- added the .changeset (aka .cset or .rev) command to get revision info


Teemu Piippo <crimsondusk64@gmail.com>
Tue, 04 Nov 2014 15:59:20 +0200 (2014-11-04)
changeset 55
parent 54
child 56

- added the .changeset (aka .cset or .rev) command to get revision info

cobalt.py file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/cobalt.py	Sat Nov 01 15:29:45 2014 +0200
+++ b/cobalt.py	Tue Nov 04 15:59:20 2014 +0200
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 import os
 import suds
 import math
+from datetime import datetime
 	uid = os.geteuid()
@@ -282,6 +283,8 @@
+	return ''
 ' Retrieves and processes commits for zandronum repositories '
@@ -530,6 +533,9 @@
 	return num_commits > 0
+def plural (a):
+	return '' if a == 1 else 's'
 # Main IRC client class
@@ -1047,8 +1053,82 @@
 					self.privmsg (replyto, 'error: %s' % `e`)
+		elif command == 'changeset' or command == 'cset' or command == 'rev':
+			if len(args) != 1:
+				raise logical_exception ('usage: %s <changeset>' % command)
+			repo = None
+			data = ""
+			# The sandboxes contain all revisions in zandronum and zandronum-stable.
+			# Thus we only need to try find the revision in the sandbox repos.
+			for reponame in ['zandronum-sandbox', 'zandronum-sandbox-stable']:
+				try:
+					repo = hgapi.Repo (reponame)
+					repo.hg_command ("log", "-r", args[0], "--template", " ")
+					break
+				except hgapi.hgapi.HgException:
+					pass
+			#done
+			if repo == None:
+				self.privmsg (replyto, 'couldn\'t find changeset %s' % (args[0]))
+			else:
+				try:
+					data = repo.hg_command ("log", "-r", args[0], "--template",
+						"{node|short}@@@@@@@{desc}@@@@@@@{author}@@@@@@@{diffstat}@@@@@@@{date(date, '%s')}")
+					data = data.split ('@@@@@@@')
+					node = data[0]
+					message = data[1]
+					author = data[2]
+					diffstat = data[3]
+					date = datetime.fromtimestamp (int (data[4]))
+					delta = datetime.now() - date
+					datestring = ''
+					# Remove the email address from the author if possible
+					match = re.compile (r'^(.+) <([^>]+)>$.*').match (author)
+					if match:
+						author = match.group (1)
+						email = match.group (2)
+					username = find_developer_by_email (email)
+					if username != '':
+						author = username
+					if delta.days < 4:
+						if delta.days == 0:
+							if delta.seconds < 60:
+								datestring = 'just now'
+							elif delta.seconds < 3600:
+								minutes = delta.seconds / 60
+								datestring = '%d minute%s ago' % (minutes, plural (minutes))
+							else:
+								hours = delta.seconds / 3600
+								datestring = '%d hour%s ago' % (hours, plural (hours))
+						else:
+							datestring = '%d day%s ago' % (delta.days, plural (delta.days))
+					else:
+						datestring = 'on %s' % (str (date))
+					#fi
+					self.privmsg (replyto, 'changeset %s: committed by %s %s (%s)' % (node, author, datestring, diffstat))
+					for line in message.split ('\n'):
+						self.privmsg (replyto, '    ' + line)
+				except hgapi.hgapi.HgException as e:
+					result = decipher_hgapi_error (e)
+					if result[0]:
+						self.privmsg (replyto, 'error: %s' % result[1])
+					else:
+						self.privmsg (replyto, 'error: %s' % `e`)
+				#tried
+			#fi
 #		else:
-#			raiee logical_exception ("unknown command `.%s`" % command)
+#			raise logical_exception ("unknown command `.%s`" % command)
 	# Print a ticket announce to appropriate channels
