Thu, 07 Feb 2019 15:43:18 +0200
reworked selection model handling
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018 Teemu Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QApplication> #include <QClipboard> #include <QDialog> #include <QDialogButtonBox> #include <QTextEdit> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include "../canvas.h" #include "../lddocument.h" #include "../linetypes/comment.h" #include "../linetypes/modelobject.h" #include "../linetypes/triangle.h" #include "../linetypes/quadrilateral.h" #include "../linetypes/edgeline.h" #include "../linetypes/conditionaledge.h" #include "../ldobjectiterator.h" #include "../mainwindow.h" #include "../dialogs/colorselector.h" #include "../dialogs/subfilereferenceeditor.h" #include "../grid.h" #include "../parser.h" #include "../widgets/vertexobjecteditor.h" #include "../algorithms/invert.h" #include "basictoolset.h" #include "guiutilities.h" BasicToolset::BasicToolset (MainWindow *parent) : Toolset (parent) {} int BasicToolset::copyToClipboard() { const QSet<LDObject*>& objects = selectedObjects(); int count = 0; qApp->clipboard()->clear(); QString data; for (LDObject* obj : objects) { if (not data.isEmpty()) data += "\n"; data += obj->asText(); ++count; } qApp->clipboard()->setText (data); return count; } void BasicToolset::cut() { int num = copyToClipboard(); m_window->deleteSelection(); print (tr ("%1 objects cut"), num); } void BasicToolset::copy() { int num = copyToClipboard(); print (tr ("%1 objects copied"), num); } void BasicToolset::paste() { const QString clipboardText = qApp->clipboard()->text(); int row = m_window->suggestInsertPoint(); mainWindow()->clearSelection(); int count = 0; for (QString line : clipboardText.split("\n")) { Parser::parseFromString(*currentDocument(), row, line); mainWindow()->select(currentDocument()->index(row)); row += 1; count += 1; } print(tr("%1 objects pasted"), count); m_window->refresh(); } void BasicToolset::remove() { int num = m_window->deleteSelection(); print (tr ("%1 objects deleted"), num); } void BasicToolset::doInline (bool deep) { for (LDObject* object : selectedObjects()) { if (object->isRasterizable()) { // Get the index of the subfile so we know where to insert the // inlined contents. QPersistentModelIndex referenceIndex = currentDocument()->indexOf(object); int row = referenceIndex.row(); if (referenceIndex.isValid()) { Model inlined {m_documents}; object->rasterize( m_documents, currentDocument()->winding(), inlined, deep, false ); // Merge in the inlined objects for (LDObject* inlinedObject : inlined.objects()) { currentDocument()->insertCopy(row, inlinedObject); mainWindow()->select(currentDocument()->index(row)); row += 1; } // Delete the subfile now as it's been inlined. currentDocument()->removeRow(referenceIndex.row()); } } } } void BasicToolset::inlineShallow() { doInline (false); } void BasicToolset::inlineDeep() { doInline (true); } void BasicToolset::undo() { currentDocument()->undo(); } void BasicToolset::redo() { currentDocument()->redo(); } void BasicToolset::uncolor() { int num = 0; for (LDObject* obj : selectedObjects()) { if (not obj->isColored()) continue; obj->setColor (obj->defaultColor()); num++; } print (tr ("%1 objects uncolored"), num); } void BasicToolset::insertRaw() { int row = m_window->suggestInsertPoint(); QDialog* const dlg = new QDialog; QVBoxLayout* const layout = new QVBoxLayout; QTextEdit* const inputbox = new QTextEdit; QDialogButtonBox* const buttons = new QDialogButtonBox (QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); layout->addWidget (inputbox); layout->addWidget (buttons); dlg->setLayout (layout); dlg->setWindowTitle (APPNAME " - Insert Raw"); dlg->connect (buttons, SIGNAL (accepted()), dlg, SLOT (accept())); dlg->connect (buttons, SIGNAL (rejected()), dlg, SLOT (reject())); if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Rejected) return; mainWindow()->clearSelection(); for (QString line : QString (inputbox->toPlainText()).split ("\n")) { Parser::parseFromString(*currentDocument(), row, line); mainWindow()->select(currentDocument()->index(row)); row += 1; } m_window->refresh(); } void BasicToolset::setColor() { if (selectedObjects().isEmpty()) return; QSet<LDObject*> objs = selectedObjects(); // If all selected objects have the same color, said color is our default // value to the color selection dialog. LDColor color; LDColor defaultcol = m_window->getUniformSelectedColor(); // Show the dialog to the user now and ask for a color. if (ColorSelector::selectColor (m_window, color, defaultcol)) { for (LDObject* obj : objs) { if (obj->isColored()) obj->setColor (color); } } } void BasicToolset::invert() { for (LDObject* object : selectedObjects()) ::invert(object, m_documents); } template<typename T> static void createObject(MainWindow* window) { LDObject* object = window->currentDocument()->emplaceAt<T>(window->suggestInsertPoint()); ::editObject(window, object); } void BasicToolset::newSubfile() { createObject<LDSubfileReference>(this->m_window); } void BasicToolset::newLine() { createObject<LDEdgeLine>(this->m_window); } void BasicToolset::newTriangle() { createObject<LDTriangle>(this->m_window); } void BasicToolset::newQuadrilateral() { createObject<LDQuadrilateral>(this->m_window); } void BasicToolset::newConditionalLine() { createObject<LDConditionalEdge>(this->m_window); } void BasicToolset::newComment() { createObject<LDComment>(this->m_window); } void BasicToolset::edit() { if (countof(selectedObjects()) == 1) ::editObject(this->m_window, *selectedObjects().begin()); } void BasicToolset::modeSelect() { m_window->renderer()->setEditMode (EditModeType::Select); } void BasicToolset::modeCurve() { m_window->renderer()->setEditMode (EditModeType::Curve); } void BasicToolset::modeDraw() { m_window->renderer()->setEditMode (EditModeType::Draw); } void BasicToolset::modeRectangle() { m_window->renderer()->setEditMode (EditModeType::Rectangle); } void BasicToolset::modeCircle() { m_window->renderer()->setEditMode (EditModeType::Circle); } void BasicToolset::modeMagicWand() { m_window->renderer()->setEditMode (EditModeType::MagicWand); } void BasicToolset::modeLinePath() { m_window->renderer()->setEditMode (EditModeType::LinePath); }