
Wed, 08 Jan 2014 13:57:10 +0200

Santeri Piippo <>
Wed, 08 Jan 2014 13:57:10 +0200
changeset 608
parent 606
child 617

- if loading another file to replace an explicitly loaded file, this file won't get closed automatically and thus needs to be manually closed. We also need to check that it's safe to close before doing this. Also fixed a rather argh problem with ::save not using the proper path...

 *  LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD
 *  Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Santeri Piippo
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#include "main.h"
#include "ldtypes.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "history.h"
#include "gldraw.h"
#include "colors.h"

cfg (String, ld_defaultname, "");
cfg (String, ld_defaultuser, "");
cfg (Int, ld_defaultlicense, 0);

// List of all LDObjects
static QList<LDObject*> g_LDObjects;

// =============================================================================
// LDObject constructors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDObject::LDObject() :
	m_Hidden (false),
	m_Selected (false),
	m_Parent (null),
	m_File (null),
	m_GLInit (false),
	qObjListEntry (null)
	memset (m_coords, 0, sizeof m_coords);
	g_LDObjects << this;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDObject::chooseID()
	int32 id = 1; // 0 shalt be null

	for (LDObject* obj : g_LDObjects)
		assert (obj != this);

		if (obj->getID() >= id)
			id = obj->getID() + 1;

	setID (id);

// =============================================================================
// Default implementations for LDObject's virtual methods. These should never be
// actually called, for a subclass-less LDObject should never come into existance.
// These exist only to satisfy the linker.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDObject::Type LDObject::getType() const
	return LDObject::EUnidentified;

bool LDObject::hasMatrix() const
	return false;

bool LDObject::isColored() const
	return false;

bool LDObject::isScemantic() const
	return false;

QString LDObject::getTypeName() const
	return "";

int LDObject::vertices() const
	return 0;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDObject::setVertexCoord (int i, Axis ax, double value)
	Vertex v = getVertex (i);
	v[ax] = value;
	setVertex (i, v);

LDError::LDError() {}

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString LDComment::raw() const
	return fmt ("0 %1", text);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString LDSubfile::raw() const
	QString val = fmt ("1 %1 %2 ", getColor(), getPosition());
	val += getTransform().stringRep();
	val += ' ';
	val += getFileInfo()->getName();
	return val;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString LDLine::raw() const
	QString val = fmt ("2 %1", getColor());

	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
		val += fmt (" %1", getVertex (i));

	return val;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString LDTriangle::raw() const
	QString val = fmt ("3 %1", getColor());

	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		val += fmt (" %1", getVertex (i));

	return val;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString LDQuad::raw() const
	QString val = fmt ("4 %1", getColor());

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		val += fmt (" %1", getVertex (i));

	return val;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString LDCondLine::raw() const
	QString val = fmt ("5 %1", getColor());

	// Add the coordinates
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		val += fmt (" %1", getVertex (i));

	return val;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString LDError::raw() const
	return contents;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString LDVertex::raw() const
	return fmt ("0 !LDFORGE VERTEX %1 %2", getColor(), pos);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString LDEmpty::raw() const
	return "";

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char* LDBFC::statements[] =

QString LDBFC::raw() const
	return fmt ("0 BFC %1", LDBFC::statements[type]);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QList<LDTriangle*> LDQuad::splitToTriangles()
	// Create the two triangles based on this quadrilateral:
	// 0---3       0---3    3
	// |   |       |  /    /|
	// |   |  ==>  | /    / |
	// |   |       |/    /  |
	// 1---2       1    1---2
	LDTriangle* tri1 = new LDTriangle (getVertex (0), getVertex (1), getVertex (3));
	LDTriangle* tri2 = new LDTriangle (getVertex (1), getVertex (2), getVertex (3));

	// The triangles also inherit the quad's color
	tri1->setColor (getColor());
	tri2->setColor (getColor());

	QList<LDTriangle*> triangles;
	triangles << tri1;
	triangles << tri2;
	return triangles;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDObject::replace (LDObject* other)
	long idx = getIndex();
	assert (idx != -1);

	// Replace the instance of the old object with the new object
	getFile()->setObject (idx, other);

	// Remove the old object

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDObject::swap (LDObject* other)
	assert (getFile() == other->getFile());
	getFile()->swapObjects (this, other);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDLine::LDLine (Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
	setVertex (0, v1);
	setVertex (1, v2);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDQuad::LDQuad (const Vertex& v0, const Vertex& v1, const Vertex& v2, const Vertex& v3)
	setVertex (0, v0);
	setVertex (1, v1);
	setVertex (2, v2);
	setVertex (3, v3);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDObject::~LDObject() {}

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDSubfile::~LDSubfile() {}

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDObject::deleteSelf()
	// If this object was selected, unselect it now
	if (isSelected())

	// If this object was associated to a file, remove it off it now
	if (getFile())
		getFile()->forgetObject (this);

	// Delete the GL lists
	GL::deleteLists (this);

	// Remove this object from the list of LDObjects
	g_LDObjects.removeOne (this);

	delete this;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void transformObject (LDObject* obj, Matrix transform, Vertex pos, int parentcolor)
	switch (obj->getType())
		case LDObject::ELine:
		case LDObject::ECondLine:
		case LDObject::ETriangle:
		case LDObject::EQuad:

			for (int i = 0; i < obj->vertices(); ++i)
				Vertex v = obj->getVertex (i);
				v.transform (transform, pos);
				obj->setVertex (i, v);


		case LDObject::ESubfile:
			LDSubfile* ref = static_cast<LDSubfile*> (obj);
			Matrix newMatrix = transform * ref->getTransform();
			Vertex newpos = ref->getPosition();

			newpos.transform (transform, pos);
			ref->setPosition (newpos);
			ref->setTransform (newMatrix);


	if (obj->getColor() == maincolor)
		obj->setColor (parentcolor);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QList<LDObject*> LDSubfile::inlineContents (InlineFlags flags)
	QList<LDObject*> objs = getFileInfo()->inlineContents (flags);

	// Transform the objects
	for (LDObject* obj : objs)
		// Set the parent now so we know what inlined the object.
		obj->setParent (this);
		transformObject (obj, getTransform(), getPosition(), getColor());

	return objs;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
long LDObject::getIndex() const
	assert (getFile() != null);

	for (int i = 0; i < getFile()->getObjectCount(); ++i)
		if (getFile()->getObject (i) == this)
			return i;

	return -1;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDObject::moveObjects (QList<LDObject*> objs, const bool up)
	if (objs.isEmpty())

	// If we move down, we need to iterate the array in reverse order.
	const long start = up ? 0 : (objs.size() - 1);
	const long end = up ? objs.size() : -1;
	const long incr = up ? 1 : -1;
	QList<LDObject*> objsToCompile;
	LDDocument* file = objs[0]->getFile();

	for (long i = start; i != end; i += incr)
		LDObject* obj = objs[i];

		const long idx = obj->getIndex(),
				   target = idx + (up ? -1 : 1);

		if ( (up && idx == 0) || (!up && idx == (long) (file->getObjects().size() - 1)))
			// One of the objects hit the extrema. If this happens, this should be the first
			// object to be iterated on. Thus, nothing has changed yet and it's safe to just
			// abort the entire operation.
			assert (i == start);

		objsToCompile << obj;
		objsToCompile << file->getObject (target);

		obj->swap (file->getObject (target));

	removeDuplicates (objsToCompile);

	// The objects need to be recompiled, otherwise their pick lists are left with
	// the wrong index colors which messes up selection.
	for (LDObject* obj : objsToCompile)
		g_win->R()->compileObject (obj);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString LDObject::typeName (LDObject::Type type)
	LDObject* obj = LDObject::getDefault (type);
	QString name = obj->getTypeName();
	return name;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString LDObject::describeObjects (const QList<LDObject*>& objs)
	bool firstDetails = true;
	QString text = "";

	if (objs.isEmpty())
		return "nothing"; // :)

	for (long i = 0; i < ENumTypes; ++i)
		Type objType = (Type) i;
		int count = 0;

		for (LDObject * obj : objs)
			if (obj->getType() == objType)

		if (count == 0)

		if (!firstDetails)
			text += ", ";

		QString noun = fmt ("%1%2", typeName (objType), plural (count));

		// Plural of "vertex" is "vertices", correct that
		if (objType == EVertex && count != 1)
			noun = "vertices";

		text += fmt ("%1 %2", count, noun);
		firstDetails = false;

	return text;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDObject* LDObject::topLevelParent()
	if (!getParent())
		return this;

	LDObject* it = this;

	while (it->getParent())
		it = it->getParent();

	return it;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDObject* LDObject::next() const
	long idx = getIndex();
	assert (idx != -1);

	if (idx == (long) getFile()->getObjectCount() - 1)
		return null;

	return getFile()->getObject (idx + 1);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDObject* LDObject::prev() const
	long idx = getIndex();
	assert (idx != -1);

	if (idx == 0)
		return null;

	return getFile()->getObject (idx - 1);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDObject::move (Vertex vect)
	if (hasMatrix())
		LDMatrixObject* mo = dynamic_cast<LDMatrixObject*> (this);
		mo->setPosition (mo->getPosition() + vect);
	elif (getType() == LDObject::EVertex)
		// ugh
		static_cast<LDVertex*> (this)->pos += vect;
		for (int i = 0; i < vertices(); ++i)
			setVertex (i, getVertex (i) + vect);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define CHECK_FOR_OBJ(N) \
	if (type == LDObject::E##N) \
		return new LD##N;

LDObject* LDObject::getDefault (const LDObject::Type type)
	CHECK_FOR_OBJ (Comment)
	CHECK_FOR_OBJ (Subfile)
	CHECK_FOR_OBJ (Triangle)
	CHECK_FOR_OBJ (Overlay)
	return null;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDObject::invert() {}
void LDBFC::invert() {}
void LDEmpty::invert() {}
void LDComment::invert() {}
void LDError::invert() {}

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDTriangle::invert()
	// Triangle goes 0 -> 1 -> 2, reversed: 0 -> 2 -> 1.
	// Thus, we swap 1 and 2.
	Vertex tmp = getVertex (1);
	setVertex (1, getVertex (2));
	setVertex (2, tmp);


// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDQuad::invert()
	// Quad: 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3
	// rev:  0 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1
	// Thus, we swap 1 and 3.
	Vertex tmp = getVertex (1);
	setVertex (1, getVertex (3));
	setVertex (3, tmp);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDSubfile::invert()
	// Subfiles are inverted when they're prefixed with
	// a BFC INVERTNEXT statement. Thus we need to toggle this status.
	// For flat primitives it's sufficient that the determinant is
	// flipped but I don't have a method for checking flatness yet.
	// Food for thought...

	int idx = getIndex();

	if (idx > 0)
		LDBFC* bfc = dynamic_cast<LDBFC*> (prev());

		if (bfc && bfc->type == LDBFC::InvertNext)
			// This is prefixed with an invertnext, thus remove it.

	// Not inverted, thus prefix it with a new invertnext.
	LDBFC* bfc = new LDBFC (LDBFC::InvertNext);
	getFile()->insertObj (idx, bfc);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void invertLine (LDObject* line)
	// For lines, we swap the vertices. I don't think that a
	// cond-line's control points need to be swapped, do they?
	Vertex tmp = line->getVertex (0);
	line->setVertex (0, line->getVertex (1));
	line->setVertex (1, tmp);

void LDLine::invert()
	invertLine (this);

void LDCondLine::invert()
	invertLine (this);

void LDVertex::invert() {}

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDLine* LDCondLine::demote()
	LDLine* repl = new LDLine;

	for (int i = 0; i < repl->vertices(); ++i)
		repl->setVertex (i, getVertex (i));

	repl->setColor (getColor());

	replace (repl);
	return repl;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDObject* LDObject::fromID (int id)
	for (LDObject* obj : g_LDObjects)
		if (obj->getID() == id)
			return obj;

	return null;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString LDOverlay::raw() const
	return fmt ("0 !LDFORGE OVERLAY %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6",
		getFileName(), getCamera(), getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight());

void LDOverlay::invert() {}

// =============================================================================
// Hook the set accessors of certain properties to this changeProperty function.
// It takes care of history management so we can capture low-level changes, this
// makes history stuff work out of the box.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class T> static void changeProperty (LDObject* obj, T* ptr, const T& val)
	long idx;

	if (*ptr == val)

	if (obj->getFile() && (idx = obj->getIndex()) != -1)
		QString before = obj->raw();
		*ptr = val;
		QString after = obj->raw();

		if (before != after)
			obj->getFile()->addToHistory (new EditHistory (idx, before, after));
		*ptr = val;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDObject::setColor (const int& val)
	changeProperty (this, &m_Color, val);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const Vertex& LDObject::getVertex (int i) const
	return m_coords[i]->data();

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDObject::setVertex (int i, const Vertex& vert)
	changeProperty (this, &m_coords[i], LDSharedVertex::getSharedVertex (vert));

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDMatrixObject::setPosition (const Vertex& a)
	changeProperty (getLinkPointer(), &m_Position, LDSharedVertex::getSharedVertex (a));

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDMatrixObject::setTransform (const Matrix& val)
	changeProperty (getLinkPointer(), &m_Transform, val);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static QMap<Vertex, LDSharedVertex*> g_sharedVerts;

LDSharedVertex* LDSharedVertex::getSharedVertex (const Vertex& a)
	auto it = g_sharedVerts.find (a);

	if (it == g_sharedVerts.end())
		LDSharedVertex* v = new LDSharedVertex (a);
		g_sharedVerts[a] = v;
		return v;

	return *it;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDSharedVertex::addRef (LDObject* a)
	m_refs << a;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDSharedVertex::delRef (LDObject* a)
	m_refs.removeOne (a);

	if (m_refs.empty())
		g_sharedVerts.remove (m_data);
		delete this;

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDObject::select()
	if (!getFile())
		log ("Warning: Object #%1 cannot be selected as it is not assigned a file!\n", getID());

	getFile()->addToSelection (this);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void LDObject::unselect()
	if (!getFile())
		log ("Warning: Object #%1 cannot be unselected as it is not assigned a file!\n", getID());

	getFile()->removeFromSelection (this);

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString getLicenseText (int id)
	switch (id)
		case 0:
			return CALicense;

		case 1:
			return NonCALicense;

		case 2:
			return "";

	assert (false);
	return "";

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LDObject* LDObject::createCopy() const
	LDObject* copy = clone();
	copy->setFile (null);
	copy->setGLInit (false);
	copy->setSelected (false);

	LDObject* copy = getDefault (getType());
	copy->setColor (getColor());

	if (hasMatrix())
		LDMatrixObject* copyMo = static_cast<LDMatrixObject*> (copy);
		const LDMatrixObject* mo = static_cast<const LDMatrixObject*> (this);
		copyMo->setPosition (mo->getPosition());
		copyMo->setTransform (mo->getTransform());
		for (int i = 0; i < vertices(); ++i)
			copy->setVertex (getVertex (i));

	switch (getType())
		case Subfile:
			LDSubfile* copyRef = static_cast<LDSubfile*> (copy);
			const LDSubfile* ref = static_cast<const LDSubfile*> (this);

			copyRef->setFileInfo (ref->getFileInfo());

	LDObject* copy = parseLine (raw());
	return copy;
