi) / divs); } // ============================================================================= // // TODO: this doesn't really belong here. // void PrimitiveManager::makeCircle (int segs, int divs, double radius, QList<QLineF>& lines) { for (int i = 0; i < segs; ++i) { double x0 = radius * getRadialPoint (i, divs, cos), x1 = radius * getRadialPoint (i + 1, divs, cos), z0 = radius * getRadialPoint (i, divs, sin), z1 = radius * getRadialPoint (i + 1, divs, sin); lines << QLineF (QPointF (x0, z0), QPointF (x1, z1)); } } // ============================================================================= // LDObjectList PrimitiveManager::makePrimitiveBody (PrimitiveType type, int segs, int divs, int num) { LDObjectList objs; QList<int> conditionalLineSegments; QList<QLineF> circle; makeCircle (segs, divs, 1, circle); for (int i = 0; i < segs; ++i) { double x0 = circle[i].x1(); double x1 = circle[i].x2(); double z0 = circle[i].y1(); double z1 = circle[i].y2(); switch (type) { case Circle: { Vertex v0 (x0, 0.0f, z0), v1 (x1, 0.0f, z1); LDLine* line (LDSpawn<LDLine>()); line->setVertex (0, v0); line->setVertex (1, v1); line->setColor (EdgeColor); objs << line; } break; case Cylinder: case Ring: case Cone: { double x2, x3, z2, z3; double y0, y1, y2, y3; if (type == Cylinder) { x2 = x1; x3 = x0; z2 = z1; z3 = z0; y0 = y1 = 0.0f; y2 = y3 = 1.0f; } else { x2 = x1 * (num + 1); x3 = x0 * (num + 1); z2 = z1 * (num + 1); z3 = z0 * (num + 1); x0 *= num; x1 *= num; z0 *= num; z1 *= num; if (type == Ring) y0 = y1 = y2 = y3 = 0.0f; else { y0 = y1 = 1.0f; y2 = y3 = 0.0f; } } Vertex v0 (x0, y0, z0); Vertex v1 (x1, y1, z1); Vertex v2 (x2, y2, z2); Vertex v3 (x3, y3, z3); LDQuad* quad (LDSpawn<LDQuad> (v0, v1, v2, v3)); quad->setColor (MainColor); if (type == Cylinder) quad->invert(); objs << quad; if (type == Cylinder or type == Cone) conditionalLineSegments << i; } break; case Disc: case DiscNegative: { double x2, z2; if (type == Disc) x2 = z2 = 0.0f; else { x2 = (x0 >= 0.0f) ? 1.0f : -1.0f; z2 = (z0 >= 0.0f) ? 1.0f : -1.0f; } Vertex v0 (x0, 0.0f, z0), v1 (x1, 0.0f, z1), v2 (x2, 0.0f, z2); // Disc negatives need to go the other way around, otherwise // they'll end up upside-down. LDTriangle* seg (LDSpawn<LDTriangle>()); seg->setColor (MainColor); seg->setVertex (type == Disc ? 0 : 2, v0); seg->setVertex (1, v1); seg->setVertex (type == Disc ? 2 : 0, v2); objs << seg; } break; } } // If this is not a full circle, we need a conditional line at the other // end, too. if (segs < divs and not conditionalLineSegments.isEmpty()) conditionalLineSegments << segs; for (int i : conditionalLineSegments) { Vertex v0 (getRadialPoint (i, divs, cos), 0.0f, getRadialPoint (i, divs, sin)); Vertex v1; Vertex v2 (getRadialPoint (i + 1, divs, cos), 0.0f, getRadialPoint (i + 1, divs, sin)); Vertex v3 (getRadialPoint (i - 1, divs, cos), 0.0f, getRadialPoint (i - 1, divs, sin)); if (type == Cylinder) { v1 = Vertex (v0[X], 1.0f, v0[Z]); } else if (type == Cone) { v1 = Vertex (v0[X] * (num + 1), 0.0f, v0[Z] * (num + 1)); v0.setX (v0.x() * num); v0.setY (1.0); v0.setZ (v0.z() * num); } LDCondLine* line = (LDSpawn<LDCondLine>()); line->setColor (EdgeColor); line->setVertex (0, v0); line->setVertex (1, v1); line->setVertex (2, v2); line->setVertex (3, v3); objs << line; } return objs; } // ============================================================================= // QString PrimitiveManager::primitiveTypeName (PrimitiveType type) { // Not translated as primitives are in English. const char* names[] = { "Circle", "Cylinder", "Disc", "Disc Negative", "Ring", "Cone" }; if (type >= 0 and type < countof(names)) return names[type]; else return "Unknown"; } // ============================================================================= // QString PrimitiveManager::makeRadialFileName (PrimitiveType type, int segs, int divs, int num) { int numerator = segs; int denominator = divs; // Simplify the fractional part, but the denominator must be at least 4. simplify (numerator, denominator); if (denominator < 4) { const int factor = 4 / denominator; numerator *= factor; denominator *= factor; } // Compose some general information: prefix, fraction, root, ring number QString prefix = (divs == LowResolution) ? "" : format ("%1/", divs); QString frac = format ("%1-%2", numerator, denominator); QString root = g_radialNameRoots[type]; QString numstr = (type == Ring or type == Cone) ? format ("%1", num) : ""; // Truncate the root if necessary (7-16rin4.dat for instance). // However, always keep the root at least 2 characters. int extra = (frac.length() + numstr.length() + root.length()) - 8; root.chop (qBound (0, extra, 2)); // Stick them all together and return the result. return prefix + frac + root + numstr + ".dat"; } // ============================================================================= // LDDocument* PrimitiveManager::generatePrimitive (PrimitiveType type, int segments, int divisions, int number) { // Make the description QString fraction = QString::number ((float) segments / divisions); QString name = makeRadialFileName (type, segments, divisions, number); QString description; // Ensure that there's decimals, even if they're 0. if (fraction.indexOf (".") == -1) fraction += ".0"; if (type == Ring or type == Cone) { QString spacing = (number < 10) ? " " : (number < 100) ? " " : ""; description = format ("%1 %2%3 x %4", primitiveTypeName (type), spacing, number, fraction); } else description = format ("%1 %2", primitiveTypeName (type), fraction); // Prepend "Hi-Res" if 48/ primitive. if (divisions == HighResolution) description.insert (0, "Hi-Res "); LDDocument* document = m_window->newDocument(); document->setDefaultName (name); QString author = APPNAME; QString license = ""; if (not m_config->defaultName().isEmpty()) { license = PreferredLicenseText(); author = format ("%1 [%2]", m_config->defaultName(), m_config->defaultUser()); } LDObjectList objs; objs << LDSpawn<LDComment> (description) << LDSpawn<LDComment> (format ("Name: %1", name)) << LDSpawn<LDComment> (format ("Author: %1", author)) << LDSpawn<LDComment> (format ("!LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_%1Primitive", divisions == HighResolution ? "48_" : "")) << LDSpawn<LDComment> (license) << LDSpawn<LDEmpty>() << LDSpawn<LDBfc> (BfcStatement::CertifyCCW) << LDSpawn<LDEmpty>(); document->openForEditing(); document->history()->setIgnoring (false); document->addObjects (objs); document->addObjects (makePrimitiveBody (type, segments, divisions, number)); document->addHistoryStep(); return document; } // ============================================================================= // // Gets a primitive by the given specs. If the primitive cannot be found, it will // be automatically generated. // LDDocument* PrimitiveManager::getPrimitive (PrimitiveType type, int segs, int divs, int num) { QString name = makeRadialFileName (type, segs, divs, num); LDDocument* document = m_window->documents()->getDocumentByName (name); if (document) return document; return generatePrimitive (type, segs, divs, num); } // ============================================================================= // PrimitivePrompt::PrimitivePrompt (QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QDialog (parent, f) { ui = new Ui_MakePrimUI; ui->setupUi (this); connect (ui->cb_hires, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (hiResToggled (bool))); } // ============================================================================= // PrimitivePrompt::~PrimitivePrompt() { delete ui; } // ============================================================================= // void PrimitivePrompt::hiResToggled (bool on) { ui->sb_segs->setMaximum (on ? HighResolution : LowResolution); // If the current value is 16 and we switch to hi-res, default the // spinbox to 48. if (on and ui->sb_segs->value() == LowResolution) ui->sb_segs->setValue (HighResolution); } // ============================================================================= // PrimitiveManager::PrimitiveManager(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), HierarchyElement(parent), m_activeScanner(nullptr), m_unmatched(nullptr) {} // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void PrimitiveManager::populateTreeWidget(QTreeWidget* tree, const QString& selectByDefault) { tree->clear(); for (PrimitiveCategory* category : m_categories) { PrimitiveTreeItem* parentItem = new PrimitiveTreeItem (tree, nullptr); parentItem->setText (0, category->name()); QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> subfileItems; for (Primitive& prim : category->primitives) { PrimitiveTreeItem* item = new PrimitiveTreeItem (parentItem, &prim); item->setText (0, format ("%1 - %2", prim.name, prim.title)); subfileItems << item; // If this primitive is the one the current object points to, // select it by default if (selectByDefault == prim.name) tree->setCurrentItem (item); } tree->addTopLevelItem (parentItem); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PrimitiveTreeItem::PrimitiveTreeItem (QTreeWidgetItem* parent, Primitive* info) : QTreeWidgetItem (parent), m_primitive (info) {} // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PrimitiveTreeItem::PrimitiveTreeItem (QTreeWidget* parent, Primitive* info) : QTreeWidgetItem (parent), m_primitive (info) {} // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Primitive* PrimitiveTreeItem::primitive() const { return m_primitive; }