- stuff!


Teemu Piippo <crimsondusk64@gmail.com>
Wed, 31 Dec 2014 10:27:57 -0500 (2014-12-31)
changeset 112
parent 111
child 113

- stuff!

hgpoll.py file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
irc.py file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
mod_hgpoll.py file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
rest.py file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/hgpoll.py	Mon Dec 08 23:27:43 2014 +0200
+++ b/hgpoll.py	Wed Dec 31 10:27:57 2014 -0500
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 		color = 7
 	elif repo_name == 'zandronum-sandbox-stable':
 		color = 3
+	elif repo_name == 'zfc9000':
+		color = 6
 		color = 0
 	return color
@@ -44,8 +46,7 @@
 		words = line.split (' ')
 		timestamp = int (words[1])
-		f.write ('%s %s\n' % (words[0], datetime.utcfromtimestamp (timestamp).strftime
+		f.write ('%s %s\n' % (words[0], datetime.utcfromtimestamp (timestamp).strftime ('%y%m%d-%H%M')))
 	g_needCommitsTxtRebuild = False
@@ -203,6 +204,7 @@
 	check_repo_exists ('zandronum-sandbox', 'crimsondusk')
 	check_repo_exists ('zandronum-sandbox-stable', 'crimsondusk')
 	check_repo_exists ('zandronum-everything', '')
+	check_repo_exists ('zfc9000', 'crimsondusk')
 	global repocheck_timeout
 	repocheck_timeout = (time.time()) + 15
@@ -241,7 +243,7 @@
 	if time.time() < repocheck_timeout:
-	for n in ['zandronum-stable', 'zandronum', 'zandronum-sandbox', 'zandronum-sandbox-stable']:
+	for n in ['zandronum-stable', 'zandronum', 'zandronum-sandbox', 'zandronum-sandbox-stable', 'zfc9000']:
 		poll_one_repo (n)
 	hgns = Config.get_node ('hg')
@@ -255,7 +257,7 @@
 	usesandbox = repo_name == 'zandronum-sandbox' or repo_name == 'zandronum-sandbox-stable'
-	repo_owner = 'Torr_Samaho' if not usesandbox else 'crimsondusk'
+	repo_owner = 'Torr_Samaho' if (not usesandbox and repo_name != 'zfc9000') else 'crimsondusk'
 	zanrepo = hgapi.Repo (repo_name)
 	commit_data = []
 	delimeter = '@@@@@@@@@@'
@@ -299,7 +301,7 @@
 	usestable = repo_name == 'zandronum-stable'
 	usesandbox = repo_name == 'zandronum-sandbox' or repo_name == 'zandronum-sandbox-stable'
-	repo_owner = 'Torr_Samaho' if not usesandbox else 'crimsondusk'
+	repo_owner = 'Torr_Samaho' if (not usesandbox and repo_name != 'zfc9000') else 'crimsondusk'
 	repo_url = 'https://bitbucket.org/%s/%s' % (repo_owner, repo_name)
 	num_commits = 0
 	zanrepo = hgapi.Repo (repo_name)
@@ -324,23 +326,24 @@
 		zanrepo.hg_command ('pull', *pull_args)
-		# Also pull these commits to the zandronum main repository
-		if usestable:
-			devrepo = hgapi.Repo ('zandronum')
-			devrepo.hg_command ('pull', '../zandronum-stable', *pull_args)
-		# Pull everything into sandboxes too
-		if not usesandbox:
-			devrepo = hgapi.Repo ('zandronum-sandbox')
+		if repo_name[0:9] == 'zandronum':
+			# Also pull these commits to the zandronum main repository
+			if usestable:
+				devrepo = hgapi.Repo ('zandronum')
+				devrepo.hg_command ('pull', '../zandronum-stable', *pull_args)
+			# Pull everything into sandboxes too
+			if not usesandbox:
+				devrepo = hgapi.Repo ('zandronum-sandbox')
+				devrepo.hg_command ('pull', '../%s' % repo_name, *pull_args)
+				devrepo = hgapi.Repo ('zandronum-sandbox-stable')
+				devrepo.hg_command ('pull', '../%s' % repo_name, *pull_args)
+			devrepo = hgapi.Repo ('zandronum-everything')
 			devrepo.hg_command ('pull', '../%s' % repo_name, *pull_args)
-			devrepo = hgapi.Repo ('zandronum-sandbox-stable')
-			devrepo.hg_command ('pull', '../%s' % repo_name, *pull_args)
-		devrepo = hgapi.Repo ('zandronum-everything')
-		devrepo.hg_command ('pull', '../%s' % repo_name, *pull_args)
-		global g_needCommitsTxtRebuild
-		g_needCommitsTxtRebuild = True
+			global g_needCommitsTxtRebuild
+			g_needCommitsTxtRebuild = True
 	except Exception as e:
 		Irc.broadcast ('Warning: unable to pull: %s' % `e`)
@@ -370,7 +373,10 @@
 			for irc_client in Irc.all_clients:
 				for channel in irc_client.channels:
-					if not usesandbox or channel.get_value ('btprivate', False):
+					if not channel.get_value ('btannounce', False):
+						continue
+					if (not usesandbox and repo_name != 'zfc9000') or channel.get_value ('btprivate', False):
 						irc_client.privmsg (channel.get_value ('name'),
 							"\003%d%s\003: new commit\0035 %s%s\003 by\0032 %s\003: %s"
 							% (color_for_repo (repo_name), repo_name, commit_node, commit_bookmarks,
--- a/irc.py	Mon Dec 08 23:27:43 2014 +0200
+++ b/irc.py	Wed Dec 31 10:27:57 2014 -0500
@@ -150,11 +150,12 @@
 	#	Handle a PRIVMSG line from the IRC server
 	def handle_privmsg (self, line):
-		rex = re.compile (r'^:([^!]+)!([^@]+)@([^ ]+) PRIVMSG ([^ ]+) :(.+)$')
+		rex = re.compile (r'^:([^!]+)!([^@]+)@([^ ]+) PRIVMSG ([^ ]+) :(.*)$')
 		match = rex.match (line)
 		if not match:
 			broadcast ("Recieved bad PRIVMSG: %s" % line)
+			return
 		sender = match.group (1)
 		user = match.group (2)
--- a/mod_hgpoll.py	Mon Dec 08 23:27:43 2014 +0200
+++ b/mod_hgpoll.py	Wed Dec 31 10:27:57 2014 -0500
@@ -66,13 +66,15 @@
 	# The sandboxes contain all revisions in zandronum and zandronum-stable.
 	# Thus we only need to try find the revision in the sandbox repos.
-		data = repo.hg_command ("log", "-r", node, "--template",
+		data = repo.hg_command ("log", "-l1", "-r", node, "--template",
 			"{node|short}@@@@@@@" +
 			"{desc}@@@@@@@" +
 			"{author}@@@@@@@" +
 			"{diffstat}@@@@@@@" +
 			"{date|hgdate}@@@@@@@" +
-			"{bookmarks}")
+			"{bookmarks}@@@@@@@" +
+			"{latesttagdistance}@@@@@@@" +
+			"{latesttag}")
 	except hgapi.HgException:
 		bot.privmsg (replyto, 'couldn\'t find changeset %s' % (node))
@@ -85,6 +87,8 @@
 		diffstat = data[3]
 		date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp (int (data[4].split (' ')[0]))
 		bookmarks = data[5]
+		latesttagdistance = int( data[6] )
+		latesttag = data[7]
 		delta = datetime.utcnow() - date
 		datestring = ''
@@ -147,8 +151,14 @@
 			datestring = 'on %s' % (str (date))
-		bot.privmsg (replyto, 'changeset\0035 %s%s\003 (%s %s)\003: committed by\0032 %s\003 %s,\0032 %s' % \
-			(node, bookmarks, zanversion, date.strftime ('%y%m%d-%H%M'), author, datestring, diffstat))
+		versionstring = ""
+		if latesttagdistance != 0:
+			versionstring = '%s %s, %d hops from %s' % (zanversion, date.strftime ('%y%m%d-%H%M'), latesttagdistance, latesttag)
+		else:
+			versionstring = latesttag
+		bot.privmsg (replyto, 'changeset\0035 %s%s\003 (%s)\003: committed by\0032 %s\003 %s,\0032 %s' % \
+			(node, bookmarks, versionstring, author, datestring, diffstat))
 		for line in message.split ('\n'):
 			bot.privmsg (replyto, '    ' + line)
--- a/rest.py	Mon Dec 08 23:27:43 2014 +0200
+++ b/rest.py	Wed Dec 31 10:27:57 2014 -0500
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 g_throttle = []
 valid_repos = ['Torr_Samaho/zandronum', 'Torr_Samaho/zandronum-stable',
-	'crimsondusk/zandronum-sandbox', 'crimsondusk/zandronum-sandbox-stable']
+	'crimsondusk/zandronum-sandbox', 'crimsondusk/zandronum-sandbox-stable', 'crimsondusk/zfc9000']
 def is_throttled (address):
 	i = 0
