
changeset 675
parent 629
child 638
child 681
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/LDObject.h	Tue Jan 21 02:09:14 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+ *  LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD
+ *  Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Santeri Piippo
+ *
+ *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "Main.h"
+#include "Types.h"
+#include "misc/DocumentPointer.h"
+#define LDOBJ(T)										\
+protected:												\
+	virtual LD##T* clone() override						\
+	{													\
+		return new LD##T (*this);						\
+	}													\
+														\
+public:													\
+	virtual LDObject::Type getType() const override		\
+	{													\
+		return LDObject::E##T;							\
+	}													\
+	virtual QString raw() const override;				\
+	virtual void invert() override;
+#define LDOBJ_NAME(N)          virtual QString getTypeName() const override { return #N; }
+#define LDOBJ_VERTICES(V)      virtual int vertices() const override { return V; }
+#define LDOBJ_SETCOLORED(V)    virtual bool isColored() const override { return V; }
+#define LDOBJ_COLORED          LDOBJ_SETCOLORED (true)
+#define LDOBJ_CUSTOM_SCEMANTIC virtual bool isScemantic() const override
+#define LDOBJ_SCEMANTIC        LDOBJ_CUSTOM_SCEMANTIC { return true; }
+#define LDOBJ_SETMATRIX(V)     virtual bool hasMatrix() const override { return V; }
+#define LDOBJ_NO_MATRIX        LDOBJ_SETMATRIX (false)
+class QListWidgetItem;
+class LDSubfile;
+class LDDocument;
+class LDSharedVertex;
+// =============================================================================
+// LDObject
+// Base class object for all object types. Each LDObject represents a single line
+// in the LDraw code file. The virtual method getType returns an enumerator
+// which is a token of the object's type. The object can be casted into
+// sub-classes based on this enumerator.
+// =============================================================================
+class LDObject
+	PROPERTY (public,		bool,			Hidden,			BOOL_OPS,	STOCK_WRITE)
+	PROPERTY (public,		bool,			Selected,		BOOL_OPS,	STOCK_WRITE)
+	PROPERTY (public,		LDObject*,		Parent,			NO_OPS,		STOCK_WRITE)
+	PROPERTY (public,		LDDocument*,	File,			NO_OPS,		STOCK_WRITE) // TODO: rename~
+	PROPERTY (private,		int,			ID,				NUM_OPS,	STOCK_WRITE)
+	PROPERTY (public,		int,			Color,			NUM_OPS,	CUSTOM_WRITE)
+	PROPERTY (public,		bool,			GLInit,			BOOL_OPS,	STOCK_WRITE)
+	public:
+		// Object type codes.
+		enum Type
+		{
+			ESubfile,        // Object represents a sub-file reference
+			EQuad,           // Object represents a quadrilateral
+			ETriangle,       // Object represents a triangle
+			ELine,           // Object represents a line
+			ECondLine,       // Object represents a conditional line
+			EVertex,         // Object is a vertex, LDForge extension object
+			EBFC,            // Object represents a BFC statement
+			EOverlay,        // Object contains meta-info about an overlay image.
+			EComment,        // Object represents a comment
+			EError,          // Object is the result of failed parsing
+			EEmpty,          // Object represents an empty line
+			EUnidentified,   // Unknown object type (some functions return this; TODO: they probably should not)
+			ENumTypes        // Amount of object types
+		};
+		LDObject();
+		// Makes a copy of this object
+		LDObject*					createCopy() const;
+		// Deletes this object
+		void						deleteSelf();
+		// Index (i.e. line number) of this object
+		long						getIndex() const;
+		// Type enumerator of this object
+		virtual Type				getType() const = 0;
+		// Get a vertex by index
+		const Vertex&				getVertex (int i) const;
+		// Type name of this object
+		virtual QString				getTypeName() const = 0;
+		// Does this object have a matrix and position? (see LDMatrixObject)
+		virtual bool				hasMatrix() const = 0;
+		// Inverts this object (winding is reversed)
+		virtual void				invert() = 0;
+		// Is this object colored?
+		virtual bool				isColored() const = 0;
+		// Does this object have meaning in the part model?
+		virtual bool				isScemantic() const = 0;
+		// Moves this object using the given vertex as a movement List
+		void						move (Vertex vect);
+		// Object after this in the current file
+		LDObject*					next() const;
+		// Object prior to this in the current file
+		LDObject*					prev() const;
+		// This object as LDraw code
+		virtual						QString raw() const = 0;
+		// Replace this LDObject with another LDObject. Object is deleted in the process.
+		void						replace (LDObject* other);
+		// Selects this object.
+		void						select();
+		// Set a vertex to the given value
+		void						setVertex (int i, const Vertex& vert);
+		// Set a single coordinate of a vertex
+		void						setVertexCoord (int i, Axis ax, double value);
+		// Swap this object with another.
+		void						swap (LDObject* other);
+		// What object in the current file ultimately references this?
+		LDObject*					topLevelParent();
+		// Removes this object from selection // TODO: rename to deselect?
+		void						unselect();
+		// Number of vertices this object has // TODO: rename to getNumVertices
+		virtual int					vertices() const = 0;
+		// Get type name by enumerator
+		static QString typeName (LDObject::Type type);
+		// Returns a default-constructed LDObject by the given type
+		static LDObject* getDefault (const LDObject::Type type);
+		// TODO: move this to LDDocument?
+		static void moveObjects (LDObjectList objs, const bool up);
+		// Get a description of a list of LDObjects
+		static QString describeObjects (const LDObjectList& objs);
+		static LDObject* fromID (int id);
+		// TODO: make these private!
+		// OpenGL list for this object
+		uint glLists[4];
+		// Object list entry for this object
+		QListWidgetItem* qObjListEntry;
+	protected:
+		// LDObjects are to be deleted with the deleteSelf() method, not with
+		// operator delete. This is because it seems virtual functions cannot
+		// be properly called from the destructor, thus a normal method must
+		// be used instead. The destructor also doesn't seem to be able to
+		// be private without causing a truckload of problems so it's protected
+		// instead.
+		virtual ~LDObject();
+		void chooseID();
+	private:
+		virtual LDObject* clone() = 0;
+		LDSharedVertex*	m_coords[4];
+// =============================================================================
+// LDSharedVertex
+// For use as coordinates of LDObjects. Keeps count of references.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class LDSharedVertex
+	public:
+		inline const Vertex& data() const
+		{
+			return m_data;
+		}
+		inline operator const Vertex&() const
+		{
+			return m_data;
+		}
+		void addRef (LDObject* a);
+		void delRef (LDObject* a);
+		static LDSharedVertex* getSharedVertex (const Vertex& a);
+	protected:
+		LDSharedVertex (const Vertex& a) : m_data (a) {}
+	private:
+		LDObjectList m_refs;
+		Vertex m_data;
+// =============================================================================
+// LDMatrixObject
+// =============================================================================
+// Common code for objects with matrices. This class is multiple-derived in
+// and thus not used directly other than as a common storage point for matrices
+// and vertices.
+// The link pointer is a pointer to this object's LDObject self - since this is
+// multiple-derived in, static_cast or dynamic_cast won't budge here.
+// In 0.1-alpha, there was a separate 'radial' type which had a position and
+// matrix as well. Even though right now only LDSubfile uses this, I'm keeping
+// this class distinct in case I get new extension ideas. :)
+// =============================================================================
+class LDMatrixObject
+	PROPERTY (public,	LDObject*,			LinkPointer,	NO_OPS,	STOCK_WRITE)
+	PROPERTY (public,	Matrix,				Transform,		NO_OPS,	CUSTOM_WRITE)
+	public:
+		LDMatrixObject() :
+			m_Position (LDSharedVertex::getSharedVertex (g_origin)) {}
+		LDMatrixObject (const Matrix& transform, const Vertex& pos) :
+			m_Transform (transform),
+			m_Position (LDSharedVertex::getSharedVertex (pos)) {}
+		inline const Vertex& getPosition() const
+		{
+			return m_Position->data();
+		}
+		void setCoordinate (const Axis ax, double value)
+		{
+			Vertex v = getPosition();
+			v[ax] = value;
+			setPosition (v);
+		}
+		void setPosition (const Vertex& a);
+	private:
+		LDSharedVertex*	m_Position;
+// =============================================================================
+// LDError
+// Represents a line in the LDraw file that could not be properly parsed. It is
+// represented by a (!) ERROR in the code view. It exists for the purpose of
+// allowing garbage lines be debugged and corrected within LDForge. The member
+// zContent contains the contents of the unparsable line.
+// =============================================================================
+class LDError : public LDObject
+	LDOBJ (Error)
+	LDOBJ_NAME (error)
+	PROPERTY (public,	QString, FileReferenced, STR_OPS,	STOCK_WRITE)
+	public:
+		LDError();
+		LDError (QString contents, QString reason) : contents (contents), reason (reason) {}
+		// Content of this unknown line
+		QString contents;
+		// Why is this gibberish?
+		QString reason;
+// =============================================================================
+// LDEmpty
+// Represents an empty line in the LDraw code file.
+// =============================================================================
+class LDEmpty : public LDObject
+	LDOBJ (Empty)
+	LDOBJ_NAME (empty)
+// =============================================================================
+// LDComment
+// Represents a code-0 comment in the LDraw code file. Member text contains
+// the text of the comment.
+// =============================================================================
+class LDComment : public LDObject
+	LDOBJ (Comment)
+	LDOBJ_NAME (comment)
+	public:
+		LDComment() {}
+		LDComment (QString text) : text (text) {}
+		QString text; // The text of this comment
+// =============================================================================
+// Represents a 0 BFC statement in the LDraw code. eStatement contains the type
+// of this statement.
+// =============================================================================
+class LDBFC : public LDObject
+	public:
+		enum Type
+		{
+			CertifyCCW,
+			CCW,
+			CertifyCW,
+			CW,
+			NoCertify,
+			InvertNext,
+			Clip,
+			ClipCCW,
+			ClipCW,
+			NoClip,
+			NumStatements
+		};
+		LDOBJ_NAME (bfc)
+		LDOBJ_CUSTOM_SCEMANTIC { return (type == InvertNext); }
+	public:
+		LDBFC() {}
+		LDBFC (const LDBFC::Type type) :
+			type (type) {}
+		// Statement strings
+		static const char* statements[];
+		Type type;
+// =============================================================================
+// LDSubfile
+// Represents a single code-1 subfile reference.
+// =============================================================================
+class LDSubfile : public LDObject, public LDMatrixObject
+	LDOBJ (Subfile)
+	LDOBJ_NAME (subfile)
+	PROPERTY (public,	LDDocumentPointer, FileInfo, NO_OPS,	STOCK_WRITE)
+	public:
+		enum InlineFlag
+		{
+			DeepInline     = (1 << 0),
+			CacheInline    = (1 << 1),
+			RendererInline = (1 << 2),
+			DeepCacheInline = DeepInline | CacheInline,
+		};
+		Q_DECLARE_FLAGS (InlineFlags, InlineFlag)
+		LDSubfile()
+		{
+			setLinkPointer (this);
+		}
+		// Inlines this subfile. Note that return type is an array of heap-allocated
+		// LDObject copies, they must be deleted manually.
+		LDObjectList inlineContents (InlineFlags flags);
+	protected:
+		~LDSubfile();
+// =============================================================================
+// LDLine
+// Represents a single code-2 line in the LDraw code file. v0 and v1 are the end
+// points of the line. The line is colored with dColor unless uncolored mode is
+// set.
+// =============================================================================
+class LDLine : public LDObject
+	LDOBJ (Line)
+	LDOBJ_NAME (line)
+	public:
+		LDLine() {}
+		LDLine (Vertex v1, Vertex v2);
+// =============================================================================
+// LDCondLine
+// Represents a single code-5 conditional line. The end-points v0 and v1 are
+// inherited from LDLine, c0 and c1 are the control points of this line.
+// =============================================================================
+class LDCondLine : public LDLine
+	LDOBJ (CondLine)
+	LDOBJ_NAME (condline)
+	public:
+		LDCondLine() {}
+		LDLine* demote();
+// =============================================================================
+// LDTriangle
+// Represents a single code-3 triangle in the LDraw code file. Vertices v0, v1
+// and v2 contain the end-points of this triangle. dColor is the color the
+// triangle is colored with.
+// =============================================================================
+class LDTriangle : public LDObject
+	LDOBJ (Triangle)
+	LDOBJ_NAME (triangle)
+	public:
+		LDTriangle() {}
+		LDTriangle (Vertex v0, Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
+		{
+			setVertex (0, v0);
+			setVertex (1, v1);
+			setVertex (2, v2);
+		}
+// =============================================================================
+// LDQuad
+// Represents a single code-4 quadrilateral. v0, v1, v2 and v3 are the end points
+// of the quad, dColor is the color used for the quad.
+// =============================================================================
+class LDQuad : public LDObject
+	LDOBJ (Quad)
+	LDOBJ_NAME (quad)
+	public:
+		LDQuad() {}
+		LDQuad (const Vertex& v0, const Vertex& v1, const Vertex& v2, const Vertex& v3);
+		// Split this quad into two triangles (note: heap-allocated)
+		QList<LDTriangle*> splitToTriangles();
+// =============================================================================
+// LDVertex
+// The vertex is an LDForce-specific extension which represents a single
+// vertex which can be used as a parameter to tools or to store coordinates
+// with. Vertices are a part authoring tool and they should not appear in
+// finished parts.
+// =============================================================================
+class LDVertex : public LDObject
+	LDOBJ (Vertex)
+	LDOBJ_NAME (vertex)
+	LDOBJ_VERTICES (0) // TODO: move pos to vaCoords[0]
+	public:
+		LDVertex() {}
+		Vertex pos;
+// =============================================================================
+// LDOverlay
+// Overlay image meta, stored in the header of parts so as to preserve overlay
+// information.
+// =============================================================================
+class LDOverlay : public LDObject
+	LDOBJ (Overlay)
+	LDOBJ_NAME (overlay)
+	PROPERTY (public,	int,	 Camera,	NUM_OPS,	STOCK_WRITE)
+	PROPERTY (public,	int,	 X,			NUM_OPS,	STOCK_WRITE)
+	PROPERTY (public,	int,	 Y,			NUM_OPS,	STOCK_WRITE)
+	PROPERTY (public,	int,	 Width,		NUM_OPS,	STOCK_WRITE)
+	PROPERTY (public,	int,	 Height,	NUM_OPS,	STOCK_WRITE)
+	PROPERTY (public,	QString, FileName,	STR_OPS,	STOCK_WRITE)
+// Other common LDraw stuff
+static const QString CALicense = "!LICENSE Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt",
+				 NonCALicense = "!LICENSE Not redistributable : see NonCAreadme.txt";
+static const int lores = 16;
+static const int hires = 48;
+QString getLicenseText (int id);
