Wed, 08 Jan 2014 13:57:10 +0200
- if loading another file to replace an explicitly loaded file, this file won't get closed automatically and thus needs to be manually closed. We also need to check that it's safe to close before doing this. Also fixed a rather argh problem with ::save not using the proper path...
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Santeri Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QFileDialog> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QTextEdit> #include <QBoxLayout> #include <QDialogButtonBox> #include <QPushButton> #include <QInputDialog> #include "gui.h" #include "document.h" #include "history.h" #include "configDialog.h" #include "addObjectDialog.h" #include "misc.h" #include "gldraw.h" #include "dialogs.h" #include "primitives.h" #include "ui_newpart.h" #include "widgets.h" #include "colors.h" extern_cfg (Bool, gl_wireframe); extern_cfg (Bool, gl_colorbfc); extern_cfg (String, ld_defaultname); extern_cfg (String, ld_defaultuser); extern_cfg (Int, ld_defaultlicense); extern_cfg (Bool, gl_drawangles); // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (New, CTRL_SHIFT (N)) { QDialog* dlg = new QDialog (g_win); Ui::NewPartUI ui; ui.setupUi (dlg); QString authortext = ld_defaultname; if (!ld_defaultuser.isEmpty()) authortext.append (fmt (" [%1]", ld_defaultuser)); ui.le_author->setText (authortext); switch (ld_defaultlicense) { case 0: ui.rb_license_ca->setChecked (true); break; case 1: ui.rb_license_nonca->setChecked (true); break; case 2: ui.rb_license_none->setChecked (true); break; default: QMessageBox::warning (null, "Warning", fmt ("Unknown ld_defaultlicense value %1!", ld_defaultlicense)); break; } if (dlg->exec() == false) return; newFile(); const LDBFC::Type BFCType = ui.rb_bfc_ccw->isChecked() ? LDBFC::CertifyCCW : ui.rb_bfc_cw->isChecked() ? LDBFC::CertifyCW : LDBFC::NoCertify; const QString license = ui.rb_license_ca->isChecked() ? CALicense : ui.rb_license_nonca->isChecked() ? NonCALicense : ""; getCurrentDocument()->addObjects ( { new LDComment (ui.le_title->text()), new LDComment ("Name: <untitled>.dat"), new LDComment (fmt ("Author: %1", ui.le_author->text())), new LDComment (fmt ("!LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Part")), (license != "" ? new LDComment (license) : null), new LDEmpty, new LDBFC (BFCType), new LDEmpty, }); doFullRefresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (NewFile, CTRL (N)) { newFile(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Open, CTRL (O)) { QString name = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName (g_win, "Open File", "", "LDraw files (*.dat *.ldr)"); if (name.length() == 0) return; openMainFile (name); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Save, CTRL (S)) { save (getCurrentDocument(), false); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (SaveAs, CTRL_SHIFT (S)) { save (getCurrentDocument(), true); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (SaveAll, CTRL (L)) { for (LDDocument* file : g_loadedFiles) { if (file->isImplicit()) continue; save (file, false); } } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Close, CTRL (W)) { if (!getCurrentDocument()->isSafeToClose()) return; delete getCurrentDocument(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (CloseAll, 0) { if (!safeToCloseAll()) return; closeAll(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Settings, 0) { (new ConfigDialog)->exec(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (SetLDrawPath, 0) { (new LDrawPathDialog (true))->exec(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Exit, CTRL (Q)) { exit (0); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (NewSubfile, 0) { AddObjectDialog::staticDialog (LDObject::ESubfile, null); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (NewLine, 0) { AddObjectDialog::staticDialog (LDObject::ELine, null); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (NewTriangle, 0) { AddObjectDialog::staticDialog (LDObject::ETriangle, null); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (NewQuad, 0) { AddObjectDialog::staticDialog (LDObject::EQuad, null); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (NewCLine, 0) { AddObjectDialog::staticDialog (LDObject::ECondLine, null); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (NewComment, 0) { AddObjectDialog::staticDialog (LDObject::EComment, null); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (NewBFC, 0) { AddObjectDialog::staticDialog (LDObject::EBFC, null); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (NewVertex, 0) { AddObjectDialog::staticDialog (LDObject::EVertex, null); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Edit, 0) { if (selection().size() != 1) return; LDObject* obj = selection() [0]; AddObjectDialog::staticDialog (obj->getType(), obj); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Help, KEY (F1)) { } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (About, 0) { AboutDialog().exec(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (AboutQt, 0) { QMessageBox::aboutQt (g_win); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (SelectAll, CTRL (A)) { for (LDObject* obj : getCurrentDocument()->getObjects()) obj->select(); updateSelection(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (SelectByColor, CTRL_SHIFT (A)) { int colnum = getSelectedColor(); if (colnum == -1) return; // no consensus on color getCurrentDocument()->clearSelection(); for (LDObject* obj : getCurrentDocument()->getObjects()) if (obj->getColor() == colnum) obj->select(); updateSelection(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (SelectByType, 0) { if (selection().isEmpty()) return; LDObject::Type type = getUniformSelectedType(); if (type == LDObject::EUnidentified) return; // If we're selecting subfile references, the reference filename must also // be uniform. QString refName; if (type == LDObject::ESubfile) { refName = static_cast<LDSubfile*> (selection()[0])->getFileInfo()->getName(); for (LDObject* obj : selection()) if (static_cast<LDSubfile*> (obj)->getFileInfo()->getName() != refName) return; } getCurrentDocument()->clearSelection(); for (LDObject* obj : getCurrentDocument()->getObjects()) { if (obj->getType() != type) continue; if (type == LDObject::ESubfile && static_cast<LDSubfile*> (obj)->getFileInfo()->getName() != refName) continue; obj->select(); } updateSelection(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (GridCoarse, 0) { grid = Grid::Coarse; updateGridToolBar(); } DEFINE_ACTION (GridMedium, 0) { grid = Grid::Medium; updateGridToolBar(); } DEFINE_ACTION (GridFine, 0) { grid = Grid::Fine; updateGridToolBar(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (ResetView, CTRL (0)) { R()->resetAngles(); R()->update(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (InsertFrom, 0) { QString fname = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(); int idx = getInsertionPoint(); if (!fname.length()) return; File f (fname, File::Read); if (!f) { critical (fmt ("Couldn't open %1 (%2)", fname, strerror (errno))); return; } QList<LDObject*> objs = loadFileContents (&f, null); getCurrentDocument()->clearSelection(); for (LDObject* obj : objs) { getCurrentDocument()->insertObj (idx, obj); obj->select(); R()->compileObject (obj); idx++; } refresh(); scrollToSelection(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (ExportTo, 0) { if (selection().isEmpty()) return; QString fname = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(); if (fname.length() == 0) return; QFile file (fname); if (! (QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { critical (fmt ("Unable to open %1 for writing (%2)", fname, strerror (errno))); return; } for (LDObject* obj : selection()) { QString contents = obj->raw(); QByteArray data = contents.toUtf8(); file.write (data, data.size()); file.write ("\r\n", 2); } } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (InsertRaw, 0) { int idx = getInsertionPoint(); QDialog* const dlg = new QDialog; QVBoxLayout* const layout = new QVBoxLayout; QTextEdit* const te_edit = new QTextEdit; QDialogButtonBox* const bbx_buttons = new QDialogButtonBox (QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); layout->addWidget (te_edit); layout->addWidget (bbx_buttons); dlg->setLayout (layout); dlg->setWindowTitle (APPNAME ": Insert Raw"); dlg->connect (bbx_buttons, SIGNAL (accepted()), dlg, SLOT (accept())); dlg->connect (bbx_buttons, SIGNAL (rejected()), dlg, SLOT (reject())); if (dlg->exec() == false) return; getCurrentDocument()->clearSelection(); for (QString line : QString (te_edit->toPlainText()).split ("\n")) { LDObject* obj = parseLine (line); getCurrentDocument()->insertObj (idx, obj); obj->select(); R()->compileObject (obj); idx++; } refresh(); scrollToSelection(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Screenshot, 0) { setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); int w, h; uchar* imgdata = R()->getScreencap (w, h); QImage img = imageFromScreencap (imgdata, w, h); QString root = basename (getCurrentDocument()->getName()); if (root.right (4) == ".dat") root.chop (4); QString defaultname = (root.length() > 0) ? fmt ("%1.png", root) : ""; QString fname = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName (g_win, "Save Screencap", defaultname, "PNG images (*.png);;JPG images (*.jpg);;BMP images (*.bmp);;All Files (*.*)"); if (fname.length() > 0 && ! (fname)) critical (fmt ("Couldn't open %1 for writing to save screencap: %2", fname, strerror (errno))); delete[] imgdata; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern_cfg (Bool, gl_axes); DEFINE_ACTION (Axes, 0) { gl_axes = !gl_axes; updateActions(); R()->update(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (VisibilityToggle, 0) { for (LDObject* obj : selection()) obj->toggleHidden(); refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (VisibilityHide, 0) { for (LDObject* obj : selection()) obj->setHidden (true); refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (VisibilityReveal, 0) { for (LDObject* obj : selection()) obj->setHidden (false); refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Wireframe, 0) { gl_wireframe = !gl_wireframe; R()->refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (SetOverlay, 0) { OverlayDialog dlg; if (!dlg.exec()) return; R()->setupOverlay ((GL::EFixedCamera), dlg.fpath(), dlg.ofsx(), dlg.ofsy(), dlg.lwidth(), dlg.lheight()); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (ClearOverlay, 0) { R()->clearOverlay(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (ModeSelect, CTRL (1)) { R()->setEditMode (ESelectMode); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (ModeDraw, CTRL (2)) { R()->setEditMode (EDrawMode); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (ModeCircle, CTRL (3)) { R()->setEditMode (ECircleMode); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (DrawAngles, 0) { gl_drawangles = !gl_drawangles; R()->refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (SetDrawDepth, 0) { if (R()->camera() == GL::EFreeCamera) return; bool ok; double depth = QInputDialog::getDouble (g_win, "Set Draw Depth", fmt ("Depth value for %1 Camera:", R()->getCameraName()), R()->getDepthValue(), -10000.0f, 10000.0f, 3, &ok); if (ok) R()->setDepthValue (depth); } #if 0 // This is a test to draw a dummy axle. Meant to be used as a primitive gallery, // but I can't figure how to generate these pictures properly. Multi-threading // these is an immense pain. DEFINE_ACTION (testpic, "Test picture", "", "", (0)) { LDDocument* file = getFile ("axle.dat"); setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); if (!file) { critical ("couldn't load axle.dat"); return; } int w, h; GLRenderer* rend = new GLRenderer; rend->resize (64, 64); rend->setAttribute (Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen); rend->show(); rend->setFile (file); rend->setDrawOnly (true); rend->compileAllObjects(); rend->initGLData(); rend->drawGLScene(); uchar* imgdata = rend->screencap (w, h); QImage img = imageFromScreencap (imgdata, w, h); if (img.isNull()) { critical ("Failed to create the image!\n"); } else { QLabel* label = new QLabel; QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; label->setPixmap (QPixmap::fromImage (img)); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout (dlg); layout->addWidget (label); dlg->exec(); } delete[] imgdata; rend->deleteLater(); } #endif // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (ScanPrimitives, 0) { PrimitiveLister::start(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (BFCView, SHIFT (B)) { gl_colorbfc = !gl_colorbfc; updateActions(); R()->refresh(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (JumpTo, CTRL (G)) { bool ok; int defval = 0; LDObject* obj; if (selection().size() == 1) defval = selection()[0]->getIndex(); int idx = QInputDialog::getInt (null, "Go to line", "Go to line:", defval, 1, getCurrentDocument()->getObjectCount(), 1, &ok); if (!ok || (obj = getCurrentDocument()->getObject (idx - 1)) == null) return; getCurrentDocument()->clearSelection(); obj->select(); updateSelection(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (SubfileSelection, 0) { if (selection().size() == 0) return; QString parentpath = getCurrentDocument()->getFullPath(); // BFC type of the new subfile - it shall inherit the BFC type of the parent document LDBFC::Type bfctype = LDBFC::NoCertify; // Dirname of the new subfile QString subdirname = dirname (parentpath); // Title of the new subfile QString subtitle; // Comment containing the title of the parent document LDComment* titleobj = dynamic_cast<LDComment*> (getCurrentDocument()->getObject (0)); // License text for the subfile QString license = getLicenseText (ld_defaultlicense); // LDraw code body of the new subfile (i.e. code of the selection) QStringList code; // Full path of the subfile to be QString fullsubname; // Where to insert the subfile reference? int refidx = selection()[0]->getIndex(); // Determine title of subfile if (titleobj != null) subtitle = "~" + titleobj->text; else subtitle = "~subfile"; // Remove duplicate tildes while (subtitle[0] == '~' && subtitle[1] == '~') subtitle.remove (0, 1); // If this the parent document isn't already in s/, we need to stuff it into // a subdirectory named s/. Ensure it exists! QString topdirname = basename (dirname (getCurrentDocument()->getFullPath())); if (topdirname != "s") { QString desiredPath = subdirname + "/s"; QString title = tr ("Create subfile directory?"); QString text = fmt (tr ("The directory <b>%1</b> is suggested for " "subfiles. This directory does not exist, create it?"), desiredPath); if (QDir (desiredPath).exists() || confirm (title, text)) { subdirname = desiredPath; QDir().mkpath (subdirname); } } // Determine the body of the name of the subfile if (!parentpath.isEmpty()) { if (parentpath.endsWith (".dat")) parentpath.chop (4); // Remove the s?? suffix if it's there, otherwise we'll get filenames // like s01s01.dat when subfiling subfiles. QRegExp subfilesuffix ("s[0-9][0-9]$"); if (subfilesuffix.indexIn (parentpath) != -1) parentpath.chop (subfilesuffix.matchedLength()); int subidx = 1; QString digits; QFile f; QString testfname; do { digits.setNum (subidx++); // pad it with a zero if (digits.length() == 1) digits.prepend ("0"); fullsubname = subdirname + "/" + basename (parentpath) + "s" + digits + ".dat"; } while (findDocument ("s\\" + basename (fullsubname)) != null || QFile (fullsubname).exists()); } // Determine the BFC winding type used in the main document - it is to // be carried over to the subfile. for (LDObject* obj : getCurrentDocument()->getObjects()) { LDBFC* bfc = dynamic_cast<LDBFC*> (obj); if (!bfc) continue; LDBFC::Type a = bfc->type; if (a == LDBFC::CertifyCCW || a == LDBFC::CertifyCW || a == LDBFC::NoCertify) { bfctype = a; break; } } // Get the body of the document in LDraw code for (LDObject* obj : selection()) code << obj->raw(); // Create the new subfile document LDDocument* doc = new LDDocument; doc->setImplicit (false); doc->setFullPath (fullsubname); doc->setName (LDDocument::shortenName (fullsubname)); doc->addObjects ( { new LDComment (subtitle), new LDComment ("Name: "), new LDComment (fmt ("Author: %1 [%2]", ld_defaultname, ld_defaultuser)), new LDComment (fmt ("!LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Subpart")), (license != "" ? new LDComment (license) : null), new LDEmpty, new LDBFC (bfctype), new LDEmpty, }); // Add the actual subfile code to the new document for (QString line : code) { LDObject* obj = parseLine (line); doc->addObject (obj); } // Try save it if (save (doc, true)) { // Remove the selection now for (LDObject* obj : selection()) obj->deleteSelf(); // Compile all objects in the new subfile for (LDObject* obj : doc->getObjects()) R()->compileObject (obj); g_loadedFiles << doc; // Add a reference to the new subfile to where the selection was LDSubfile* ref = new LDSubfile(); ref->setColor (maincolor); ref->setFileInfo (doc); ref->setPosition (g_origin); ref->setTransform (g_identity); getCurrentDocument()->insertObj (refidx, ref); R()->compileObject (ref); // Refresh stuff updateDocumentList(); doFullRefresh(); } else { // Failed to save. delete doc; } }