Fri, 20 Dec 2013 02:05:19 +0200
- line lengths are now displayed when drawing
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 Santeri Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QProcess> #include <QTemporaryFile> #include <QDialog> #include <QDialogButtonBox> #include <QSpinBox> #include <QCheckBox> #include <QComboBox> #include <QGridLayout> #include "main.h" #include "config.h" #include "misc.h" #include "gui.h" #include "document.h" #include "widgets.h" #include "history.h" #include "ui_ytruder.h" #include "ui_intersector.h" #include "ui_rectifier.h" #include "ui_coverer.h" #include "ui_isecalc.h" #include "ui_edger2.h" #include "dialogs.h" enum extprog { Isecalc, Intersector, Coverer, Ytruder, Rectifier, Edger2, }; // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cfg (String, prog_isecalc, ""); cfg (String, prog_intersector, ""); cfg (String, prog_coverer, ""); cfg (String, prog_ytruder, ""); cfg (String, prog_rectifier, ""); cfg (String, prog_edger2, ""); StringConfig* const g_extProgPaths[] = { &prog_isecalc, &prog_intersector, &prog_coverer, &prog_ytruder, &prog_rectifier, &prog_edger2, }; #ifndef _WIN32 cfg (Bool, prog_isecalc_wine, false); cfg (Bool, prog_intersector_wine, false); cfg (Bool, prog_coverer_wine, false); cfg (Bool, prog_ytruder_wine, false); cfg (Bool, prog_rectifier_wine, false); cfg (Bool, prog_edger2_wine, false); BoolConfig* const g_extProgWine[] = { &prog_isecalc_wine, &prog_intersector_wine, &prog_coverer_wine, &prog_ytruder_wine, &prog_rectifier_wine, &prog_edger2_wine, }; #endif // _WIN32 const char* g_extProgNames[] = { "Isecalc", "Intersector", "Coverer", "Ytruder", "Rectifier", "Edger2" }; // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool checkProgPath (const extprog prog) { alias path = g_extProgPaths[prog]->value; if (path.length() > 0) return true; ExtProgPathPrompt* dlg = new ExtProgPathPrompt (g_extProgNames[prog]); if (dlg->exec() && !dlg->getPath().isEmpty()) { path = dlg->getPath(); return true; } return false; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static str processErrorString (extprog prog, QProcess& proc) { switch (proc.error()) { case QProcess::FailedToStart: { str wineblurb; #ifndef _WIN32 if (g_extProgWine[prog]) wineblurb = "make sure Wine is installed and "; #endif return fmt ("Program failed to start, %1check your permissions", wineblurb); } break; case QProcess::Crashed: return "Crashed."; case QProcess::WriteError: case QProcess::ReadError: return "I/O error."; case QProcess::UnknownError: return "Unknown error"; case QProcess::Timedout: return fmt ("Timed out (30 seconds)"); } return ""; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool mkTempFile (QTemporaryFile& tmp, str& fname) { if (! return false; fname = tmp.fileName(); tmp.close(); return true; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void writeObjects (const QList<LDObject*>& objects, File& f) { for (LDObject* obj : objects) { if (obj->getType() == LDObject::Subfile) { LDSubfile* ref = static_cast<LDSubfile*> (obj); QList<LDObject*> objs = ref->inlineContents (LDSubfile::DeepInline); writeObjects (objs, f); for (LDObject* obj : objs) obj->deleteSelf(); } else f.write (obj->raw() + "\r\n"); } } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void writeObjects (const QList<LDObject*>& objects, str fname) { // Write the input file File f (fname, File::Write); if (!f) { critical (fmt ("Couldn't open temporary file %1 for writing.\n", fname)); return; } writeObjects (objects, f); f.close(); #ifdef DEBUG QFile::copy (fname, "debug_lastInput"); #endif } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void writeSelection (str fname) { writeObjects (selection(), fname); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void writeColorGroup (const int colnum, str fname) { QList<LDObject*> objects; for (LDObject* obj : getCurrentDocument()->getObjects()) { if (obj->isColored() == false || obj->getColor() != colnum) continue; objects << obj; } writeObjects (objects, fname); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool runUtilityProcess (extprog prog, str path, str argvstr) { QTemporaryFile input, output; str inputname, outputname; QStringList argv = argvstr.split (" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); #ifndef _WIN32 if (*g_extProgWine[prog]) { argv.insert (0, path); path = "wine"; } #endif // _WIN32 log ("cmdline: %1 %2\n", path, argv.join (" ")); // Temporary files for stdin and stdout if (!mkTempFile (input, inputname) || !mkTempFile (output, outputname)) return false; QProcess proc; // Init stdin File stdinfp (inputname, File::Write); // Begin! proc.setStandardInputFile (inputname); proc.start (path, argv); if (!proc.waitForStarted()) { critical (fmt ("Couldn't start %1: %2\n", g_extProgNames[prog], processErrorString (prog, proc))); return false; } // Write an enter, the utility tools all expect one stdinfp.write ("\n"); // Wait while it runs proc.waitForFinished(); str err = ""; if (proc.exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit) err = processErrorString (prog, proc); // Check the return code if (proc.exitCode() != 0) err = fmt ("Program exited abnormally (return code %1).", proc.exitCode()); if (!err.isEmpty()) { critical (fmt ("%1 failed: %2\n", g_extProgNames[prog], err)); return false; } return true; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void insertOutput (str fname, bool replace, QList<int> colorsToReplace) { #ifdef DEBUG QFile::copy (fname, "./debug_lastOutput"); #endif // RELEASE // Read the output file File f (fname, File::Read); if (!f) { critical (fmt ("Couldn't open temporary file %1 for reading.\n", fname)); return; } QList<LDObject*> objs = loadFileContents (&f, null); // If we replace the objects, delete the selection now. if (replace) g_win->deleteSelection(); for (const int colnum : colorsToReplace) g_win->deleteByColor (colnum); // Insert the new objects getCurrentDocument()->clearSelection(); for (LDObject * obj : objs) { if (!obj->isScemantic()) { obj->deleteSelf(); continue; } getCurrentDocument()->addObject (obj); obj->select(); } g_win->doFullRefresh(); } // ============================================================================= // Interface for Ytruder // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Ytruder, 0) { setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); if (!checkProgPath (Ytruder)) return; QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; Ui::YtruderUI ui; ui.setupUi (dlg); if (!dlg->exec()) return; // Read the user's choices const enum { Distance, Symmetry, Projection, Radial } mode = ui.mode_distance->isChecked() ? Distance : ui.mode_symmetry->isChecked() ? Symmetry : ui.mode_projection->isChecked() ? Projection : Radial; const Axis axis = ui.axis_x->isChecked() ? X : ui.axis_y->isChecked() ? Y : Z; const double depth = ui.planeDepth->value(), condAngle = ui.condAngle->value(); QTemporaryFile indat, outdat; str inDATName, outDATName; // Make temp files for the input and output files if (!mkTempFile (indat, inDATName) || !mkTempFile (outdat, outDATName)) return; // Compose the command-line arguments str argv = join ( { (axis == X) ? "-x" : (axis == Y) ? "-y" : "-z", (mode == Distance) ? "-d" : (mode == Symmetry) ? "-s" : (mode == Projection) ? "-p" : "-r", depth, "-a", condAngle, inDATName, outDATName }); writeSelection (inDATName); if (!runUtilityProcess (Ytruder, prog_ytruder, argv)) return; insertOutput (outDATName, false, {}); } // ============================================================================= // Rectifier interface // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Rectifier, 0) { setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); if (!checkProgPath (Rectifier)) return; QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; Ui::RectifierUI ui; ui.setupUi (dlg); if (!dlg->exec()) return; QTemporaryFile indat, outdat; str inDATName, outDATName; // Make temp files for the input and output files if (!mkTempFile (indat, inDATName) || !mkTempFile (outdat, outDATName)) return; // Compose arguments str argv = join ( { (!ui.cb_condense->isChecked()) ? "-q" : "", (!ui.cb_subst->isChecked()) ? "-r" : "", (ui.cb_condlineCheck->isChecked()) ? "-a" : "", (ui.cb_colorize->isChecked()) ? "-c" : "", "-t", ui.dsb_coplthres->value(), inDATName, outDATName }); writeSelection (inDATName); if (!runUtilityProcess (Rectifier, prog_rectifier, argv)) return; insertOutput (outDATName, true, {}); } // ============================================================================= // Intersector interface // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Intersector, 0) { setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); if (!checkProgPath (Intersector)) return; QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; Ui::IntersectorUI ui; ui.setupUi (dlg); makeColorComboBox (ui.cmb_incol); makeColorComboBox (ui.cmb_cutcol); ui.cb_repeat->setWhatsThis ("If this is set, " APPNAME " runs Intersector a second time with inverse files to cut the " " cutter group with the input group. Both groups are cut by the intersection."); ui.cb_edges->setWhatsThis ("Makes " APPNAME " try run Isecalc to create edgelines for the intersection."); int inCol, cutCol; const bool repeatInverse = ui.cb_repeat->isChecked(); forever { if (!dlg->exec()) return; inCol = ui.cmb_incol->itemData (ui.cmb_incol->currentIndex()).toInt(); cutCol = ui.cmb_cutcol->itemData (ui.cmb_cutcol->currentIndex()).toInt(); if (inCol == cutCol) { critical ("Cannot use the same color group for both input and cutter!"); continue; } break; } // Five temporary files! // indat = input group file // cutdat = cutter group file // outdat = primary output // outdat2 = inverse output // edgesdat = edges output (isecalc) QTemporaryFile indat, cutdat, outdat, outdat2, edgesdat; str inDATName, cutDATName, outDATName, outDAT2Name, edgesDATName; if (!mkTempFile (indat, inDATName) || !mkTempFile (cutdat, cutDATName) || !mkTempFile (outdat, outDATName) || !mkTempFile (outdat2, outDAT2Name) || !mkTempFile (edgesdat, edgesDATName)) { return; } str parms = join ( { (ui.cb_colorize->isChecked()) ? "-c" : "", (ui.cb_nocondense->isChecked()) ? "-t" : "", "-s", ui.dsb_prescale->value() }); str argv_normal = join ( { parms, inDATName, cutDATName, outDATName }); str argv_inverse = join ( { parms, cutDATName, inDATName, outDAT2Name }); writeColorGroup (inCol, inDATName); writeColorGroup (cutCol, cutDATName); if (!runUtilityProcess (Intersector, prog_intersector, argv_normal)) return; insertOutput (outDATName, false, {inCol}); if (repeatInverse && runUtilityProcess (Intersector, prog_intersector, argv_inverse)) insertOutput (outDAT2Name, false, {cutCol}); if ( ui.cb_edges->isChecked() && checkProgPath (Isecalc) && runUtilityProcess (Isecalc, prog_isecalc, join ( {inDATName, cutDATName, edgesDATName})) ) insertOutput (edgesDATName, false, {}); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Coverer, 0) { setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); if (!checkProgPath (Coverer)) return; QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; Ui::CovererUI ui; ui.setupUi (dlg); makeColorComboBox (ui.cmb_col1); makeColorComboBox (ui.cmb_col2); int in1Col, in2Col; forever { if (!dlg->exec()) return; in1Col = ui.cmb_col1->itemData (ui.cmb_col1->currentIndex()).toInt(); in2Col = ui.cmb_col2->itemData (ui.cmb_col2->currentIndex()).toInt(); if (in1Col == in2Col) { critical ("Cannot use the same color group for both input and cutter!"); continue; } break; } QTemporaryFile in1dat, in2dat, outdat; str in1DATName, in2DATName, outDATName; if (!mkTempFile (in1dat, in1DATName) || !mkTempFile (in2dat, in2DATName) || !mkTempFile (outdat, outDATName)) return; str argv = join ( { (ui.cb_oldsweep->isChecked() ? "-s" : ""), (ui.cb_reverse->isChecked() ? "-r" : ""), (ui.dsb_segsplit->value() != 0 ? fmt ("-l %1", ui.dsb_segsplit->value()) : ""), (ui.sb_bias->value() != 0 ? fmt ("-s %1", ui.sb_bias->value()) : ""), in1DATName, in2DATName, outDATName }); writeColorGroup (in1Col, in1DATName); writeColorGroup (in2Col, in2DATName); if (!runUtilityProcess (Coverer, prog_coverer, argv)) return; insertOutput (outDATName, false, {}); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Isecalc, 0) { setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); if (!checkProgPath (Isecalc)) return; Ui::IsecalcUI ui; QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; ui.setupUi (dlg); makeColorComboBox (ui.cmb_col1); makeColorComboBox (ui.cmb_col2); int in1Col, in2Col; // Run the dialog and validate input forever { if (!dlg->exec()) return; in1Col = ui.cmb_col1->itemData (ui.cmb_col1->currentIndex()).toInt(), in2Col = ui.cmb_col1->itemData (ui.cmb_col2->currentIndex()).toInt(); if (in1Col == in2Col) { critical ("Cannot use the same color group for both input and cutter!"); continue; } break; } QTemporaryFile in1dat, in2dat, outdat; str in1DATName, in2DATName, outDATName; if (!mkTempFile (in1dat, in1DATName) || !mkTempFile (in2dat, in2DATName) || !mkTempFile (outdat, outDATName)) return; str argv = join ( { in1DATName, in2DATName, outDATName }); writeColorGroup (in1Col, in1DATName); writeColorGroup (in2Col, in2DATName); runUtilityProcess (Isecalc, prog_isecalc, argv); insertOutput (outDATName, false, {}); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_ACTION (Edger2, 0) { setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); if (!checkProgPath (Edger2)) return; QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; Ui::Edger2Dialog ui; ui.setupUi (dlg); if (!dlg->exec()) return; QTemporaryFile in, out; str inName, outName; if (!mkTempFile (in, inName) || !mkTempFile (out, outName)) return; int unmatched = ui.unmatched->currentIndex(); str argv = join ( { fmt ("-p %1", ui.precision->value()), fmt ("-af %1", ui.flatAngle->value()), fmt ("-ac %1", ui.condAngle->value()), fmt ("-ae %1", ui.edgeAngle->value()), ui.delLines->isChecked() ? "-de" : "", ui.delCondLines->isChecked() ? "-dc" : "", ui.colored->isChecked() ? "-c" : "", ui.bfc->isChecked() ? "-b" : "", ui.convex->isChecked() ? "-cx" : "", ui.concave->isChecked() ? "-cv" : "", unmatched == 0 ? "-u+" : (unmatched == 2 ? "-u-" : ""), inName, outName, }); writeSelection (inName); if (!runUtilityProcess (Edger2, prog_edger2, argv)) return; insertOutput (outName, true, {}); }