- added page system to prevent commands from printing too much output


Teemu Piippo <crimsondusk64@gmail.com>
Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:40:46 -0500 (2014-12-31)
changeset 113
parent 112
child 114

- added page system to prevent commands from printing too much output

mod_hgpoll.py file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
mod_util.py file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
modulecore.py file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/mod_hgpoll.py	Wed Dec 31 10:27:57 2014 -0500
+++ b/mod_hgpoll.py	Wed Dec 31 11:40:46 2014 -0500
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 import re
 import bt as Bt
 from configfile import Config
+from modulecore import command_error
 ModuleData = {
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@
 def cmd_checkhg (bot, **rest):
-def cmd_cset (bot, args, replyto, **rest):
+def cmd_cset (bot, args, reply, **rest):
 	repo = Repo ('zandronum-everything')
 	data = ""
 	node = args['key']
@@ -58,13 +59,12 @@
 				node = data[0]
-			bot.privmsg (replyto, 'couldn\'t find changset for date %s' % args['key'])
+			command_error ('couldn\'t find changeset for date %s' % args['key'])
 	except ValueError:
-	# The sandboxes contain all revisions in zandronum and zandronum-stable.
-	# Thus we only need to try find the revision in the sandbox repos.
+	# zandronum-everything contains all zandronum changesets, so look for changesets in that.
 		data = repo.hg_command ("log", "-l1", "-r", node, "--template",
 			"{node|short}@@@@@@@" +
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 			"{latesttagdistance}@@@@@@@" +
 	except hgapi.HgException:
-		bot.privmsg (replyto, 'couldn\'t find changeset %s' % (node))
+		command_error ('couldn\'t find changeset %s' % (node))
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 		diffstat = data[3]
 		date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp (int (data[4].split (' ')[0]))
 		bookmarks = data[5]
-		latesttagdistance = int( data[6] )
+		latesttagdistance = int (data[6])
 		latesttag = data[7]
 		delta = datetime.utcnow() - date
 		datestring = ''
@@ -157,34 +157,34 @@
 			versionstring = latesttag
-		bot.privmsg (replyto, 'changeset\0035 %s%s\003 (%s)\003: committed by\0032 %s\003 %s,\0032 %s' % \
+		reply ('changeset\0035 %s%s\003 (%s)\003: committed by\0032 %s\003 %s,\0032 %s' % \
 			(node, bookmarks, versionstring, author, datestring, diffstat))
 		for line in message.split ('\n'):
-			bot.privmsg (replyto, '    ' + line)
+			reply ('    ' + line)
 	except hgapi.HgException as e:
 		result = HgPoll.decipher_hgapi_error (e)
 		if result[0]:
-			bot.privmsg (replyto, 'error: %s' % result[1])
+			command_error (result[1])
-			bot.privmsg (replyto, 'error: %s' % `e`)
+			command_error (`e`)
 def cmd_hg (bot, args, **rest):
 		repo = hgapi.Repo (args['repo'])
 		result = repo.hg_command (*args['command'])
-		self.privmsg (replyto, result)
+		reply (replyto, result)
 	except hgapi.hgapi.HgException as e:
 		result = HgPoll.decipher_hgapi_error (e)
 		if result[0]:
-			self.privmsg (replyto, 'error: %s' % result[1])
+			command_error (result[1])
-			self.privmsg (replyto, 'error: %s' % `e`)
+			command_error (`e`)
 def cmd_resolves (bot, args, replyto, **rest):
 		HgPoll.announce_ticket_resolved (args['ticket'], args['changeset'])
 	except Exception as e:
-		bot.privmsg (replyto, 'Error: %s' % e)
+		command_error (str (e))
--- a/mod_util.py	Wed Dec 31 10:27:57 2014 -0500
+++ b/mod_util.py	Wed Dec 31 11:40:46 2014 -0500
@@ -43,11 +43,22 @@
 			'args': '<expression...>',
 			'level': 'normal',
+		{
+			'name': 'more',
+			'description': 'Prints subsequent command result pages',
+			'args': None,
+			'level': 'normal',
+		},
-def cmd_convert (bot, args, replyto, **rest):
-	value = float (args['value'])
+def cmd_convert (bot, args, reply, **rest):
+	try:
+		value = float (args['value'])
+	except Exception as e:
+		command_error (str (e))
 	valuetype = args['valuetype']
 	if valuetype in ['radians', 'degrees']:
@@ -58,8 +69,7 @@
 			radvalue = (value * math.pi) / 180.
 			degvalue = value
-		bot.privmsg (replyto, '%s radians, %s degrees (%s)' %
-			(radvalue, degvalue, degvalue % 360.))
+		reply ('%s radians, %s degrees (%s)' % (radvalue, degvalue, degvalue % 360.))
 	if valuetype in ['celsius', 'fahrenheit']:
@@ -70,13 +80,13 @@
 			celvalue = (value - 32) / 1.8
 			fahrvalue = value
-		bot.privmsg (replyto, '%s degrees celsius, %s degrees fahrenheit' % (celvalue, fahrvalue))
+		reply ('%s degrees celsius, %s degrees fahrenheit' % (celvalue, fahrvalue))
 	command_error ('unknown valuetype %s, expected one of: degrees, radians (angle conversion), ' +
 		'celsius, fahrenheit (temperature conversion)' % valuetype)
-def cmd_ud (bot, args, replyto, **rest):
+def cmd_ud (bot, args, reply, **rest):
 		url = 'http://api.urbandictionary.com/v0/define?term=%s' % (args['term'].replace (' ', '%20'))
 		response = urllib2.urlopen (url).read()
@@ -92,11 +102,11 @@
 		definition = data['list'][0]['definition'].replace ('\r', ' ').replace ('\n', ' ').replace ('  ', ' ')
 		up = data['list'][0]['thumbs_up']
 		down = data['list'][0]['thumbs_down']
-		bot.privmsg (replyto, "\002%s\002: %s\0033 %d\003 up,\0035 %d\003 down" % (word, definition, up, down))
+		reply ("\002%s\002: %s\0033 %d\003 up,\0035 %d\003 down" % (word, definition, up, down))
 	except Exception as e:
 		command_error ('Urban dictionary lookup failed: %s' % e)
-def cmd_commands (bot, replyto, ident, host, **rest):
+def cmd_commands (bot, reply, ident, host, **rest):
 	commandlist = ModuleCore.get_available_commands (ident, host)
@@ -105,9 +115,9 @@
 		commandlist = commandlist[15:]
 	for part in partitioned:
-		bot.privmsg (replyto, '\002Available commands\002: %s' % (", ".join (part)))
+		reply ('\002Available commands\002: %s' % (", ".join (part)))
-def cmd_help (bot, replyto, ident, host, args, **rest):
+def cmd_help (bot, reply, ident, host, args, **rest):
 	cmd = ModuleCore.get_command_by_name (args['command'])
 	if not cmd:
@@ -116,7 +126,7 @@
 	if not ModuleCore.is_available (cmd, ident, host):
 		command_error ('you may not use %s' % cmd['name'])
-	bot.privmsg (replyto, '%s %s: %s' % (cmd['name'], cmd['args'], cmd['description']))
+	reply ('%s %s: %s' % (cmd['name'], cmd['args'], cmd['description']))
 def mathsubstitute (expr, token, value):
 	rex = re.compile (r'^(.*)\b' + token + r'\b(.*)$')
@@ -128,7 +138,7 @@
 	return expr
-def cmd_calc (bot, replyto, args, **rest):
+def cmd_calc (bot, reply, args, **rest):
 	expr = args['expression']
@@ -147,8 +157,11 @@
 			command_error ('math error')
-		bot.privmsg (replyto, 'Result: %s' % result)
+		reply ('Result: %s' % result)
 	except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
 		command_error (e.output.split('\n')[0])
 	except OSError as e:
 		command_error ('failed to execute calc: ' + e.strerror)
+def cmd_more (bot, replyto, **rest):
+	ModuleCore.print_responses (bot, replyto)
--- a/modulecore.py	Wed Dec 31 10:27:57 2014 -0500
+++ b/modulecore.py	Wed Dec 31 11:40:46 2014 -0500
@@ -49,14 +49,10 @@
 				cmd['argnames'].append (argname)
-			#done
-		#done
 		print "Loaded module %s" % fn
-	#done
 	print 'Loaded %d commands in %d modules' % (len (Commands), len (Modules))
 # command_error (message)
@@ -79,11 +75,50 @@
 	return True
+# response_function
+g_responsePages = [[]]
+g_responsePageNum = 0
+def response_function (message):
+	global g_responsePages
+	if len (g_responsePages[-1]) > 4:
+		g_responsePages.append ([message])
+	else:
+		g_responsePages[-1].append (message)
+def print_responses (bot, replyto):
+	global g_responsePages
+	global g_responsePageNum
+	# Check bounds
+	if g_responsePageNum >= len (g_responsePages):
+		bot.privmsg (replyto, "No more messages.")
+		return
+	# Print this page
+	for line in g_responsePages[g_responsePageNum]:
+		bot.privmsg (replyto, line)
+	# Advance page cursor
+	g_responsePageNum += 1
+	# If this was not the last page, tell the user there's more
+	if g_responsePageNum != len (g_responsePages):
+		num = (len (g_responsePages) - g_responsePageNum)
+		bot.privmsg (replyto, "%d more page%s, use .more to continue output" \
+			% (num, 's' if num != 1 else ''))
 # call_command (bot, message, cmdname, **kvargs)
 # Calls a cobalt command
 def call_command (bot, message, cmdname, **kvargs):
+	global g_responsePages
+	global g_responsePageNum
 		cmd = Commands[cmdname]
 	except KeyError:
@@ -98,7 +133,13 @@
 		# didn't match
 		print "regex: %s" % cmd['regex']
 		command_error ('invalid arguments\nusage: %s %s' % (cmd['name'], cmd['args']))
+	# .more is special as it is an interface to the page system.
+	# Anything else resets it.
+	if cmdname != 'more':
+		g_responsePages = [[]]
+		g_responsePageNum = 0
 	i = 1
 	args = {}
@@ -106,7 +147,12 @@
 		args[argname] = match.group (i)
 		i += 1
-	getattr (cmd['module'], "cmd_%s" % cmdname) (bot=bot, cmdname=cmdname, args=args, **kvargs)
+	getattr (cmd['module'], "cmd_%s" % cmdname) (bot=bot, cmdname=cmdname, args=args, reply=response_function, **kvargs)
+	# Print the first page of responses.
+	if cmdname != 'more':
+		print_responses (bot, kvargs['replyto'])
 	return True
