Wed, 08 Mar 2017 22:09:48 +0200
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2017 Teemu Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <assert.h> #include "../documentmanager.h" #include "../linetypes/modelobject.h" #include "../lddocument.h" #include "../miscallenous.h" #include "../mainwindow.h" #include "../editHistory.h" #include "../canvas.h" #include "../colors.h" #include "../glcompiler.h" #include "edgeline.h" // List of all LDObjects QMap<qint32, LDObject*> g_allObjects; enum { MAX_LDOBJECT_IDS = (1 << 24) }; #define LDOBJ_DEFAULT_CTOR(T,BASE) \ T :: T (Model* model) : \ BASE {model} {} // ============================================================================= // LDObject constructors // LDObject::LDObject (Model* model) : m_isHidden {false}, m_isSelected {false}, _model {model}, m_coords {{0, 0, 0}} { assert(_model != nullptr); // Let's hope that nobody goes to create 17 million objects anytime soon... static qint32 nextId = 1; // 0 shalt be null if (nextId < MAX_LDOBJECT_IDS) m_id = nextId++; else m_id = 0; if (m_id != 0) g_allObjects[m_id] = this; m_randomColor = QColor::fromHsv (rand() % 360, rand() % 256, rand() % 96 + 128); } LDSubfileReference::LDSubfileReference (Model* model) : LDMatrixObject (model) {} LDOBJ_DEFAULT_CTOR (LDError, LDObject) LDOBJ_DEFAULT_CTOR (LDBfc, LDObject) LDOBJ_DEFAULT_CTOR (LDBezierCurve, LDObject) LDObject::~LDObject() { // Remove this object from the list of LDObjects g_allObjects.erase(g_allObjects.find(id())); } // ============================================================================= // QString LDSubfileReference::asText() const { QString val = format ("1 %1 %2 ", color(), position()); val += transformationMatrix().toString(); val += ' '; val += fileInfo()->name(); return val; } QString LDBezierCurve::asText() const { QString result = format ("0 !LDFORGE BEZIER_CURVE %1", color()); // Add the coordinates for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) result += format (" %1", vertex (i)); return result; } // ============================================================================= // QString LDError::asText() const { return contents(); } // ============================================================================= // QString LDBfc::asText() const { return format ("0 BFC %1", statementToString()); } // ============================================================================= // // Swap this object with another. // void LDObject::swap (LDObject* other) { if (model() == other->model()) model()->swapObjects (this, other); } int LDObject::triangleCount() const { return 0; } int LDSubfileReference::triangleCount() const { return fileInfo()->triangleCount(); } int LDObject::numVertices() const { return 0; } // ============================================================================= // LDBezierCurve::LDBezierCurve(const Vertex& v0, const Vertex& v1, const Vertex& v2, const Vertex& v3, Model* model) : LDObject {model} { setVertex (0, v0); setVertex (1, v1); setVertex (2, v2); setVertex (3, v3); } // ============================================================================= // void LDObject::setDocument (Model* model) { _model = model; } // ============================================================================= // static void TransformObject (LDObject* obj, Matrix transform, Vertex pos, LDColor parentcolor) { switch (obj->type()) { case LDObjectType::EdgeLine: case LDObjectType::ConditionalEdge: case LDObjectType::Triangle: case LDObjectType::Quadrilateral: for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i) { Vertex v = obj->vertex (i); v.transform (transform, pos); obj->setVertex (i, v); } break; case LDObjectType::SubfileReference: { LDSubfileReference* ref = static_cast<LDSubfileReference*> (obj); Matrix newMatrix = transform * ref->transformationMatrix(); Vertex newpos = ref->position(); newpos.transform (transform, pos); ref->setPosition (newpos); ref->setTransformationMatrix (newMatrix); } break; default: break; } if (obj->color() == MainColor) obj->setColor (parentcolor); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LDSubfileReference::inlineContents(Model& model, bool deep, bool render) { Model inlined {this->model()->documentManager()}; fileInfo()->inlineContents(inlined, deep, render); // Transform the objects for (LDObject* object : inlined) TransformObject(object, transformationMatrix(), position(), color()); model.merge(inlined); } // ============================================================================= // LDPolygon* LDObject::getPolygon() { LDObjectType ot = type(); int num = (ot == LDObjectType::EdgeLine) ? 2 : (ot == LDObjectType::Triangle) ? 3 : (ot == LDObjectType::Quadrilateral) ? 4 : (ot == LDObjectType::ConditionalEdge) ? 5 : 0; if (num == 0) return nullptr; LDPolygon* data = new LDPolygon; data->id = id(); data->num = num; data->color = color().index(); for (int i = 0; i < data->numVertices(); ++i) data->vertices[i] = vertex (i); return data; } LDColor LDObject::defaultColor() const { return MainColor; } bool LDObject::isColored() const { return true; } bool LDObject::isScemantic() const { return true; } bool LDObject::hasMatrix() const { return false; } // ============================================================================= // QList<LDPolygon> LDSubfileReference::inlinePolygons() { QList<LDPolygon> data = fileInfo()->inlinePolygons(); for (LDPolygon& entry : data) { for (int i = 0; i < entry.numVertices(); ++i) entry.vertices[i].transform (transformationMatrix(), position()); } return data; } // ============================================================================= // // Index (i.e. line number) of this object // int LDObject::lineNumber() const { if (model()) { for (int i = 0; i < model()->size(); ++i) { if (model()->getObject(i) == this) return i; } } return -1; } // ============================================================================= // // Object after this in the current file // LDObject* LDObject::next() const { return model()->getObject(lineNumber() + 1); } // ============================================================================= // // Object prior to this in the current file // LDObject* LDObject::previous() const { return model()->getObject(lineNumber() - 1); } // ============================================================================= // // Is the previous object INVERTNEXT? // bool LDObject::previousIsInvertnext (LDBfc*& ptr) { LDObject* prev = previous(); if (prev and prev->type() == LDObjectType::Bfc and static_cast<LDBfc*> (prev)->statement() == BfcStatement::InvertNext) { ptr = static_cast<LDBfc*> (prev); return true; } return false; } // ============================================================================= // // Moves this object using the given vertex as a movement List // void LDObject::move (Vertex vect) { if (hasMatrix()) { LDMatrixObject* mo = static_cast<LDMatrixObject*> (this); mo->setPosition (mo->position() + vect); } else { for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(); ++i) setVertex (i, vertex (i) + vect); } } bool LDObject::isHidden() const { return m_isHidden; } void LDObject::setHidden (bool value) { m_isHidden = value; } bool LDObject::isSelected() const { return m_isSelected; } qint32 LDObject::id() const { return m_id; } LDColor LDObject::color() const { return m_color; } QColor LDObject::randomColor() const { return m_randomColor; } Model* LDObject::model() const { return _model; } // ============================================================================= // void LDObject::invert() {} void LDBfc::invert() {} void LDError::invert() {} // ============================================================================= // void LDSubfileReference::invert() { if (model() == nullptr) return; // Check whether subfile is flat int axisSet = (1 << X) | (1 << Y) | (1 << Z); Model model {this->model()->documentManager()}; fileInfo()->inlineContents(model, true, false); for (LDObject* obj : model.objects()) { for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i) { Vertex const& vrt = obj->vertex (i); if (axisSet & (1 << X) and vrt.x() != 0.0) axisSet &= ~(1 << X); if (axisSet & (1 << Y) and vrt.y() != 0.0) axisSet &= ~(1 << Y); if (axisSet & (1 << Z) and vrt.z() != 0.0) axisSet &= ~(1 << Z); } if (axisSet == 0) break; } if (axisSet != 0) { // Subfile has all vertices zero on one specific plane, so it is flat. // Let's flip it. Matrix matrixModifier = Matrix::identity; if (axisSet & (1 << X)) matrixModifier(0, 0) = -1; if (axisSet & (1 << Y)) matrixModifier(1, 1) = -1; if (axisSet & (1 << Z)) matrixModifier(2, 2) = -1; setTransformationMatrix (transformationMatrix() * matrixModifier); return; } // Subfile is not flat. Resort to invertnext. int idx = lineNumber(); if (idx > 0) { LDBfc* bfc = dynamic_cast<LDBfc*> (previous()); if (bfc and bfc->statement() == BfcStatement::InvertNext) { // This is prefixed with an invertnext, thus remove it. this->model()->remove(bfc); return; } } // Not inverted, thus prefix it with a new invertnext. this->model()->insert<LDBfc>(idx, BfcStatement::InvertNext); } // ============================================================================= // void LDBezierCurve::invert() { // A Bézier curve's control points probably need to be, though. Vertex tmp = vertex (1); setVertex (1, vertex (0)); setVertex (0, tmp); tmp = vertex (3); setVertex (3, vertex (2)); setVertex (2, tmp); } // ============================================================================= // LDObject* LDObject::fromID(qint32 id) { return g_allObjects.value(id); } // ============================================================================= // void LDObject::setColor (LDColor color) { changeProperty(&m_color, color); } // ============================================================================= // // Get a vertex by index // const Vertex& LDObject::vertex (int i) const { return m_coords[i]; } // ============================================================================= // // Set a vertex to the given value // void LDObject::setVertex (int i, const Vertex& vert) { changeProperty(&m_coords[i], vert); } LDMatrixObject::LDMatrixObject (Model* model) : LDObject (model), m_position {0, 0, 0} {} LDMatrixObject::LDMatrixObject (const Matrix& transform, const Vertex& pos, Model* model) : LDObject (model), m_position (pos), m_transformationMatrix (transform) {} void LDMatrixObject::setCoordinate (const Axis ax, double value) { Vertex v = position(); switch (ax) { case X: v.setX (value); break; case Y: v.setY (value); break; case Z: v.setZ (value); break; } setPosition (v); } const Vertex& LDMatrixObject::position() const { return m_position; } // ============================================================================= // void LDMatrixObject::setPosition (const Vertex& a) { changeProperty(&m_position, a); } // ============================================================================= // const Matrix& LDMatrixObject::transformationMatrix() const { return m_transformationMatrix; } void LDMatrixObject::setTransformationMatrix (const Matrix& val) { changeProperty(&m_transformationMatrix, val); } LDError::LDError (QString contents, QString reason, Model* model) : LDObject (model), m_contents (contents), m_reason (reason) {} QString LDError::reason() const { return m_reason; } QString LDError::contents() const { return m_contents; } QString LDError::fileReferenced() const { return m_fileReferenced; } void LDError::setFileReferenced (QString value) { m_fileReferenced = value; } LDBfc::LDBfc (const BfcStatement type, Model* model) : LDObject {model}, m_statement {type} {} BfcStatement LDBfc::statement() const { return m_statement; } void LDBfc::setStatement (BfcStatement value) { m_statement = value; } QString LDBfc::statementToString() const { return LDBfc::statementToString (statement()); } QString LDBfc::statementToString (BfcStatement statement) { static const char* statementStrings[] = { "CERTIFY CCW", "CCW", "CERTIFY CW", "CW", "NOCERTIFY", "INVERTNEXT", "CLIP", "CLIP CCW", "CLIP CW", "NOCLIP", }; if ((int) statement >= 0 and (int) statement < countof (statementStrings)) return QString::fromLatin1 (statementStrings[(int) statement]); else return ""; } Vertex LDBezierCurve::pointAt (qreal t) const { if (t >= 0.0 and t <= 1.0) { Vertex result; result += pow (1.0 - t, 3) * vertex (0); result += (3 * pow (1.0 - t, 2) * t) * vertex (2); result += (3 * (1.0 - t) * pow (t, 2)) * vertex (3); result += pow (t, 3) * vertex (1); return result; } else return Vertex(); } void LDBezierCurve::rasterize(Model& model, int segments) { QVector<LDPolygon> polygons = rasterizePolygons(segments); for (LDPolygon& poly : polygons) { LDEdgeLine* line = model.append<LDEdgeLine>(poly.vertices[0], poly.vertices[1]); line->setColor (poly.color); } } QVector<LDPolygon> LDBezierCurve::rasterizePolygons(int segments) { QVector<LDPolygon> result; QVector<Vertex> parms; parms.append (pointAt (0.0)); for (int i = 1; i < segments; ++i) parms.append (pointAt (double (i) / segments)); parms.append (pointAt (1.0)); LDPolygon poly; poly.color = color().index(); = id(); poly.num = 2; for (int i = 0; i < segments; ++i) { poly.vertices[0] = parms[i]; poly.vertices[1] = parms[i + 1]; result << poly; } return result; } LDSubfileReference::LDSubfileReference(LDDocument* reference, const Matrix& transformationMatrix, const Vertex& position, Model* model) : LDMatrixObject {transformationMatrix, position, model}, m_fileInfo {reference} {} // ============================================================================= // LDDocument* LDSubfileReference::fileInfo() const { return m_fileInfo; } void LDSubfileReference::setFileInfo (LDDocument* newReferee) { changeProperty(&m_fileInfo, newReferee); if (model()) model()->recountTriangles(); // If it's an immediate subfile reference (i.e. this subfile is in an opened document), we need to pre-compile the // GL polygons for the document if they don't exist already. if (newReferee and newReferee->isFrozen() == false and newReferee->polygonData().isEmpty()) { newReferee->initializeCachedData(); } } void LDObject::getVertices (QSet<Vertex>& verts) const { for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(); ++i) verts.insert(vertex(i)); } void LDSubfileReference::getVertices (QSet<Vertex>& verts) const { verts.unite(fileInfo()->inlineVertices()); } QString LDObject::objectListText() const { if (numVertices() > 0) { QString result; for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(); ++i) { if (i != 0) result += ", "; result += vertex(i).toString (true); } return result; } else { return typeName(); } } QString LDError::objectListText() const { return "ERROR: " + asText(); } QString LDSubfileReference::objectListText() const { QString result = format ("%1 %2, (", fileInfo()->getDisplayName(), position().toString(true)); for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) result += format("%1%2", transformationMatrix().value(i), (i != 8) ? " " : ""); result += ')'; return result; } QString LDBfc::objectListText() const { return statementToString(); }