Sat, 08 Aug 2015 14:17:06 +0300
Added .py
''' Copyright 2015 Teemu Piippo All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ''' from __future__ import print_function import re import cmath import math import random import time import operator import string from copy import deepcopy epsilon = 1e-10 # class Enum (set): def __init__ (self, *args): super (Enum, self).__init__ (args) def __getattr__ (self, name): if name in self: return name raise AttributeError def __setattr__ (self, name, value): raise AttributeError class Operator (object): def __init__ (self, name, symbol, operands, priority, function): = name self.symbol = symbol self.operands = operands self.priority = priority self.function = function def __str__ (self): return '''<operator %s>''' % def __repr__ (self): return self.__str__() class FunctionCall (object): def __init__ (self, funcname, args): assert (type(args) is list) self.funcname = funcname self.args = args def __str__ (self): return '''<function %s (%s)>''' % (self.funcname, self.args) def __repr__ (self): return self.__str__() class Value (object): def __init__ (self, value): self.value = value def __str__ (self): return '''<value %s>''' % (self.value) def __repr__ (self): return self.__str__() def do_realf (func, *args): for x in args: if x.imag: raise ValueError ('%s called with a complex number' % func.__name__) return func (*[x.real for x in args]) def do_intf (func, *args): for x in args: if x.imag: raise ValueError ('%s called with a complex number' % func.__name__) if x.real - math.floor (x.real): raise ValueError ('%s called with a floating point number' % func.__name__) return func (*[int (x.real) for x in args]) def realf (func): return lambda *args: do_realf (func, *args) def intf (func): return lambda *args: do_intf (func, *args) def dice (numRolls, maxValue): sumValue = 0 for i in range (0, numRolls): sumValue += int (random.random() * maxValue) + 1 return sumValue def scientific (mantissa, exp): return mantissa * 10 ** exp Operators = [] OperatorData = { 'sci': { 'symbol': 'e', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 1, 'function': intf (scientific) }, 'dice': { 'symbol': 'd', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 2, 'function': intf (dice) }, 'not': { 'symbol': '!', 'operands': 1, 'priority': 5, 'function': lambda x: not x }, 'compl': { 'symbol': '~', 'operands': 1, 'priority': 5, 'function': intf (operator.inv) }, 'neg': { 'symbol': '-', 'operands': 1, 'priority': 5, 'function': lambda x: -x }, 'pow': { 'symbol': '**', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 10, 'function': lambda x, y: x ** y }, 'mul': { 'symbol': '*', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 50, 'function': lambda x, y: x * y }, 'div': { 'symbol': '/', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 50, 'function': lambda x, y: x / y }, 'mod': { 'symbol': '%', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 50, 'function': realf (math.fmod) }, 'add': { 'symbol': '+', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 100, 'function': lambda x, y: x + y }, 'sub': { 'symbol': '-', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 100, 'function': lambda x, y: x - y }, 'eq': { 'symbol': '==', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 500, 'function': lambda x, y: x == y }, 'neq': { 'symbol': '!=', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 500, 'function': lambda x, y: x != y }, 'lt': { 'symbol': '<', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 500, 'function': lambda x, y: x < y }, 'lteq': { 'symbol': '<=', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 500, 'function': lambda x, y: x <= y }, 'gt': { 'symbol': '>', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 500, 'function': lambda x, y: x > y }, 'gteq': { 'symbol': '>=', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 500, 'function': lambda x, y: x >= y }, 'btand': { 'symbol': '&', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 600, 'function': intf (operator.and_) }, 'btxor': { 'symbol': '^', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 601, 'function': intf (operator.xor) }, 'btor': { 'symbol': '|', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 602, 'function': intf (operator.or_) }, 'and': { 'symbol': '&&', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 603, 'function': lambda x, y: x and y }, 'or': { 'symbol': '||', 'operands': 2, 'priority': 604, 'function': lambda x, y: x or y }, } for name, data in OperatorData.items(): Operators.append (Operator (name=name, symbol=data['symbol'], operands=data['operands'], priority=data['priority'], function=data['function'])) OperatorSymbols={} for op in Operators: if op.symbol in OperatorSymbols: OperatorSymbols[op.symbol].append (op) else: OperatorSymbols[op.symbol] = [op] def sgn (x): return cmp (x, 0) def integerclamp (x, bits, signed): x = x % (2 ** bits) if signed and x >= (2 ** (bits - 1)): x = -(2 ** bits) + x return x Constants = { 'pi': cmath.pi, 'e': cmath.e, 'phi': 1.6180339887498948482, 'epsilon': epsilon, 'potato': cmath.sqrt(8) / 3, } random.seed (time.time()) Functions = { 'round': { 'function': realf (round) }, 'floor': { 'function': realf (math.floor) }, 'ceil': { 'function': realf (math.ceil) }, 'fact': { 'function': intf (math.factorial) }, 'abs': { 'function': realf (math.fabs) }, 'degrees': { 'function': realf (math.degrees) }, 'radians': { 'function': realf (math.radians) }, 'erf': { 'function': realf (math.erf) }, 'erfc': { 'function': realf (math.erfc) }, 'gamma': { 'function': realf (math.gamma) }, 'lgamma': { 'function': realf (math.lgamma) }, 'sqrt': { 'function': cmath.sqrt }, 'ln': { 'function': cmath.log }, 'log': { 'function': cmath.log10 }, 'sin': { 'function': cmath.sin }, 'sinh': { 'function': cmath.sinh }, 'asin': { 'function': cmath.asin }, 'asinh': { 'function': cmath.asinh }, 'cos': { 'function': cmath.cos }, 'cosh': { 'function': cmath.cosh }, 'acos': { 'function': cmath.acos }, 'acosh': { 'function': cmath.acosh }, 'tan': { 'function': cmath.tan }, 'tanh': { 'function': cmath.tanh }, 'atan': { 'function': cmath.atan }, 'atanh': { 'function': cmath.atanh }, 'exp': { 'function': cmath.exp }, 'phase': { 'function': cmath.phase }, 'lg': { 'function': lambda x: cmath.log (x, 2) }, 're': { 'function': lambda x: x.real }, 'im': { 'function': lambda x: x.imag }, 'conjugate':{ 'function': lambda x: x.conjugate() }, 'rand': { 'function': random.random }, 'sgn': { 'function': realf (sgn) }, 'byte': { 'function': intf (lambda x: integerclamp (x, bits=8, signed=False)) }, 'sbyte': { 'function': intf (lambda x: integerclamp (x, bits=8, signed=True)) }, 'word': { 'function': intf (lambda x: integerclamp (x, bits=16, signed=False)) }, 'sword': { 'function': intf (lambda x: integerclamp (x, bits=16, signed=True)) }, 'dword': { 'function': intf (lambda x: integerclamp (x, bits=32, signed=False)) }, 'sdword': { 'function': intf (lambda x: integerclamp (x, bits=32, signed=True)) }, 'qword': { 'function': intf (lambda x: integerclamp (x, bits=64, signed=False)) }, 'sqword': { 'function': intf (lambda x: integerclamp (x, bits=64, signed=True)) }, } Tokens = ['(', ')'] # Symbol table SymbolType = Enum ('CONSTANT', 'FUNCTION', 'OPERATOR', 'TOKEN') SymbolTypes = {} Symbols = [] for name, value in Constants.items(): Symbols.append (name) SymbolTypes[name] = SymbolType.CONSTANT for name, data in Functions.items(): Symbols.append (name) SymbolTypes[name] = SymbolType.FUNCTION for op in Operators: if op.symbol not in Symbols: Symbols.append (op.symbol) SymbolTypes[op.symbol] = SymbolType.OPERATOR for name in Tokens: SymbolTypes[name] = SymbolType.TOKEN Symbols += Tokens Symbols = sorted (Symbols, key=lambda x: len (x), reverse=True) PreferredBase = 10 def set_preferred_base(x): global PreferredBase PreferredBase = x def rindex (li, value): return (len(li) - 1) - li[::-1].index(value) def realPrint (x): print (x) Attributes = { 'hex': lambda self: self.set_preferred_base (0x10), 'binary': lambda self: self.set_preferred_base (0b10), 'decimal': lambda self: self.set_preferred_base (10), } Attributes['bin'] = Attributes['binary'] Attributes['dec'] = Attributes['decimal'] AttributeNames = sorted ([key for key in Attributes], key=lambda x:len(x), reverse=True) def is_int (x): return math.fabs (x - math.floor(x)) < epsilon class Calculator (object): def __init__ (self): self.preferred_base = None def set_preferred_base (self, x): self.preferred_base = x def trim_spaces (self, expr): return re.sub ('\s+', '', expr.strip()) def parse_attributes (self, expr): if expr[0] != '<': return expr i = 1 while expr[i] != '>': if expr[i] == '|': i += 1 for name in AttributeNames: if expr[i:i + len(name)] == name: Attributes[name] (self) i += len(name) if expr[i] == '>': break if expr[i] != '|': raise ValueError ('malformed attributes') break else: raise ValueError ('bad attributes: %s' % expr[i:]) return expr[i + 1:] def parse_number (self, expr): """Tries to parse a number from the expression. Returns (value, length) on success.""" i = 0 value = None base = 10 # Possibly it's hexadecimal if expr[0:2].lower() == '0x': base = 0x10 digits = string.hexdigits digitname = 'hexit' i = 2 elif expr[0:2].lower() == '0b': base = 0b10 digits = ['0', '1'] digitname = 'bit' i = 2 if base != 10: if not self.preferred_base: self.preferred_base = base # Skip leading zeroes while i < len (expr) and expr[i] == '0': i += 1 startingIndex = i while i < len (expr) and expr[i] in digits: i += 1 if i < len(expr) and expr[i] == '.': raise ValueError ('non-decimal floating point numbers are not supported') if i == startingIndex: if i < len (expr): raise ValueError ('not a valid %s "%s" in %s' % (digitname, expr[i], expr[0:i+1])) else: raise ValueError ('end of expression encountered while parsing ' 'base-%d literal' % base) return (Value (int (expr[startingIndex:i], base)), i) if expr[0] == 'i': # Special case, we just have 'i' -- need special handling here because otherwise this would # call float('') in the complex number routine, which throws an error. # TODO: maybe 'i' can be a symbol instead? return (1j, 1) # Try parse increasingly long substrings until we are unable to create a float or complex number # from it. try: while i < len (expr): if expr[i] == 'i': value = Value (float (expr[:i]) * 1j) else: value = Value (float (expr [:i + 1])) i += 1 return (value, i) except ValueError: if i != 0: # Got a number (the error happened when we tried to parse past the number) return (value, i) else: # The error happened on the first character. So this is not a number. return None def parse_symbol (self, expr): for sym in Symbols: if expr[:len (sym)] == sym: return sym return None def tokenize (self, expr): i=0 tokens = [] while i < len(expr): sym = self.parse_symbol (expr[i:]) if sym: symtype = SymbolTypes[sym] if symtype == SymbolType.CONSTANT: tokens.append (Constants[sym]) else: tokens.append (sym) i += len(sym) continue result = self.parse_number (expr[i:]) if result: num, length = result tokens.append (num) i += length continue raise ValueError ("""bad expression, couldn't parse: %s""" % expr[i:]) return tokens def process_parens (self, expr): """Processes parentheses of expr into sublists in-place. [1.0, '*', '(', 3.5, '+', 1j, ')'] -> [1.0, '*', [3.5, '+', 1j]]""" if '(' not in expr and ')' not in expr: return try: parenStart = rindex (expr, '(') parenEnd = expr.index (')', parenStart) except ValueError: raise ValueError ("""mismatched parentheses in expression: %s""" % expr) subexpr = expr[parenStart + 1:parenEnd] del expr[parenStart + 1:parenEnd + 1] expr[parenStart] = subexpr self.process_parens (expr) def process_functions (self, expr): """Processes functions in-place""" i = 0 while i < len (expr): if type (expr[i]) is list: self.process_functions (expr[i]) if (type(expr[i]) is not str) or (expr[i] not in Functions): i += 1 continue # Ensure that arguments follow if (i + 1 >= len (expr)) or (type (expr[i + 1]) is not list): raise ValueError ("""function %s used without arguments""" % expr[i]) args = expr[i + 1] del expr[i + 1] expr[i] = FunctionCall (expr[i], args) i += 1 def is_operand (self, x): # Operands can be either lists (which also mean parens, thus can be single-expressions) # or complex numbers return type(x) in [complex, list, FunctionCall] def find_fitting_operator (self, sym, numOperands): # Pass 1: exact numOperands match for op in Operators: if op.symbol != sym: continue if op.operands == numOperands: return op # Pass 2: by symbol for op in Operators: if op.symbol == sym: return op raise ValueError ('''unknown operator %s!''' % sym) def process_operators (self, expr): """Processes operators""" i = 0 # Find all operators in this expression while i < len (expr): if type (expr[i]) is list: self.process_functions (expr[i]) self.process_operators (expr[i]) if type (expr[i]) is FunctionCall: self.process_functions (expr[i].args) self.process_operators (expr[i].args) if (type(expr[i]) is not str) or (expr[i] not in OperatorSymbols): i += 1 continue args = [] argIndices = [] if i > 0 and self.is_operand (expr[i - 1]): args.append (expr[i - 1]) argIndices.append (i - 1) if i - 1 < len(expr) and self.is_operand (expr[i + 1]): args.append (expr[i + 1]) argIndices.append (i + 1) # Resolve operators with the same symbol based on operand count numOperands = 0 for arg in args: if self.is_operand (arg): numOperands += 1 expr[i] = self.find_fitting_operator (expr[i], numOperands) i += 1 def find_priority_operator (self, expr): """Finds the operator with most priority in the expression""" bestOp = None bestOpIndex = -1 for i in range (0, len (expr)): sym = expr[i] if type (sym) is not Operator: continue if not bestOp or sym.priority < bestOp.priority: bestOp = sym bestOpIndex = i return (bestOp, bestOpIndex) def evaluate (self, expr, verbose=False): printFunc = realPrint if verbose else lambda x:None printFunc (self.tabs + 'Preprocess: %s' % expr) # If there are sub-expressions in here, those need to be evaluated first i = 0 while i < len (expr): sym = expr[i] if type (sym) is list and sym: printFunc (self.tabs + 'Evaluating sub-expression: %s' % (sym)) self.tabs += '\t' expr[i] = self.evaluate (list (sym), verbose) self.tabs = self.tabs[:-1] printFunc (self.tabs + '-> %s' % expr[i]) # If there are function calls, evaluate those if type (sym) is FunctionCall: self.tabs += '\t' if sym.args: sym.args = [self.evaluate (sym.args, verbose)] self.tabs = self.tabs[:-1] printFunc (self.tabs + 'Evaluating function call: %s' % (sym)) expr[i] = Value (Functions[sym.funcname]['function'] (*[x.value for x in sym.args])) printFunc (self.tabs + '-> %s' % expr[i]) i += 1 printFunc (self.tabs + 'Evaluate: %s' % expr) runaway = 0 while True: runaway += 1 if runaway > 1000: raise ValueError ('infinite loop detected') op, i = self.find_priority_operator (expr) if not op: break if op.operands == 2: argIndices = [i - 1, i + 1] else: argIndices = [i + 1] args = [expr[x] for x in argIndices] argIndices = sorted (argIndices, reverse=True) printFunc (self.tabs + 'Processing: (%s, %d) with args %s' % (op, i, args)) expr[i] = Value (op.function (*[x.value for x in args])) printFunc (self.tabs + '-> %s' % expr[i]) for i2 in argIndices: del expr[i2] printFunc (self.tabs + 'Result: %s' % expr[0]) if len(expr) != 1: printFunc (self.tabs + 'Bad expression detected, tokens: %s' % expr) raise ValueError ('malformed expression') return expr[0] def repr_number (self, x): """Returns a string representation for a real number""" base = self.preferred_base if self.preferred_base else 10 if is_int (x) and base != 10: digits='0123456789abcdef' assert base <= len (digits), '''base %d is too large''' % base divisor = base rep = '' x = int (x) runaway = 0 if not x: return '0x0' if x < 0: return '-' + self.repr_number (abs (x)) while x > 0: runaway += 1 if runaway > 1000: raise ValueError('runaway triggered') i = (x % divisor) / (divisor / base) x -= i * (divisor / base) rep += digits[i] divisor *= base rep += 'x' if base == 16 else 'b' rep += '0' return rep[::-1] rep = '%.10f' % x if '.' in rep: while rep[-1] == '0': rep = rep[:-1] if rep[-1] == '.': rep = rep[:-1] return rep def repr_imaginary (self, x): rep = self.repr_number (x) if rep == '1': return 'i' if rep == '-1': return '-i' return rep + 'i' def represent (self, x): """Returns a string representation of a float or complex number""" if math.fabs (x.imag) > epsilon: if math.fabs (x.real) > epsilon: # Complex number return '%s %s %s' % (self.repr_number (x.real), '+' if x.imag >= 0 else '-', self.repr_imaginary (math.fabs (x.imag))) else: # Pure imaginary number return self.repr_imaginary (x.imag) else: # Real number return self.repr_number (x.real) def calc (self, expr, verbose=False): self.state = {} self.tabs = '' expr = self.trim_spaces (expr) expr = self.parse_attributes (expr) expr = self.tokenize (expr) self.process_parens (expr) self.process_functions (expr) self.process_operators (expr) result = self.evaluate (expr, verbose).value return self.represent (result)