
changeset 16
parent 13
child 17
--- a/testsuite.py	Mon Jan 22 01:01:10 2018 +0200
+++ b/testsuite.py	Mon Jan 22 13:51:13 2018 +0200
@@ -1,13 +1,72 @@
-def warning(object, *message):
+from warnings import warn
+def report_element(bad_object, type, error_name, args):
     return {
-        'type': 'warning',
-        'object': object,
-        'message': str.format(*message),
+        'type': type,
+        'object': bad_object,
+        'name': error_name,
+        'args': args,
-def error(object, *message):
-    return {
-        'type': 'error',
-        'object': object,
-        'message': str.format(*message),
-    }
+def warning(bad_object, error_name, *args):
+    return report_element(bad_object, 'warning', error_name, args)
+def error(bad_object, error_name, *args):
+    return report_element(bad_object, 'error', error_name, args)
+def test_discovery():
+    '''
+        Finds all test modules and yields their names.
+    '''
+    from pkgutil import walk_packages
+    import tests
+    yield from sorted(
+        'tests.' + result.name
+        for result in walk_packages(tests.__path__)
+    )
+def do_manifest_integrity_checks(test_suite, module):
+    '''
+        Runs integrity checks on a given module's manifest.
+    '''
+    def check_for_extra_keys():
+        extra_keys = module.manifest.keys() - test_suite.keys()
+        if extra_keys:
+            warn(str.format(
+                '{}: extra keys in manifest: {}',
+                module.__name__,
+                ', '.join(map(str, extra_keys))
+            ))
+    def check_for_manifest_duplicates():
+        for key in test_suite.keys():
+            duplicates = module.manifest[key].keys() & test_suite[key].keys()
+            if duplicates:
+                warn(str.format(
+                    '{}: redefined {} in manifests: {}',
+                    module.__name__,
+                    key,
+                    duplicates,
+                ))
+    check_for_extra_keys()
+    check_for_manifest_duplicates()
+def load_tests():
+    '''
+        Imports test modules and combines their manifests into a test suite.
+    '''
+    test_suite = {'tests': {}, 'messages': {}}
+    for module_name in test_discovery():
+        from importlib import import_module
+        module = import_module(module_name)
+        if hasattr(module, 'manifest'):
+            do_manifest_integrity_checks(test_suite, module)
+            # Merge the data from the manifest
+            for key in module.manifest.keys() & test_suite.keys():
+                test_suite[key].update(module.manifest[key])
+        else:
+            warn(str.format('Module {} does not have a manifest', module_name))
+    return test_suite
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from pprint import pprint
+    pprint(load_tests())
