Wed, 08 Jan 2014 13:57:10 +0200
- if loading another file to replace an explicitly loaded file, this file won't get closed automatically and thus needs to be manually closed. We also need to check that it's safe to close before doing this. Also fixed a rather argh problem with ::save not using the proper path...
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Santeri Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QSpinBox> #include <QCheckBox> #include <QBoxLayout> #include <QClipboard> #include "gui.h" #include "main.h" #include "document.h" #include "colorSelectDialog.h" #include "misc.h" #include "widgets.h" #include "gldraw.h" #include "dialogs.h" #include "colors.h" #include "ui_replcoords.h" #include "ui_editraw.h" #include "ui_flip.h" #include "ui_addhistoryline.h" cfg (Bool, edit_schemanticinline, false); extern_cfg (String, ld_defaultuser); // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int copyToClipboard() { QList<LDObject*> objs = selection(); int num = 0; // Clear the clipboard first. qApp->clipboard()->clear(); // Now, copy the contents into the clipboard. QString data; for (LDObject* obj : objs) { if (data.length() > 0) data += "\n"; data += obj->raw(); ++num; } qApp->clipboard()->setText (data); return num; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Cut, CTRL (X)) { int num = copyToClipboard(); deleteSelection(); log (tr ("%1 objects cut"), num); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Copy, CTRL (C)) { int num = copyToClipboard(); log (tr ("%1 objects copied"), num); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Paste, CTRL (V)) { const QString clipboardText = qApp->clipboard()->text(); int idx = getInsertionPoint(); getCurrentDocument()->clearSelection(); int num = 0; for (QString line : clipboardText.split ("\n")) { LDObject* pasted = parseLine (line); getCurrentDocument()->insertObj (idx++, pasted); pasted->select(); R()->compileObject (pasted); ++num; } log (tr ("%1 objects pasted"), num); refresh(); scrollToSelection(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Delete, KEY (Delete)) { int num = deleteSelection(); log (tr ("%1 objects deleted"), num); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void doInline (bool deep) { QList<LDObject*> sel = selection(); for (LDObject* obj : sel) { // Get the index of the subfile so we know where to insert the // inlined contents. long idx = obj->getIndex(); if (idx == -1) continue; QList<LDObject*> objs; if (obj->getType() == LDObject::ESubfile) objs = static_cast<LDSubfile*> (obj)->inlineContents ( (LDSubfile::InlineFlags) ( (deep) ? LDSubfile::DeepInline : 0) | LDSubfile::CacheInline ); else continue; // Merge in the inlined objects for (LDObject * inlineobj : objs) { QString line = inlineobj->raw(); inlineobj->deleteSelf(); LDObject* newobj = parseLine (line); getCurrentDocument()->insertObj (idx++, newobj); newobj->select(); g_win->R()->compileObject (newobj); } // Delete the subfile now as it's been inlined. obj->deleteSelf(); } g_win->refresh(); } DEFINE_ACTION (Inline, CTRL (I)) { doInline (false); } DEFINE_ACTION (InlineDeep, CTRL_SHIFT (I)) { doInline (true); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (SplitQuads, 0) { QList<LDObject*> objs = selection(); int num = 0; for (LDObject* obj : objs) { if (obj->getType() != LDObject::EQuad) continue; // Find the index of this quad long index = obj->getIndex(); if (index == -1) return; QList<LDTriangle*> triangles = static_cast<LDQuad*> (obj)->splitToTriangles(); // Replace the quad with the first triangle and add the second triangle // after the first one. getCurrentDocument()->setObject (index, triangles[0]); getCurrentDocument()->insertObj (index + 1, triangles[1]); for (LDTriangle* t : triangles) R()->compileObject (t); // Delete this quad now, it has been split. obj->deleteSelf(); num++; } log ("%1 quadrilaterals split", num); refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (EditRaw, KEY (F9)) { if (selection().size() != 1) return; LDObject* obj = selection()[0]; QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; Ui::EditRawUI ui; ui.setupUi (dlg); ui.code->setText (obj->raw()); if (obj->getType() == LDObject::EError) ui.errorDescription->setText (static_cast<LDError*> (obj)->reason); else { ui.errorDescription->hide(); ui.errorIcon->hide(); } if (!dlg->exec()) return; LDObject* oldobj = obj; // Reinterpret it from the text of the input field obj = parseLine (ui.code->text()); oldobj->replace (obj); // Refresh R()->compileObject (obj); refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (SetColor, KEY (C)) { if (selection().isEmpty()) return; int colnum; int defcol = -1; QList<LDObject*> objs = selection(); // If all selected objects have the same color, said color is our default // value to the color selection dialog. defcol = getSelectedColor(); // Show the dialog to the user now and ask for a color. if (ColorSelector::selectColor (colnum, defcol, g_win)) { for (LDObject* obj : objs) { if (obj->isColored() == false) continue; obj->setColor (colnum); R()->compileObject (obj); } refresh(); } } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Borders, CTRL_SHIFT (B)) { QList<LDObject*> objs = selection(); int num = 0; for (LDObject* obj : objs) { const LDObject::Type type = obj->getType(); if (type != LDObject::EQuad && type != LDObject::ETriangle) continue; int numLines; LDLine* lines[4]; if (type == LDObject::EQuad) { numLines = 4; LDQuad* quad = static_cast<LDQuad*> (obj); lines[0] = new LDLine (quad->getVertex (0), quad->getVertex (1)); lines[1] = new LDLine (quad->getVertex (1), quad->getVertex (2)); lines[2] = new LDLine (quad->getVertex (2), quad->getVertex (3)); lines[3] = new LDLine (quad->getVertex (3), quad->getVertex (0)); } else { numLines = 3; LDTriangle* tri = static_cast<LDTriangle*> (obj); lines[0] = new LDLine (tri->getVertex (0), tri->getVertex (1)); lines[1] = new LDLine (tri->getVertex (1), tri->getVertex (2)); lines[2] = new LDLine (tri->getVertex (2), tri->getVertex (0)); } for (int i = 0; i < numLines; ++i) { long idx = obj->getIndex() + i + 1; lines[i]->setColor (edgecolor); getCurrentDocument()->insertObj (idx, lines[i]); R()->compileObject (lines[i]); } num += numLines; } log (tr ("Added %1 border lines"), num); refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (CornerVerts, 0) { int num = 0; for (LDObject* obj : selection()) { if (obj->vertices() < 2) continue; int idx = obj->getIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < obj->vertices(); ++i) { LDVertex* vert = new LDVertex; vert->pos = obj->getVertex (i); vert->setColor (obj->getColor()); getCurrentDocument()->insertObj (++idx, vert); R()->compileObject (vert); ++num; } } log (tr ("Added %1 vertices"), num); refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void doMoveSelection (const bool up) { QList<LDObject*> objs = selection(); LDObject::moveObjects (objs, up); g_win->buildObjList(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (MoveUp, KEY (PageUp)) { doMoveSelection (true); } DEFINE_ACTION (MoveDown, KEY (PageDown)) { doMoveSelection (false); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Undo, CTRL (Z)) { getCurrentDocument()->undo(); } DEFINE_ACTION (Redo, CTRL_SHIFT (Z)) { getCurrentDocument()->redo(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void doMoveObjects (Vertex vect) { // Apply the grid values vect[X] *= *currentGrid().confs[Grid::X]; vect[Y] *= *currentGrid().confs[Grid::Y]; vect[Z] *= *currentGrid().confs[Grid::Z]; for (LDObject* obj : selection()) { obj->move (vect); g_win->R()->compileObject (obj); } g_win->refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (MoveXNeg, KEY (Left)) { doMoveObjects ({ -1, 0, 0}); } DEFINE_ACTION (MoveYNeg, KEY (Home)) { doMoveObjects ({0, -1, 0}); } DEFINE_ACTION (MoveZNeg, KEY (Down)) { doMoveObjects ({0, 0, -1}); } DEFINE_ACTION (MoveXPos, KEY (Right)) { doMoveObjects ({1, 0, 0}); } DEFINE_ACTION (MoveYPos, KEY (End)) { doMoveObjects ({0, 1, 0}); } DEFINE_ACTION (MoveZPos, KEY (Up)) { doMoveObjects ({0, 0, 1}); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Invert, CTRL_SHIFT (W)) { QList<LDObject*> sel = selection(); for (LDObject* obj : sel) { obj->invert(); R()->compileObject (obj); } refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void rotateVertex (Vertex& v, const Vertex& rotpoint, const Matrix& transform) { v.move (-rotpoint); v.transform (transform, g_origin); v.move (rotpoint); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void doRotate (const int l, const int m, const int n) { QList<LDObject*> sel = selection(); QList<Vertex*> queue; const Vertex rotpoint = rotPoint (sel); const double angle = (pi * *currentGrid().confs[Grid::Angle]) / 180, cosangle = cos (angle), sinangle = sin (angle); // ref: Matrix transform ( { (l* l * (1 - cosangle)) + cosangle, (m* l * (1 - cosangle)) - (n* sinangle), (n* l * (1 - cosangle)) + (m* sinangle), (l* m * (1 - cosangle)) + (n* sinangle), (m* m * (1 - cosangle)) + cosangle, (n* m * (1 - cosangle)) - (l* sinangle), (l* n * (1 - cosangle)) - (m* sinangle), (m* n * (1 - cosangle)) + (l* sinangle), (n* n * (1 - cosangle)) + cosangle }); // Apply the above matrix to everything for (LDObject* obj : sel) { if (obj->vertices()) { for (int i = 0; i < obj->vertices(); ++i) { Vertex v = obj->getVertex (i); rotateVertex (v, rotpoint, transform); obj->setVertex (i, v); } } elif (obj->hasMatrix()) { LDMatrixObject* mo = dynamic_cast<LDMatrixObject*> (obj); // Transform the position /* vertex v = mo->getPosition(); rotateVertex (v, rotpoint, transform); mo->setPosition (v); */ // Transform the matrix mo->setTransform (transform * mo->getTransform()); } elif (obj->getType() == LDObject::EVertex) { LDVertex* vert = static_cast<LDVertex*> (obj); Vertex v = vert->pos; rotateVertex (v, rotpoint, transform); vert->pos = v; } g_win->R()->compileObject (obj); } g_win->refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (RotateXPos, CTRL (Right)) { doRotate (1, 0, 0); } DEFINE_ACTION (RotateYPos, CTRL (End)) { doRotate (0, 1, 0); } DEFINE_ACTION (RotateZPos, CTRL (Up)) { doRotate (0, 0, 1); } DEFINE_ACTION (RotateXNeg, CTRL (Left)) { doRotate (-1, 0, 0); } DEFINE_ACTION (RotateYNeg, CTRL (Home)) { doRotate (0, -1, 0); } DEFINE_ACTION (RotateZNeg, CTRL (Down)) { doRotate (0, 0, -1); } DEFINE_ACTION (RotationPoint, (0)) { configRotationPoint(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (RoundCoordinates, 0) { setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); int num = 0; for (LDObject* obj : selection()) { LDMatrixObject* mo = dynamic_cast<LDMatrixObject*> (obj); if (mo != null) { Vertex v = mo->getPosition(); Matrix t = mo->getTransform(); for_axes (ax) roundToDecimals (v[ax], 3); // Let matrix values be rounded to 4 decimals, // they need that extra precision for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) roundToDecimals (t[i], 4); mo->setPosition (v); mo->setTransform (t); num += 10; } else { for (int i = 0; i < obj->vertices(); ++i) { Vertex v = obj->getVertex (i); for_axes (ax) roundToDecimals (v[ax], 3); obj->setVertex (i, v); R()->compileObject (obj); num += 3; } } } log (tr ("Rounded %1 values"), num); refreshObjectList(); refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Uncolorize, 0) { int num = 0; for (LDObject* obj : selection()) { if (obj->isColored() == false) continue; int col = maincolor; if (obj->getType() == LDObject::ELine || obj->getType() == LDObject::ECondLine) col = edgecolor; obj->setColor (col); R()->compileObject (obj); num++; } log (tr ("%1 objects uncolored"), num); refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (ReplaceCoords, CTRL (R)) { QDialog* dlg = new QDialog (g_win); Ui::ReplaceCoordsUI ui; ui.setupUi (dlg); if (!dlg->exec()) return; const double search =>value(), replacement = ui.replacement->value(); const bool any = ui.any->isChecked(), rel = ui.relative->isChecked(); QList<Axis> sel; int num = 0; if (ui.x->isChecked()) sel << X; if (ui.y->isChecked()) sel << Y; if (ui.z->isChecked()) sel << Z; for (LDObject* obj : selection()) { for (int i = 0; i < obj->vertices(); ++i) { Vertex v = obj->getVertex (i); for (Axis ax : sel) { double& coord = v[ax]; if (any || coord == search) { if (!rel) coord = 0; coord += replacement; num++; } } obj->setVertex (i, v); R()->compileObject (obj); } } log (tr ("Altered %1 values"), num); refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Flip, CTRL_SHIFT (F)) { QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; Ui::FlipUI ui; ui.setupUi (dlg); if (!dlg->exec()) return; QList<Axis> sel; if (ui.x->isChecked()) sel << X; if (ui.y->isChecked()) sel << Y; if (ui.z->isChecked()) sel << Z; for (LDObject* obj : selection()) { for (int i = 0; i < obj->vertices(); ++i) { Vertex v = obj->getVertex (i); for (Axis ax : sel) v[ax] *= -1; obj->setVertex (i, v); R()->compileObject (obj); } } refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Demote, 0) { QList<LDObject*> sel = selection(); int num = 0; for (LDObject* obj : sel) { if (obj->getType() != LDObject::ECondLine) continue; LDLine* repl = static_cast<LDCondLine*> (obj)->demote(); R()->compileObject (repl); ++num; } log (tr ("Demoted %1 conditional lines"), num); refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool isColorUsed (int colnum) { for (LDObject* obj : getCurrentDocument()->getObjects()) if (obj->isColored() && obj->getColor() == colnum) return true; return false; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Autocolor, 0) { int colnum = 0; while (colnum < MAX_COLORS && (getColor (colnum) == null || isColorUsed (colnum))) colnum++; if (colnum >= MAX_COLORS) { log (tr ("Cannot auto-color: all colors are in use!")); return; } for (LDObject* obj : selection()) { if (obj->isColored() == false) continue; obj->setColor (colnum); R()->compileObject (obj); } log (tr ("Auto-colored: new color is [%1] %2"), colnum, getColor (colnum)->name); refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (AddHistoryLine, 0) { LDObject* obj; bool ishistory = false, prevIsHistory = false; QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; Ui_AddHistoryLine* ui = new Ui_AddHistoryLine; ui->setupUi (dlg); ui->m_username->setText (ld_defaultuser); ui->m_date->setDate (QDate::currentDate()); ui->m_comment->setFocus(); if (!dlg->exec()) return; // Create the comment object based on input QString commentText = fmt ("!HISTORY %1 [%2] %3", ui->m_date->date().toString ("yyyy-MM-dd"), ui->m_username->text(), ui->m_comment->text()); LDComment* comm = new LDComment (commentText); // Find a spot to place the new comment for ( obj = getCurrentDocument()->getObject (0); obj && obj->next() && !obj->next()->isScemantic(); obj = obj->next() ) { LDComment* comm = dynamic_cast<LDComment*> (obj); if (comm && comm->text.startsWith ("!HISTORY ")) ishistory = true; if (prevIsHistory && !ishistory) { // Last line was history, this isn't, thus insert the new history // line here. break; } prevIsHistory = ishistory; } int idx = obj ? obj->getIndex() : 0; getCurrentDocument()->insertObj (idx++, comm); // If we're adding a history line right before a scemantic object, pad it // an empty line if (obj && obj->next() && obj->next()->isScemantic()) getCurrentDocument()->insertObj (idx, new LDEmpty); buildObjList(); delete ui; }