Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:56:10 +0300
- updated the fast-draw studs category to use the 8\ subdirectory, all existing fast-draw primitives have been moved-to so those now go to Other.
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Santeri Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QFile> #include "ldDocument.h" #include "ldConfig.h" #include "mainWindow.h" #include "miscallenous.h" #include "colors.h" // ============================================================================= // // Helper function for parseLDConfig // static bool parseLDConfigTag (LDConfigParser& pars, char const* tag, QString& val) { int pos; // Try find the token and get its position if (not pars.findToken (pos, tag, 1)) return false; // Get the token after it and store it into val return pars.getToken (val, pos + 1); } // ============================================================================= // void parseLDConfig() { QFile* fp = openLDrawFile ("LDConfig.ldr", false); if (fp == null) { critical (QObject::tr ("Unable to open LDConfig.ldr for parsing.")); return; } // Read in the lines while (not fp->atEnd()) { QString line = QString::fromUtf8 (fp->readLine()); if (line.isEmpty() || line[0] != '0') continue; // empty or illogical line.remove ('\r'); line.remove ('\n'); // Parse the line LDConfigParser pars (line, ' '); int code = 0, alpha = 255; QString name, facename, edgename, valuestr; // Check 0 !COLOUR, parse the name if (not pars.tokenCompare (0, "0") || not pars.tokenCompare (1, "!COLOUR") || not pars.getToken (name, 2)) { continue; } // Replace underscores in the name with spaces for readability name.replace ("_", " "); // Get the CODE tag if (not parseLDConfigTag (pars, "CODE", valuestr)) continue; if (not numeric (valuestr)) continue; // not a number // Ensure that the code is within [0 - 511] bool ok; code = valuestr.toShort (&ok); if (not ok || code < 0 || code >= 512) continue; // VALUE and EDGE tags if (not parseLDConfigTag (pars, "VALUE", facename) || not parseLDConfigTag (pars, "EDGE", edgename)) continue; // Ensure that our colors are correct QColor faceColor (facename), edgeColor (edgename); if (not faceColor.isValid() || not edgeColor.isValid()) continue; // Parse alpha if given. if (parseLDConfigTag (pars, "ALPHA", valuestr)) alpha = clamp (valuestr.toInt(), 0, 255); LDColor* col = new LDColor; col->name = name; col->faceColor = faceColor; col->edgeColor = edgeColor; col->hexcode = facename; col->faceColor.setAlpha (alpha); col->index = code; setColor (code, col); } fp->close(); fp->deleteLater(); } // ============================================================================= // LDConfigParser::LDConfigParser (QString inText, char sep) { m_tokens = inText.split (sep, QString::SkipEmptyParts); m_pos = -1; } // ============================================================================= // bool LDConfigParser::isAtBeginning() { return m_pos == -1; } // ============================================================================= // bool LDConfigParser::isAtEnd() { return m_pos == m_tokens.size() - 1; } // ============================================================================= // bool LDConfigParser::getToken (QString& val, const int pos) { if (pos >= m_tokens.size()) return false; val = m_tokens[pos]; return true; } // ============================================================================= // bool LDConfigParser::getNextToken (QString& val) { return getToken (val, ++m_pos); } // ============================================================================= // bool LDConfigParser::peekNextToken (QString& val) { return getToken (val, m_pos + 1); } // ============================================================================= // bool LDConfigParser::findToken (int& result, char const* needle, int args) { for (int i = 0; i < (m_tokens.size() - args); ++i) { if (m_tokens[i] == needle) { result = i; return true; } } return false; } // ============================================================================= // void LDConfigParser::rewind() { m_pos = -1; } // ============================================================================= // void LDConfigParser::seek (int amount, bool rel) { m_pos = (rel ? m_pos : 0) + amount; } // ============================================================================= // int LDConfigParser::getSize() { return m_tokens.size(); } // ============================================================================= // bool LDConfigParser::tokenCompare (int inPos, const char* sOther) { QString tok; if (not getToken (tok, inPos)) return false; return (tok == sOther); }