
changeset 667
parent 606
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Mon Jan 20 15:04:26 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+ *  LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD
+ *  Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Santeri Piippo
+ *
+ *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *  =====================================================================
+ *
+ *  configDialog.cpp: Settings dialog and everything related to it.
+ *  Actual configuration core is in config.cpp.
+ */
+#include <QGridLayout>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QColorDialog>
+#include <QBoxLayout>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QGroupBox>
+#include <QDoubleSpinBox>
+#include <QLineEdit>
+#include <QCheckBox>
+#include "main.h"
+#include "configDialog.h"
+#include "document.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "colors.h"
+#include "colorSelectDialog.h"
+#include "gldraw.h"
+#include "ui_config.h"
+#include "moc_configDialog.cpp"
+extern_cfg (String, gl_bgcolor);
+extern_cfg (String, gl_maincolor);
+extern_cfg (Bool, lv_colorize);
+extern_cfg (Bool, gl_colorbfc);
+extern_cfg (Float, gl_maincolor_alpha);
+extern_cfg (Int, gl_linethickness);
+extern_cfg (String, gui_colortoolbar);
+extern_cfg (Bool, edit_schemanticinline);
+extern_cfg (Bool, gl_blackedges);
+extern_cfg (Bool, gl_aa);
+extern_cfg (Bool, gui_implicitfiles);
+extern_cfg (String, net_downloadpath);
+extern_cfg (Bool, net_guesspaths);
+extern_cfg (Bool, net_autoclose);
+extern_cfg (Bool, gl_logostuds);
+extern_cfg (Bool,	gl_linelengths);
+extern_cfg (String, ld_defaultname);
+extern_cfg (String, ld_defaultuser);
+extern_cfg (Int, ld_defaultlicense);
+extern_cfg (String, gl_selectcolor);
+extern_cfg (String, prog_ytruder);
+extern_cfg (String, prog_rectifier);
+extern_cfg (String, prog_intersector);
+extern_cfg (String, prog_coverer);
+extern_cfg (String, prog_isecalc);
+extern_cfg (String, prog_edger2);
+extern_cfg (Bool, prog_ytruder_wine);
+extern_cfg (Bool, prog_rectifier_wine);
+extern_cfg (Bool, prog_intersector_wine);
+extern_cfg (Bool, prog_coverer_wine);
+extern_cfg (Bool, prog_isecalc_wine);
+extern_cfg (Bool, prog_edger2_wine);
+const char* g_extProgPathFilter =
+#ifdef _WIN32
+	"Applications (*.exe)(*.exe);;All files (*.*)(*.*)";
+	"";
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ConfigDialog::ConfigDialog (ConfigDialog::Tab deftab, QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) :
+	QDialog (parent, f)
+	assert (g_win != null);
+	ui = new Ui_ConfigUI;
+	ui->setupUi (this);
+	// Interface tab
+	setButtonBackground (ui->backgroundColorButton, gl_bgcolor);
+	connect (ui->backgroundColorButton, SIGNAL (clicked()),
+			 this, SLOT (slot_setGLBackground()));
+	setButtonBackground (ui->mainColorButton, gl_maincolor);
+	connect (ui->mainColorButton, SIGNAL (clicked()),
+			 this, SLOT (slot_setGLForeground()));
+	setButtonBackground (ui->selColorButton, gl_selectcolor);
+	connect (ui->selColorButton, SIGNAL (clicked()),
+			 this, SLOT (slot_setGLSelectColor()));
+	ui->mainColorAlpha->setValue (gl_maincolor_alpha * 10.0f);
+	ui->lineThickness->setValue (gl_linethickness);
+	ui->colorizeObjects->setChecked (lv_colorize);
+	ui->colorBFC->setChecked (gl_colorbfc);
+	ui->blackEdges->setChecked (gl_blackedges);
+	ui->m_aa->setChecked (gl_aa);
+	ui->implicitFiles->setChecked (gui_implicitfiles);
+	ui->m_logostuds->setChecked (gl_logostuds);
+	ui->linelengths->setChecked (gl_linelengths);
+	int i = 0;
+	for (QAction* act : g_win->findChildren<QAction*>())
+	{
+		KeySequenceConfig* cfg = g_win->shortcutForAction (act);
+		if (cfg)
+			addShortcut (*cfg, act, i);
+	}
+	ui->shortcutsList->setSortingEnabled (true);
+	ui->shortcutsList->sortItems();
+	connect (ui->shortcut_set, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (slot_setShortcut()));
+	connect (ui->shortcut_reset, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (slot_resetShortcut()));
+	connect (ui->shortcut_clear, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (slot_clearShortcut()));
+	quickColors = quickColorsFromConfig();
+	updateQuickColorList();
+	connect (ui->quickColor_add, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (slot_setColor()));
+	connect (ui->quickColor_remove, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (slot_delColor()));
+	connect (ui->quickColor_edit, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (slot_setColor()));
+	connect (ui->quickColor_addSep, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (slot_addColorSeparator()));
+	connect (ui->quickColor_moveUp, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (slot_moveColor()));
+	connect (ui->quickColor_moveDown, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (slot_moveColor()));
+	connect (ui->quickColor_clear, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (slot_clearColors()));
+	ui->downloadPath->setText (net_downloadpath);
+	ui->guessNetPaths->setChecked (net_guesspaths);
+	ui->autoCloseNetPrompt->setChecked (net_autoclose);
+	connect (ui->findDownloadPath, SIGNAL (clicked (bool)), this, SLOT (slot_findDownloadFolder()));
+	ui->m_profileName->setText (ld_defaultname);
+	ui->m_profileUsername->setText (ld_defaultuser);
+	ui->m_profileLicense->setCurrentIndex (ld_defaultlicense);
+	initGrids();
+	initExtProgs();
+	selectPage (deftab);
+	connect (ui->buttonBox, SIGNAL (clicked (QAbstractButton*)),
+		this, SLOT (buttonClicked (QAbstractButton*)));
+	connect (ui->m_pages, SIGNAL (currentChanged (int)),
+		this, SLOT (selectPage (int)));
+	connect (ui->m_pagelist, SIGNAL (currentRowChanged (int)),
+		this, SLOT (selectPage (int)));
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	delete ui;
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::selectPage (int row)
+	ui->m_pagelist->setCurrentRow (row);
+	ui->m_pages->setCurrentIndex (row);
+// =============================================================================
+// Adds a shortcut entry to the list of shortcuts.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::addShortcut (KeySequenceConfig& cfg, QAction* act, int& i)
+	ShortcutListItem* item = new ShortcutListItem;
+	item->setIcon (act->icon());
+	item->setKeyConfig (&cfg);
+	item->setAction (act);
+	setShortcutText (item);
+	// If the action doesn't have a valid icon, use an empty one
+	// so that the list is kept aligned.
+	if (act->icon().isNull())
+		item->setIcon (getIcon ("empty"));
+	ui->shortcutsList->insertItem (i++, item);
+// =============================================================================
+// Initializes the table of grid stuff
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::initGrids()
+	QGridLayout* gridlayout = new QGridLayout;
+	QLabel* xlabel = new QLabel ("X"),
+	*ylabel = new QLabel ("Y"),
+	*zlabel = new QLabel ("Z"),
+	*anglabel = new QLabel ("Angle");
+	int i = 1;
+	for (QLabel* label : initlist<QLabel*> ({xlabel, ylabel, zlabel, anglabel}))
+	{
+		label->setAlignment (Qt::AlignCenter);
+		gridlayout->addWidget (label, 0, i++);
+	}
+	for (int i = 0; i < g_NumGrids; ++i)
+	{
+		// Icon
+		lb_gridIcons[i] = new QLabel;
+		lb_gridIcons[i]->setPixmap (getIcon (fmt ("grid-%1", QString (g_GridInfo[i].name).toLower())));
+		// Text label
+		lb_gridLabels[i] = new QLabel (fmt ("%1:", g_GridInfo[i].name));
+		QHBoxLayout* labellayout = new QHBoxLayout;
+		labellayout->addWidget (lb_gridIcons[i]);
+		labellayout->addWidget (lb_gridLabels[i]);
+		gridlayout->addLayout (labellayout, i + 1, 0);
+		// Add the widgets
+		for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
+		{
+			dsb_gridData[i][j] = new QDoubleSpinBox;
+			// Set the maximum angle
+			if (j == 3)
+				dsb_gridData[i][j]->setMaximum (360);
+			dsb_gridData[i][j]->setValue (*g_GridInfo[i].confs[j]);
+			gridlayout->addWidget (dsb_gridData[i][j], i + 1, j + 1);
+		}
+	}
+	ui->grids->setLayout (gridlayout);
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static struct LDExtProgInfo
+	const QString		name,
+						iconname;
+	QString* const		path;
+	QLineEdit*		input;
+	QPushButton*	setPathButton;
+#ifndef _WIN32
+	bool* const		wine;
+	QCheckBox*		wineBox;
+#endif // _WIN32
+} g_LDExtProgInfo[] =
+#ifndef _WIN32
+# define EXTPROG(NAME, LOWNAME) { #NAME, #LOWNAME, &prog_##LOWNAME, null, null, &prog_##LOWNAME##_wine, null },
+# define EXTPROG(NAME, LOWNAME) { #NAME, #LOWNAME, &prog_##LOWNAME, null, null },
+	EXTPROG (Ytruder, ytruder)
+	EXTPROG (Rectifier, rectifier)
+	EXTPROG (Intersector, intersector)
+	EXTPROG (Isecalc, isecalc)
+	EXTPROG (Coverer, coverer)
+	EXTPROG (Edger2, edger2)
+#undef EXTPROG
+// =============================================================================
+// Initializes the stuff in the ext programs tab
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::initExtProgs()
+	QGridLayout* pathsLayout = new QGridLayout;
+	int row = 0;
+	for (LDExtProgInfo& info : g_LDExtProgInfo)
+	{
+		QLabel* icon = new QLabel,
+		*progLabel = new QLabel (;
+		QLineEdit* input = new QLineEdit;
+		QPushButton* setPathButton = new QPushButton;
+		icon->setPixmap (getIcon (info.iconname));
+		input->setText (*info.path);
+		setPathButton->setIcon (getIcon ("folder"));
+		info.input = input;
+		info.setPathButton = setPathButton;
+		connect (setPathButton, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (slot_setExtProgPath()));
+		pathsLayout->addWidget (icon, row, 0);
+		pathsLayout->addWidget (progLabel, row, 1);
+		pathsLayout->addWidget (input, row, 2);
+		pathsLayout->addWidget (setPathButton, row, 3);
+#ifndef _WIN32
+		QCheckBox* wineBox = new QCheckBox ("Wine");
+		wineBox->setChecked (*;
+		info.wineBox = wineBox;
+		pathsLayout->addWidget (wineBox, row, 4);
+		++row;
+	}
+	ui->extProgs->setLayout (pathsLayout);
+// =============================================================================
+// Set the settings based on widget data.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::applySettings()
+	// Apply configuration
+	lv_colorize = ui->colorizeObjects->isChecked();
+	gl_colorbfc = ui->colorBFC->isChecked();
+	gl_blackedges = ui->blackEdges->isChecked();
+	gl_maincolor_alpha = ( (double) ui->mainColorAlpha->value()) / 10.0f;
+	gl_linethickness = ui->lineThickness->value();
+	gui_implicitfiles = ui->implicitFiles->isChecked();
+	net_downloadpath = ui->downloadPath->text();
+	net_guesspaths = ui->guessNetPaths->isChecked();
+	net_autoclose = ui->autoCloseNetPrompt->isChecked();
+	gl_logostuds = ui->m_logostuds->isChecked();
+	gl_linelengths = ui->linelengths->isChecked();
+	ld_defaultuser = ui->m_profileUsername->text();
+	ld_defaultname = ui->m_profileName->text();
+	ld_defaultlicense = ui->m_profileLicense->currentIndex();
+	gl_aa = ui->m_aa->isChecked();
+	// Rebuild the quick color toolbar
+	g_win->setQuickColors (quickColors);
+	gui_colortoolbar = quickColorString();
+	// Set the grid settings
+	for (int i = 0; i < g_NumGrids; ++i)
+		for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
+			*g_GridInfo[i].confs[j] = dsb_gridData[i][j]->value();
+	// Apply key shortcuts
+	g_win->updateActionShortcuts();
+	// Ext program settings
+	for (const LDExtProgInfo& info : g_LDExtProgInfo)
+	{
+		*info.path = info.input->text();
+#ifndef _WIN32
+		* = info.wineBox->isChecked();
+#endif // _WIN32
+	}
+	Config::save();
+	reloadAllSubfiles();
+	loadLogoedStuds();
+	g_win->R()->setBackground();
+	g_win->doFullRefresh();
+	g_win->updateToolBars();
+	g_win->updateDocumentList();
+// =============================================================================
+// A dialog button was clicked
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::buttonClicked (QAbstractButton* button)
+	typedef QDialogButtonBox QDDB;
+	QDialogButtonBox* dbb = ui->buttonBox;
+	if (button == dbb->button (QDDB::Ok))
+	{
+		applySettings();
+		accept();
+	} elif (button == dbb->button (QDDB::Apply))
+	{
+		applySettings();
+	} elif (button == dbb->button (QDDB::Cancel))
+	{
+		reject();
+	}
+// =============================================================================
+// Update the list of color toolbar items in the quick color tab.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::updateQuickColorList (LDQuickColor* sel)
+	for (QListWidgetItem * item : quickColorItems)
+		delete item;
+	quickColorItems.clear();
+	// Init table items
+	for (LDQuickColor& entry : quickColors)
+	{
+		QListWidgetItem* item = new QListWidgetItem;
+		if (entry.isSeparator())
+		{
+			item->setText ("--------");
+			item->setIcon (getIcon ("empty"));
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			LDColor* col = entry.getColor();
+			if (col == null)
+			{
+				item->setText ("[[unknown color]]");
+				item->setIcon (getIcon ("error"));
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				item->setText (col->name);
+				item->setIcon (makeColorIcon (col, 16));
+			}
+		}
+		ui->quickColorList->addItem (item);
+		quickColorItems << item;
+		if (sel && &entry == sel)
+		{
+			ui->quickColorList->setCurrentItem (item);
+			ui->quickColorList->scrollToItem (item);
+		}
+	}
+// =============================================================================
+// Quick colors: add or edit button was clicked.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::slot_setColor()
+	LDQuickColor* entry = null;
+	QListWidgetItem* item = null;
+	const bool isNew = static_cast<QPushButton*> (sender()) == ui->quickColor_add;
+	if (isNew == false)
+	{
+		item = getSelectedQuickColor();
+		if (!item)
+			return;
+		int i = getItemRow (item, quickColorItems);
+		entry = &quickColors[i];
+		if (entry->isSeparator() == true)
+			return; // don't color separators
+	}
+	int defval = entry ? entry->getColor()->index : -1;
+	int val;
+	if (ColorSelector::selectColor (val, defval, this) == false)
+		return;
+	if (entry)
+		entry->setColor (getColor (val));
+	else
+	{
+		LDQuickColor entry (getColor (val), null);
+		item = getSelectedQuickColor();
+		int idx = (item) ? getItemRow (item, quickColorItems) + 1 : quickColorItems.size();
+		quickColors.insert (idx, entry);
+		entry = quickColors[idx];
+	}
+	updateQuickColorList (entry);
+// =============================================================================
+// Remove a quick color
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::slot_delColor()
+	if (ui->quickColorList->selectedItems().isEmpty())
+		return;
+	QListWidgetItem* item = ui->quickColorList->selectedItems() [0];
+	quickColors.removeAt (getItemRow (item, quickColorItems));
+	updateQuickColorList();
+// =============================================================================
+// Move a quick color up/down
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::slot_moveColor()
+	const bool up = (static_cast<QPushButton*> (sender()) == ui->quickColor_moveUp);
+	if (ui->quickColorList->selectedItems().isEmpty())
+		return;
+	QListWidgetItem* item = ui->quickColorList->selectedItems() [0];
+	int idx = getItemRow (item, quickColorItems);
+	int dest = up ? (idx - 1) : (idx + 1);
+	if (dest < 0 || dest >= quickColorItems.size())
+		return; // destination out of bounds
+	LDQuickColor tmp = quickColors[dest];
+	quickColors[dest] = quickColors[idx];
+	quickColors[idx] = tmp;
+	updateQuickColorList (&quickColors[dest]);
+// =============================================================================
+// Add a separator to quick colors
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::slot_addColorSeparator()
+	quickColors << LDQuickColor::getSeparator();
+	updateQuickColorList (&quickColors[quickColors.size() - 1]);
+// =============================================================================
+// Clear all quick colors
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::slot_clearColors()
+	quickColors.clear();
+	updateQuickColorList();
+// =============================================================================
+// Pick a color and set the appropriate configuration option.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::pickColor (QString& conf, QPushButton* button)
+	QColor col = QColorDialog::getColor (QColor (conf));
+	if (col.isValid())
+	{
+		int r =,
+			g =,
+			b =;
+		QString colname;
+		colname.sprintf ("#%.2X%.2X%.2X", r, g, b);
+		conf = colname;
+		setButtonBackground (button, colname);
+	}
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::slot_setGLBackground()
+	pickColor (gl_bgcolor, ui->backgroundColorButton);
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::slot_setGLForeground()
+	pickColor (gl_maincolor, ui->mainColorButton);
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::slot_setGLSelectColor()
+	pickColor (gl_selectcolor, ui->selColorButton);
+// =============================================================================
+// Sets background color of a given button.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::setButtonBackground (QPushButton* button, QString value)
+	button->setIcon (getIcon ("colorselect"));
+	button->setAutoFillBackground (true);
+	button->setStyleSheet (fmt ("background-color: %1", value));
+// =============================================================================
+// Finds the given list widget item in the list of widget items given.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int ConfigDialog::getItemRow (QListWidgetItem* item, QList<QListWidgetItem*>& haystack)
+	int i = 0;
+	for (QListWidgetItem* it : haystack)
+	{
+		if (it == item)
+			return i;
+		++i;
+	}
+	return -1;
+// =============================================================================
+// Which quick color is currently selected?
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+QListWidgetItem* ConfigDialog::getSelectedQuickColor()
+	if (ui->quickColorList->selectedItems().isEmpty())
+		return null;
+	return ui->quickColorList->selectedItems() [0];
+// =============================================================================
+// Get the list of shortcuts selected
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+QList<ShortcutListItem*> ConfigDialog::getShortcutSelection()
+	QList<ShortcutListItem*> out;
+	for (QListWidgetItem* entry : ui->shortcutsList->selectedItems())
+		out << static_cast<ShortcutListItem*> (entry);
+	return out;
+// =============================================================================
+// Edit the shortcut of a given action.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::slot_setShortcut()
+	QList<ShortcutListItem*> sel = getShortcutSelection();
+	if (sel.size() < 1)
+		return;
+	ShortcutListItem* item = sel[0];
+	if (KeySequenceDialog::staticDialog (item->getKeyConfig(), this))
+		setShortcutText (item);
+// =============================================================================
+// Reset a shortcut to defaults
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::slot_resetShortcut()
+	QList<ShortcutListItem*> sel = getShortcutSelection();
+	for (ShortcutListItem* item : sel)
+	{
+		item->getKeyConfig()->reset();
+		setShortcutText (item);
+	}
+// =============================================================================
+// Remove the shortcut of an action.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::slot_clearShortcut()
+	QList<ShortcutListItem*> sel = getShortcutSelection();
+	for (ShortcutListItem* item : sel)
+	{
+		item->getKeyConfig()->setValue (QKeySequence());
+		setShortcutText (item);
+	}
+// =============================================================================
+// Set the path of an external program
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::slot_setExtProgPath()
+	const LDExtProgInfo* info = null;
+	for (const LDExtProgInfo& it : g_LDExtProgInfo)
+	{
+		if (it.setPathButton == sender())
+		{
+			info = &it;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	assert (info != null);
+	QString fpath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName (this, fmt ("Path to %1", info->name), *info->path, g_extProgPathFilter);
+	if (fpath.isEmpty())
+		return;
+	info->input->setText (fpath);
+// =============================================================================
+// '...' button pressed for the download path
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::slot_findDownloadFolder()
+	QString dpath = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory();
+	ui->downloadPath->setText (dpath);
+// =============================================================================
+// Updates the text string for a given shortcut list item
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ConfigDialog::setShortcutText (ShortcutListItem* item)
+	QAction* act = item->getAction();
+	QString label = act->iconText();
+	QString keybind = item->getKeyConfig()->getValue().toString();
+	item->setText (fmt ("%1 (%2)", label, keybind));
+// =============================================================================
+// Gets the configuration string of the quick color toolbar
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+QString ConfigDialog::quickColorString()
+	QString val;
+	for (const LDQuickColor& entry : quickColors)
+	{
+		if (val.length() > 0)
+			val += ':';
+		if (entry.isSeparator())
+			val += '|';
+		else
+			val += fmt ("%1", entry.getColor()->index);
+	}
+	return val;
+// ===============================================================================================
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+// ===============================================================================================
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+// ===============================================================================================
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+// ===============================================================================================
+KeySequenceDialog::KeySequenceDialog (QKeySequence seq, QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) :
+	QDialog (parent, f), seq (seq)
+	lb_output = new QLabel;
+	setWhatsThis (tr ("Into this dialog you can input a key sequence for use as a "
+		"shortcut in LDForge. Use OK to confirm the new shortcut and Cancel to "
+		"dismiss."));
+	QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout;
+	layout->addWidget (lb_output);
+	layout->addWidget (bbx_buttons);
+	setLayout (layout);
+	updateOutput();
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool KeySequenceDialog::staticDialog (KeySequenceConfig* cfg, QWidget* parent)
+	KeySequenceDialog dlg (cfg->getValue(), parent);
+	if (dlg.exec() == false)
+		return false;
+	cfg->setValue (dlg.seq);
+	return true;
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void KeySequenceDialog::updateOutput()
+	QString shortcut = seq.toString();
+	if (seq == QKeySequence())
+		shortcut = "&lt;empty&gt;";
+	QString text = fmt ("<center><b>%1</b></center>", shortcut);
+	lb_output->setText (text);
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void KeySequenceDialog::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent* ev)
+	seq = ev->key() + ev->modifiers();
+	updateOutput();
