
changeset 706
parent 655
child 733
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/basics.h	Sat Mar 29 05:38:03 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+ *  LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD
+ *  Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Santeri Piippo
+ *
+ *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <QString>
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <QMetaType>
+#include "macros.h"
+class LDObject;
+class QFile;
+class QTextStream;
+using int8 = qint8;
+using int16 = qint16;
+using int32 = qint32;
+using int64 = qint64;
+using uint8 = quint8;
+using uint16 = quint16;
+using uint32 = quint32;
+using uint64 = quint64;
+template<typename T, typename R>
+using Pair = std::pair<T, R>;
+enum Axis
+	X,
+	Y,
+	Z
+// =============================================================================
+class LDObject;
+using LDObjectList = QList<LDObject*>;
+//! \brief A mathematical 3 x 3 matrix
+class Matrix
+	public:
+		//! Constructs a matrix with undetermined values.
+		Matrix() {}
+		//! Constructs a matrix with the given values.
+		//! \note \c vals is expected to have exactly 9 elements.
+		Matrix (const std::initializer_list<double>& vals);
+		//! Constructs a matrix all 9 elements initialized to the same value.
+		//! \param fillval the value to initialize the matrix coordinates as
+		Matrix (double fillval);
+		//! Constructs a matrix with a C-array.
+		//! \note \c vals is expected to have exactly 9 elements.
+		Matrix (double vals[]);
+		//! Calculates the matrix's determinant.
+		//! \returns the calculated determinant.
+		double			getDeterminant() const;
+		//! Multiplies this matrix with \c other
+		//! \param other the matrix to multiply with.
+		//! \returns the resulting matrix
+		//! \note a.mult(b) is not equivalent to b.mult(a)!
+		Matrix			mult (const Matrix& other) const;
+		//! Prints the matrix to stdout.
+		void			dump() const;
+		//! \returns a string representation of the matrix.
+		QString			toString() const;
+		//! Zeroes the matrix out.
+		void			zero();
+		//! Assigns the matrix values to the values of \c other.
+		//! \param other the matrix to assign this to.
+		//! \returns a reference to self
+		Matrix&			operator= (const Matrix& other);
+		//! \returns a mutable reference to a value by \c idx
+		inline double& value (int idx)
+		{
+			return m_vals[idx];
+		}
+		//! An overload of \c value() for const matrices.
+		//! \returns a const reference to a value by \c idx
+		inline const double& value (int idx) const
+		{
+			return m_vals[idx];
+		}
+		//! An operator overload for \c mult().
+		//! \returns the multiplied matrix.
+		inline Matrix operator* (const Matrix& other) const
+		{
+			return mult (other);
+		}
+		//! An operator overload for \c value().
+		//! \returns a mutable reference to a value by \c idx
+		inline double& operator[] (int idx)
+		{
+			return value (idx);
+		}
+		//! An operator overload for \c value() const.
+		//! \returns a const reference to a value by \c idx
+		inline const double& operator[] (int idx) const
+		{
+			return value (idx);
+		}
+		//! \param other the matrix to check against
+		//! \returns whether the two matrices have the same values.
+		bool operator== (const Matrix& other) const;
+	private:
+		double m_vals[9];
+//! \brief A vertex in 3D space
+//! Contains a single point in 3D space. Not to be confused with
+//! LDVertex, which is a vertex used in an LDraw part file.
+//! This also sees use as a position vector.
+class Vertex
+	public:
+		//! Constructs a zero vertex
+		Vertex() :
+			m_coords{0, 0, 0} {}
+		//! Constructs a vertex with the given \c x, \c y and \c z.
+		Vertex (double x, double y, double z);
+		//! \returns the distance from this vertex to \c other
+		double			distanceTo (const Vertex& other) const;
+		//! \returns the vertex at the midpoint between this and \c other
+		Vertex			midpoint (const Vertex& other);
+		//! Moves this vertex using \param other as a position vector.
+		void			move (const Vertex& other);
+		//! Yields a string representation of the vertex. The string returned
+		//! can possibly be mangled.
+		//! - As mangled: {1.5, 2.8, 3.14}
+		//! - Without mangling: 1.5 2.8 3.14
+		//!
+		//! The mangled version is suitable for printing to the user, the
+		//! non-mangled one is used when writing the vertex to LDraw files.
+		//!
+		//! \returns a string representation of this vertex
+		//! \param mangled whether to return a mangled representation or not
+		QString			toString (bool mangled) const;
+		//! Transforms this vertex with \c matr as transformation matrix
+		//! and \c pos as the position column of the 4x4 matrix.
+		void			transform (const Matrix& matr, const Vertex& pos);
+		//! An operator overload for \c move().
+		Vertex&			operator+= (const Vertex& other);
+		//! An operator overload for \c move(), using a temporary vertex.
+		Vertex			operator+ (const Vertex& other) const;
+		//! Divides all values by \c d.
+		Vertex			operator/ (const double d) const;
+		//! Divides all values by \c d.
+		Vertex&			operator/= (const double d);
+		//! Checks whether this vertex has the same values as \c other.
+		bool			operator== (const Vertex& other) const;
+		//! Checks whether this vertex has different values than \c other.
+		bool			operator!= (const Vertex& other) const;
+		//! \returns a negated version the vertex
+		Vertex			operator-() const;
+		//! \returns whether the vertex has lesser values than \c other.
+		int				operator< (const Vertex& other) const;
+		//! An operator overload for \c getCoordinate().
+		inline double& operator[] (const Axis ax)
+		{
+			return getCoordinate ((int) ax);
+		}
+		//! An operator overload for \c getCoordinate() const.
+		inline const double& operator[] (const Axis ax) const
+		{
+			return getCoordinate ((int) ax);
+		}
+		//! An operator overload for \c getCoordinate().
+		inline double& operator[] (const int ax)
+		{
+			return getCoordinate (ax);
+		}
+		//! An operator overload for \c getCoordinate() const.
+		inline const double& operator[] (const int ax) const
+		{
+			return getCoordinate (ax);
+		}
+		//! \returns a mutable reference for the coordinate designated by \param n.
+		inline double& getCoordinate (int n)
+		{
+			return m_coords[n];
+		}
+		//! An overload of \c getCoordinate for const vertices.
+		//! \returns a const reference for the coordinate designated by \param n.
+		inline const double& getCoordinate (int n) const
+		{
+			return m_coords[n];
+		}
+		//! \returns a mutable reference to X.
+		inline double& x()
+		{
+			return m_coords[X];
+		}
+		//! An overload of \c x() for const vertices.
+		//! \returns a const reference to X.
+		inline const double& x() const
+		{
+			return m_coords[X];
+		}
+		//! \returns a mutable reference to Y.
+		inline double& y()
+		{
+			return m_coords[Y];
+		}
+		//! An overload of \c y() for const vertices.
+		//! \returns a const reference to Y.
+		inline const double& y() const
+		{
+			return m_coords[Y];
+		}
+		//! \returns a mutable reference to Z.
+		inline double& z()
+		{
+			return m_coords[Z];
+		}
+		//! An overload of \c z() for const vertices.
+		//! \returns a const reference to Z.
+		inline const double& z() const
+		{
+			return m_coords[Z];
+		}
+	private:
+		double m_coords[3];
+//! Defines a bounding box that encompasses a given set of objects.
+//! vertex0 is the minimum vertex, vertex1 is the maximum vertex.
+class LDBoundingBox
+	PROPERTY (private,	bool,		isEmpty,	setEmpty,		STOCK_WRITE)
+	PROPERTY (private,	Vertex,		vertex0,	setVertex0,		STOCK_WRITE)
+	PROPERTY (private,	Vertex,		vertex1,	setVertex1,		STOCK_WRITE)
+	public:
+		//! Constructs an empty bounding box.
+		LDBoundingBox();
+		//! Clears the bounding box
+		void reset();
+		//! Calculates the bounding box's values from the objects in the current
+		//! document.
+		void calculateFromCurrentDocument();
+		//! \returns the length of the bounding box on the longest measure.
+		double longestMeasurement() const;
+		//! Calculates the given \c obj to the bounding box, adjusting
+		//! extremas if necessary.
+		void calcObject (LDObject* obj);
+		//! Calculates the given \c vertex to the bounding box, adjusting
+		//! extremas if necessary.
+		void calcVertex (const Vertex& vertex);
+		//! \returns the center of the bounding box.
+		Vertex center() const;
+		//! An operator overload for \c calcObject()
+		LDBoundingBox& operator<< (LDObject* obj);
+		//! An operator overload for \c calcVertex()
+		LDBoundingBox& operator<< (const Vertex& v);
+extern const Vertex g_origin; // Vertex at (0, 0, 0)
+extern const Matrix g_identity; // Identity matrix
+static const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
