Wed, 08 Jan 2014 13:57:10 +0200
- if loading another file to replace an explicitly loaded file, this file won't get closed automatically and thus needs to be manually closed. We also need to check that it's safe to close before doing this. Also fixed a rather argh problem with ::save not using the proper path...
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Santeri Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QMessageBox> #include <QFileDialog> #include <QDir> #include <QApplication> #include "main.h" #include "config.h" #include "document.h" #include "misc.h" #include "gui.h" #include "history.h" #include "dialogs.h" #include "gldraw.h" #include "moc_document.cpp" cfg (String, io_ldpath, ""); cfg (List, io_recentfiles, {}); extern_cfg (String, net_downloadpath); extern_cfg (Bool, gl_logostuds); static bool g_loadingMainFile = false; static const int g_maxRecentFiles = 10; static bool g_aborted = false; static LDDocumentPointer g_logoedStud = null; static LDDocumentPointer g_logoedStud2 = null; LDDocument* LDDocument::m_curdoc = null; const QStringList g_specialSubdirectories ({ "s", "48", "8" }); // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace LDPaths { static QString pathError; struct { QString LDConfigPath; QString partsPath, primsPath; } pathInfo; void initPaths() { if (!tryConfigure (io_ldpath)) { LDrawPathDialog dlg (false); if (!dlg.exec()) exit (0); io_ldpath = dlg.filename(); } } bool tryConfigure (QString path) { QDir dir; if (! (path)) { pathError = "Directory does not exist."; return false; } QStringList mustHave = { "LDConfig.ldr", "parts", "p" }; QStringList contents = dir.entryList (mustHave); if (contents.size() != mustHave.size()) { pathError = "Not an LDraw directory! Must<br />have LDConfig.ldr, parts/ and p/."; return false; } pathInfo.partsPath = fmt ("%1" DIRSLASH "parts", path); pathInfo.LDConfigPath = fmt ("%1" DIRSLASH "LDConfig.ldr", path); pathInfo.primsPath = fmt ("%1" DIRSLASH "p", path); return true; } // Accessors QString getError() { return pathError; } QString ldconfig() { return pathInfo.LDConfigPath; } QString prims() { return pathInfo.primsPath; } QString parts() { return pathInfo.partsPath; } } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDDocument::LDDocument() { setImplicit (true); setSavePosition (-1); setListItem (null); setHistory (new History); m_History->setFile (this); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDDocument::~LDDocument() { // Remove this file from the list of files. This MUST be done FIRST, otherwise // a ton of other functions will think this file is still valid when it is not! g_loadedFiles.removeOne (this); m_History->setIgnoring (true); // Clear everything from the model for (LDObject* obj : getObjects()) obj->deleteSelf(); // Clear the cache as well for (LDObject* obj : getCache()) obj->deleteSelf(); delete m_History; // If we just closed the current file, we need to set the current // file as something else. if (this == getCurrentDocument()) { bool found = false; // Try find an explicitly loaded file - if we can't find one, // we need to create a new file to switch to. for (LDDocument* file : g_loadedFiles) { if (!file->isImplicit()) { LDDocument::setCurrent (file); found = true; break; } } if (!found) newFile(); } if (this == g_logoedStud) g_logoedStud = null; elif (this == g_logoedStud2) g_logoedStud2 = null; g_win->updateDocumentList(); log ("Closed %1", getName()); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDDocument* findDocument (QString name) { for (LDDocument * file : g_loadedFiles) if (!file->getName().isEmpty() && file->getName() == name) return file; return null; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString dirname (QString path) { long lastpos = path.lastIndexOf (DIRSLASH); if (lastpos > 0) return path.left (lastpos); #ifndef _WIN32 if (path[0] == DIRSLASH_CHAR) return DIRSLASH; #endif // _WIN32 return ""; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString basename (QString path) { long lastpos = path.lastIndexOf (DIRSLASH); if (lastpos != -1) return path.mid (lastpos + 1); return path; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File* openLDrawFile (QString relpath, bool subdirs) { log ("Opening %1...\n", relpath); File* f = new File; QString fullPath; // LDraw models use Windows-style path separators. If we're not on Windows, // replace the path separator now before opening any files. Qt expects // forward-slashes as directory separators. #ifndef WIN32 relpath.replace ("\\", "/"); #endif // WIN32 // Try find it relative to other currently open documents. We want a file // in the immediate vicinity of a current model to override stock LDraw stuff. QString reltop = basename (dirname (relpath)); for (LDDocument* doc : g_loadedFiles) { if (doc->getFullPath().isEmpty()) continue; QString partpath = fmt ("%1/%2", dirname (doc->getFullPath()), relpath); if (f->open (partpath, File::Read)) { // ensure we don't mix subfiles and 48-primitives with non-subfiles and non-48 QString proptop = basename (dirname (partpath)); bool bogus = false; for (QString s : g_specialSubdirectories) { if ((proptop == s && reltop != s) || (reltop == s && proptop != s)) { bogus = true; break; } } if (!bogus) return f; } } if (f->open (relpath, File::Read)) return f; // Try with just the LDraw path first fullPath = fmt ("%1" DIRSLASH "%2", io_ldpath, relpath); if (f->open (fullPath, File::Read)) return f; if (subdirs) { // Look in sub-directories: parts and p. Also look in net_downloadpath, since that's // where we download parts from the PT to. for (const QString& topdir : initlist<QString> ({ io_ldpath, net_downloadpath })) { for (const QString& subdir : initlist<QString> ({ "parts", "p" })) { fullPath = fmt ("%1" DIRSLASH "%2" DIRSLASH "%3", topdir, subdir, relpath); if (f->open (fullPath, File::Read)) return f; } } } // Did not find the file. log ("Could not find %1.\n", relpath); delete f; return null; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDFileLoader::start() { setDone (false); setProgress (0); setAborted (false); if (isOnForeground()) { g_aborted = false; // Show a progress dialog if we're loading the main so we can // show progress updates and keep the WM posted that we're still here. // Of course we cannot exec() the dialog because then the dialog would // block. dlg = new OpenProgressDialog (g_win); dlg->setNumLines (getLines().size()); dlg->setModal (true); dlg->show(); // Connect the loader in so we can show updates connect (this, SIGNAL (workDone()), dlg, SLOT (accept())); connect (dlg, SIGNAL (rejected()), this, SLOT (abort())); } else dlg = null; // Begin working work (0); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDFileLoader::work (int i) { // User wishes to abort, so stop here now. if (isAborted()) { for (LDObject* obj : m_Objects) obj->deleteSelf(); m_Objects.clear(); setDone (true); return; } // Parse up to 300 lines per iteration int max = i + 300; for (; i < max && i < (int) getLines().size(); ++i) { QString line = getLines()[i]; // Trim the trailing newline QChar c; while (!line.isEmpty() && ((c = line[line.length() - 1]) == '\n' || c == '\r')) line.chop (1); LDObject* obj = parseLine (line); // Check for parse errors and warn about tthem if (obj->getType() == LDObject::EError) { log ("Couldn't parse line #%1: %2", getProgress() + 1, static_cast<LDError*> (obj)->reason); if (getWarnings() != null) (*getWarnings())++; } m_Objects << obj; setProgress (i); // If we have a dialog pointer, update the progress now if (isOnForeground()) dlg->updateProgress (i); } // If we're done now, tell the environment we're done and stop. if (i >= ((int) getLines().size()) - 1) { emit workDone(); setDone (true); return; } // Otherwise, continue, by recursing back. if (!isDone()) { // If we have a dialog to show progress output to, we cannot just call // work() again immediately as the dialog needs some processor cycles as // well. Thus, take a detour through the event loop by using the // meta-object system. // // This terminates the loop here and control goes back to the function // which called the file loader. It will keep processing the event loop // until we're ready (see loadFileContents), thus the event loop will // eventually catch the invokation we throw here and send us back. Though // it's not technically recursion anymore, more like a for loop. :P if (isOnForeground()) QMetaObject::invokeMethod (this, "work", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG (int, i)); else work (i); } } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDFileLoader::abort() { setAborted (true); if (isOnForeground()) g_aborted = true; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QList<LDObject*> loadFileContents (File* f, int* numWarnings, bool* ok) { QList<QString> lines; QList<LDObject*> objs; if (numWarnings) *numWarnings = 0; // Read in the lines for (QString line : *f) lines << line; LDFileLoader* loader = new LDFileLoader; loader->setWarnings (numWarnings); loader->setLines (lines); loader->setOnForeground (g_loadingMainFile); loader->start(); // After start() returns, if the loader isn't done yet, it's delaying // its next iteration through the event loop. We need to catch this here // by telling the event loop to tick, which will tick the file loader again. // We keep doing this until the file loader is ready. while (loader->isDone() == false) qApp->processEvents(); // If we wanted the success value, supply that now if (ok) *ok = !loader->isAborted(); objs = loader->getObjects(); return objs; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDDocument* openDocument (QString path, bool search) { // Convert the file name to lowercase since some parts contain uppercase // file names. I'll assume here that the library will always use lowercase // file names for the actual parts.. File* f; if (search) f = openLDrawFile (path.toLower(), true); else { f = new File (path, File::Read); if (!*f) { delete f; return null; } } if (!f) return null; LDDocument* load = new LDDocument; load->setFullPath (f->getPath()); load->setName (LDDocument::shortenName (load->getFullPath())); dlog ("name: %1 (%2)", load->getName(), load->getFullPath()); g_loadedFiles << load; // Don't take the file loading as actual edits to the file load->getHistory()->setIgnoring (true); int numWarnings; bool ok; QList<LDObject*> objs = loadFileContents (f, &numWarnings, &ok); delete f; if (!ok) { g_loadedFiles.removeOne (load); delete load; return null; } load->addObjects (objs); if (g_loadingMainFile) { LDDocument::setCurrent (load); g_win->R()->setFile (load); log (QObject::tr ("File %1 parsed successfully (%2 errors)."), path, numWarnings); } load->getHistory()->setIgnoring (false); return load; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool LDDocument::isSafeToClose() { typedef QMessageBox msgbox; setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); // If we have unsaved changes, warn and give the option of saving. if (hasUnsavedChanges()) { QString message = fmt (tr ("There are unsaved changes to %1. Should it be saved?"), (getName().length() > 0) ? getName() : tr ("<anonymous>")); int button = msgbox::question (g_win, tr ("Unsaved Changes"), message, (msgbox::Yes | msgbox::No | msgbox::Cancel), msgbox::Cancel); switch (button) { case msgbox::Yes: { // If we don't have a file path yet, we have to ask the user for one. if (getName().length() == 0) { QString newpath = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName (g_win, tr ("Save As"), getCurrentDocument()->getName(), tr ("LDraw files (*.dat *.ldr)")); if (newpath.length() == 0) return false; setName (newpath); } if (!save()) { message = fmt (tr ("Failed to save %1 (%2)\nDo you still want to close?"), getName(), strerror (errno)); if (msgbox::critical (g_win, tr ("Save Failure"), message, (msgbox::Yes | msgbox::No), msgbox::No) == msgbox::No) { return false; } } } break; case msgbox::Cancel: return false; default: break; } } return true; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void closeAll() { // Remove all loaded files and the objects they contain QList<LDDocument*> files = g_loadedFiles; for (LDDocument* file : files) delete file; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void newFile() { // Create a new anonymous file and set it to our current LDDocument* f = new LDDocument; f->setName (""); f->setImplicit (false); g_loadedFiles << f; LDDocument::setCurrent (f); LDDocument::closeInitialFile(); g_win->R()->setFile (f); g_win->doFullRefresh(); g_win->updateTitle(); g_win->updateActions(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void addRecentFile (QString path) { auto& rfiles = io_recentfiles; int idx = rfiles.indexOf (path); // If this file already is in the list, pop it out. if (idx != -1) { if (rfiles.size() == 1) return; // only recent file - abort and do nothing // Pop it out. rfiles.removeAt (idx); } // If there's too many recent files, drop one out. while (rfiles.size() > (g_maxRecentFiles - 1)) rfiles.removeAt (0); // Add the file rfiles << path; Config::save(); g_win->updateRecentFilesMenu(); } // ============================================================================= // Open an LDraw file and set it as the main model // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void openMainFile (QString path) { g_loadingMainFile = true; // If there's already a file with the same name, this file must replace it. LDDocument* documentToReplace = null; QString shortName = LDDocument::shortenName (path); for (LDDocument* doc : g_loadedFiles) { if (doc->getName() == shortName) { documentToReplace = doc; break; } } // We cannot open this file if the document this would replace is not // safe to close. if (documentToReplace != null && documentToReplace->isSafeToClose() == false) { g_loadingMainFile = false; return; } LDDocument* file = openDocument (path, false); if (!file) { // Loading failed, thus drop down to a new file since we // closed everything prior. newFile(); if (!g_aborted) { // Tell the user loading failed. setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); critical (fmt (QObject::tr ("Failed to open %1: %2"), path, strerror (errno))); } g_loadingMainFile = false; return; } file->setImplicit (false); // Replace references to the old file with the new file. if (documentToReplace != null) { for (LDDocumentPointer* ptr : documentToReplace->getReferences()) { dlog ("ptr: %1 (%2)\n", ptr, ptr->getPointer() ? ptr->getPointer()->getName() : "<null>"); ptr->operator= (file); } assert (documentToReplace->countReferences() == 0); delete documentToReplace; } // If we have an anonymous, unchanged file open as the only open file // (aside of the one we just opened), close it now. LDDocument::closeInitialFile(); // Rebuild the object tree view now. LDDocument::setCurrent (file); g_win->doFullRefresh(); // Add it to the recent files list. addRecentFile (path); g_loadingMainFile = false; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool LDDocument::save (QString savepath) { if (!savepath.length()) savepath = getFullPath(); File f (savepath, File::Write); if (!f) return false; // If the second object in the list holds the file name, update that now. // Only do this if the file is explicitly open. LDComment* fpathComment = null; LDObject* first = getObject (1); if (!isImplicit() && first != null && first->getType() == LDObject::EComment) { fpathComment = static_cast<LDComment*> (first); if (fpathComment->text.left (6) == "Name: ") { QString newname = shortenName (savepath); fpathComment->text = fmt ("Name: %1", newname); g_win->buildObjList(); } } // File is open, now save the model to it. Note that LDraw requires files to // have DOS line endings, so we terminate the lines with \r\n. for (LDObject* obj : getObjects()) f.write (obj->raw() + "\r\n"); // File is saved, now clean up. f.close(); // We have successfully saved, update the save position now. setSavePosition (getHistory()->getPosition()); setFullPath (savepath); setName (shortenName (savepath)); g_win->updateDocumentListItem (this); g_win->updateTitle(); return true; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LDParseError : public std::exception { PROPERTY (private, QString, Error, STR_OPS, STOCK_WRITE) PROPERTY (private, QString, Line, STR_OPS, STOCK_WRITE) public: LDParseError (QString line, QString a) : m_Error (a), m_Line (line) {} const char* what() const throw() { return getError().toLocal8Bit().constData(); } }; // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void checkTokenCount (QString line, const QStringList& tokens, int num) { if (tokens.size() != num) throw LDParseError (line, fmt ("Bad amount of tokens, expected %1, got %2", num, tokens.size())); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void checkTokenNumbers (QString line, const QStringList& tokens, int min, int max) { bool ok; // Check scientific notation, e.g. 7.99361e-15 QRegExp scient ("\\-?[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+e\\-[0-9]+"); for (int i = min; i <= max; ++i) { tokens[i].toDouble (&ok); if (!ok && !scient.exactMatch (tokens[i])) throw LDParseError (line, fmt ("Token #%1 was `%2`, expected a number (matched length: %3)", (i + 1), tokens[i], scient.matchedLength())); } } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static Vertex parseVertex (QStringList& s, const int n) { Vertex v; for_axes (ax) v[ax] = s[n + ax].toDouble(); return v; } // ============================================================================= // This is the LDraw code parser function. It takes in a string containing LDraw // code and returns the object parsed from it. parseLine never returns null, // the object will be LDError if it could not be parsed properly. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDObject* parseLine (QString line) { try { QStringList tokens = line.split (" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (tokens.size() <= 0) { // Line was empty, or only consisted of whitespace return new LDEmpty; } if (tokens[0].length() != 1 || tokens[0][0].isDigit() == false) throw LDParseError (line, "Illogical line code"); int num = tokens[0][0].digitValue(); switch (num) { case 0: { // Comment QString comm = line.mid (line.indexOf ("0") + 1).simplified(); // Handle BFC statements if (tokens.size() > 2 && tokens[1] == "BFC") { for (int i = 0; i < LDBFC::NumStatements; ++i) if (comm == fmt ("BFC %1", LDBFC::statements [i])) return new LDBFC ( (LDBFC::Type) i); // MLCAD is notorious for stuffing these statements in parts it // creates. The above block only handles valid statements, so we // need to handle MLCAD-style invertnext, clip and noclip separately. struct { QString a; LDBFC::Type b; } BFCData[] = { { "INVERTNEXT", LDBFC::InvertNext }, { "NOCLIP", LDBFC::NoClip }, { "CLIP", LDBFC::Clip } }; for (const auto& i : BFCData) if (comm == "BFC CERTIFY " + i.a) return new LDBFC (i.b); } if (tokens.size() > 2 && tokens[1] == "!LDFORGE") { // Handle LDForge-specific types, they're embedded into comments too if (tokens[2] == "VERTEX") { // Vertex (0 !LDFORGE VERTEX) checkTokenCount (line, tokens, 7); checkTokenNumbers (line, tokens, 3, 6); LDVertex* obj = new LDVertex; obj->setColor (tokens[3].toLong()); for_axes (ax) obj->pos[ax] = tokens[4 + ax].toDouble(); // 4 - 6 return obj; } elif (tokens[2] == "OVERLAY") { checkTokenCount (line, tokens, 9);; checkTokenNumbers (line, tokens, 5, 8); LDOverlay* obj = new LDOverlay; obj->setFileName (tokens[3]); obj->setCamera (tokens[4].toLong()); obj->setX (tokens[5].toLong()); obj->setY (tokens[6].toLong()); obj->setWidth (tokens[7].toLong()); obj->setHeight (tokens[8].toLong()); return obj; } } // Just a regular comment: LDComment* obj = new LDComment; obj->text = comm; return obj; } case 1: { // Subfile checkTokenCount (line, tokens, 15); checkTokenNumbers (line, tokens, 1, 13); // Try open the file. Disable g_loadingMainFile temporarily since we're // not loading the main file now, but the subfile in question. bool tmp = g_loadingMainFile; g_loadingMainFile = false; LDDocument* load = getDocument (tokens[14]); g_loadingMainFile = tmp; // If we cannot open the file, mark it an error. Note we cannot use LDParseError // here because the error object needs the document reference. if (!load) { LDError* obj = new LDError (line, fmt ("Could not open %1", tokens[14])); obj->setFileReferenced (tokens[14]); return obj; } LDSubfile* obj = new LDSubfile; obj->setColor (tokens[1].toLong()); obj->setPosition (parseVertex (tokens, 2)); // 2 - 4 Matrix transform; for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) transform[i] = tokens[i + 5].toDouble(); // 5 - 13 obj->setTransform (transform); obj->setFileInfo (load); return obj; } case 2: { checkTokenCount (line, tokens, 8); checkTokenNumbers (line, tokens, 1, 7); // Line LDLine* obj = new LDLine; obj->setColor (tokens[1].toLong()); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) obj->setVertex (i, parseVertex (tokens, 2 + (i * 3))); // 2 - 7 return obj; } case 3: { checkTokenCount (line, tokens, 11); checkTokenNumbers (line, tokens, 1, 10); // Triangle LDTriangle* obj = new LDTriangle; obj->setColor (tokens[1].toLong()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) obj->setVertex (i, parseVertex (tokens, 2 + (i * 3))); // 2 - 10 return obj; } case 4: case 5: { checkTokenCount (line, tokens, 14); checkTokenNumbers (line, tokens, 1, 13); // Quadrilateral / Conditional line LDObject* obj; if (num == 4) obj = new LDQuad; else obj = new LDCondLine; obj->setColor (tokens[1].toLong()); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) obj->setVertex (i, parseVertex (tokens, 2 + (i * 3))); // 2 - 13 return obj; } default: // Strange line we couldn't parse throw LDError (line, "Unknown line code number"); } } catch (LDParseError& e) { return new LDError (e.getLine(), e.getError()); } } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDDocument* getDocument (QString filename) { // Try find the file in the list of loaded files LDDocument* doc = findDocument (filename); // If it's not loaded, try open it if (!doc) doc = openDocument (filename, true); return doc; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void reloadAllSubfiles() { if (!getCurrentDocument()) return; g_loadedFiles.clear(); g_loadedFiles << getCurrentDocument(); // Go through all objects in the current file and reload the subfiles for (LDObject* obj : getCurrentDocument()->getObjects()) { if (obj->getType() == LDObject::ESubfile) { LDSubfile* ref = static_cast<LDSubfile*> (obj); LDDocument* fileInfo = getDocument (ref->getFileInfo()->getName()); if (fileInfo) ref->setFileInfo (fileInfo); else ref->replace (new LDError (ref->raw(), fmt ("Could not open %1", ref->getFileInfo()->getName()))); } // Reparse gibberish files. It could be that they are invalid because // of loading errors. Circumstances may be different now. if (obj->getType() == LDObject::EError) obj->replace (parseLine (static_cast<LDError*> (obj)->contents)); } } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int LDDocument::addObject (LDObject* obj) { getHistory()->add (new AddHistory (getObjects().size(), obj)); m_Objects << obj; if (obj->getType() == LDObject::EVertex) m_Vertices << obj; #ifdef DEBUG if (!isImplicit()) dlog ("Added object #%1 (%2)\n", obj->getID(), obj->getTypeName()); #endif obj->setFile (this); return getObjectCount() - 1; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDDocument::addObjects (const QList<LDObject*> objs) { for (LDObject* obj : objs) if (obj) addObject (obj); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDDocument::insertObj (int pos, LDObject* obj) { getHistory()->add (new AddHistory (pos, obj)); m_Objects.insert (pos, obj); obj->setFile (this); #ifdef DEBUG if (!isImplicit()) dlog ("Inserted object #%1 (%2) at %3\n", obj->getID(), obj->getTypeName(), pos); #endif } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDDocument::forgetObject (LDObject* obj) { int idx = obj->getIndex(); obj->unselect(); assert (m_Objects[idx] == obj); if (!getHistory()->isIgnoring()) getHistory()->add (new DelHistory (idx, obj)); m_Objects.removeAt (idx); obj->setFile (null); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool safeToCloseAll() { for (LDDocument* f : g_loadedFiles) if (!f->isSafeToClose()) return false; return true; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDDocument::setObject (int idx, LDObject* obj) { assert (idx >= 0 && idx < m_Objects.size()); // Mark this change to history if (!m_History->isIgnoring()) { QString oldcode = getObject (idx)->raw(); QString newcode = obj->raw(); *m_History << new EditHistory (idx, oldcode, newcode); } m_Objects[idx]->unselect(); m_Objects[idx]->setFile (null); obj->setFile (this); m_Objects[idx] = obj; } // ============================================================================= // Close all implicit files with no references // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDDocument::closeUnused() { for (LDDocument* file : g_loadedFiles) if (file->isImplicit() && file->countReferences() == 0) delete file; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDObject* LDDocument::getObject (int pos) const { if (m_Objects.size() <= pos) return null; return m_Objects[pos]; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int LDDocument::getObjectCount() const { return getObjects().size(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool LDDocument::hasUnsavedChanges() const { return !isImplicit() && getHistory()->getPosition() != getSavePosition(); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString LDDocument::getDisplayName() { if (!getName().isEmpty()) return getName(); if (!getDefaultName().isEmpty()) return "[" + getDefaultName() + "]"; return tr ("<anonymous>"); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QList<LDObject*> LDDocument::inlineContents (LDSubfile::InlineFlags flags) { // Possibly substitute with logoed studs: // stud.dat -> stud-logo.dat // stud2.dat -> stud-logo2.dat if (gl_logostuds && (flags & LDSubfile::RendererInline)) { // Ensure logoed studs are loaded first loadLogoedStuds(); if (getName() == "stud.dat" && g_logoedStud) return g_logoedStud->inlineContents (flags); elif (getName() == "stud2.dat" && g_logoedStud2) return g_logoedStud2->inlineContents (flags); } QList<LDObject*> objs, objcache; bool deep = flags & LDSubfile::DeepInline, doCache = flags & LDSubfile::CacheInline; if (m_needsCache) { clearCache(); doCache = true; } // If we have this cached, just create a copy of that if (deep && getCache().isEmpty() == false) { for (LDObject* obj : getCache()) objs << obj->createCopy(); } else { if (!deep) doCache = false; for (LDObject* obj : getObjects()) { // Skip those without scemantic meaning if (!obj->isScemantic()) continue; // Got another sub-file reference, inline it if we're deep-inlining. If not, // just add it into the objects normally. Also, we only cache immediate // subfiles and this is not one. Yay, recursion! if (deep && obj->getType() == LDObject::ESubfile) { LDSubfile* ref = static_cast<LDSubfile*> (obj); // We only want to cache immediate subfiles, so shed the caching // flag when recursing deeper in hierarchy. QList<LDObject*> otherobjs = ref->inlineContents (flags & ~ (LDSubfile::CacheInline)); for (LDObject* otherobj : otherobjs) { // Cache this object, if desired if (doCache) objcache << otherobj->createCopy(); objs << otherobj; } } else { if (doCache) objcache << obj->createCopy(); objs << obj->createCopy(); } } if (doCache) setCache (objcache); } return objs; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LDDocument* LDDocument::current() { return m_curdoc; } // ============================================================================= // Sets the given file as the current one on display. At some point in time this // was an operation completely unheard of. ;) // // FIXME: f can be temporarily null. This probably should not be the case. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDDocument::setCurrent (LDDocument* f) { // Implicit files were loaded for caching purposes and must never be set // current. if (f && f->isImplicit()) return; m_curdoc = f; if (g_win && f) { // A ton of stuff needs to be updated g_win->updateDocumentListItem (f); g_win->buildObjList(); g_win->updateTitle(); g_win->R()->setFile (f); g_win->R()->resetAllAngles(); g_win->R()->repaint(); log ("Changed file to %1", f->getDisplayName()); } } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int LDDocument::countExplicitFiles() { int count = 0; for (LDDocument* f : g_loadedFiles) if (f->isImplicit() == false) count++; return count; } // ============================================================================= // This little beauty closes the initial file that was open at first when opening // a new file over it. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDDocument::closeInitialFile() { if ( countExplicitFiles() == 2 && g_loadedFiles[0]->getName().isEmpty() && g_loadedFiles[1]->getName().isEmpty() == false && !g_loadedFiles[0]->hasUnsavedChanges() ) delete g_loadedFiles[0]; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void loadLogoedStuds() { if (g_logoedStud && g_logoedStud2) return; delete g_logoedStud; delete g_logoedStud2; g_logoedStud = openDocument ("stud-logo.dat", true); g_logoedStud2 = openDocument ("stud2-logo.dat", true); log (LDDocument::tr ("Logoed studs loaded.\n")); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDDocument::addToSelection (LDObject* obj) // [protected] { if (obj->isSelected()) return; assert (obj->getFile() == this); m_sel << obj; obj->setSelected (true); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDDocument::removeFromSelection (LDObject* obj) // [protected] { if (!obj->isSelected()) return; assert (obj->getFile() == this); m_sel.removeOne (obj); obj->setSelected (false); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDDocument::clearSelection() { for (LDObject* obj : m_sel) removeFromSelection (obj); assert (m_sel.isEmpty()); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const QList<LDObject*>& LDDocument::getSelection() const { return m_sel; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDDocument::swapObjects (LDObject* one, LDObject* other) { int a = m_Objects.indexOf (one); int b = m_Objects.indexOf (other); assert (a != b && a != -1 && b != -1); m_Objects[b] = one; m_Objects[a] = other; addToHistory (new SwapHistory (one->getID(), other->getID())); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString LDDocument::shortenName (QString a) // [static] { QString shortname = basename (a); QString topdirname = basename (dirname (a)); if (g_specialSubdirectories.contains (topdirname)) shortname.prepend (topdirname + "\\"); return shortname; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDDocument::addReference (LDDocumentPointer* ptr) { pushToReferences (ptr); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDDocument::removeReference (LDDocumentPointer* ptr) { removeFromReferences (ptr); if (getReferences().size() == 0) invokeLater (closeUnused); }